DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 766: European counterparts’ preparations for war

() If the derivative skill slot +1 is just the icing on the cake, then the other enhancements that follow are the core of this magical outfit.

Nameplate equipment grid +1!

This attribute is a magical skill that no master of Twilight can even dream of acquiring. With one more equipment slot, you can equip one more divine equipment in the future. In the situation where two masters are competing, there is no doubt that one side can enjoy the increase of one more magical equipment.

After these two enhancements, there are two additional special abilities added to the Storm Scepter.

The first ability looks a bit like the enhancement of skills by soul equipment. With the strengthening of the storm, the damage of the Assault Hurricane will be increased by 100 points, and units that are immune to magic can be blown into the sky!

The damage of Assault Hurricane is quite considerable, up to 350 points at full level. Now it has been strengthened by 100 points, and it is already one of the best damage skills in Dota. Lao Li's Centaur Chief only caused 400 points of damage to a single enemy. Moreover, being able to blow up enemies with magic immunity means that it has become an unprecedentedly powerful control skill. Whether it is used to kill the enemy first, or to counter-attack or counterattack in the face, it is n times stronger than before!

After rapid cooling and elemental judgment, Zhao Dingguo now has another skill that ignores magic immunity.

Moreover, compared to the soft control of Elemental Trial, Strike Hurricane is a super group control that lasts for 2.5 seconds and can reach a distance of more than 3,000. No matter how overestimating its role, it is impossible to overestimate it.

This last skill is called Ancestral Blessing.

Zhao Dingguo felt that this was the most powerful part of the Summoner's Storm Scepter.

In any state, activating this skill will provide a magic immunity effect that lasts for 5 seconds. This skill is equivalent to giving Zhao Dingguo an additional Black Emperor Staff that can be activated from behind. It can even be regarded as a brand new nameplate capability. Although the cooling time is much longer than that of the Black Emperor Staff. You can only put it back once every 12 hours. But compared to the longer nameplate ability, Ancestral Blessing is much better, and it can also be refreshed!

You know, although the cooling time of the Black Emperor Staff is short, it cannot be refreshed!

After being attacked first, Zhao Dingguo can directly activate Ancestral Blessing and switch skills to fight back. After a set of skills explodes, once the refresh ball is opened, there will be an additional 5 seconds of magic immunity. If this is not enough. Zhao Dingguo also has nameplate ability to rely on.

The previous nameplate ability only gave Zhao Dingguo a life-saving trump card at critical moments, so that he could not be killed instantly by one set. But it will still be awkward when encountering enemies with too many controls. But it's different now. There's a 5-second magic immunity that can be activated later. With Lincoln's Sphere, Zhao Dingguo no longer has to worry about being taken advantage of!

The value of such a scepter is truly immeasurable!

After carefully reading all the attributes, Zhao Dingguo firmly grasped this small crystal staff, which was dark blue in color, with the power of wind and thunder at the top, and was about one meter long. As if feeling the power of the same supplicant, the blue light on the storm staff suddenly lit up. Later, the elements of ice, thunder, fire, and earth on Zhao Dingguo's body were in turn attached to the scepter, making the scepter look radiant and brilliant, like a weapon of the gods in the sky.

Because it must be held in hand to get the 15% damage bonus. Zhao Dingguo is destined to become even more popular in the future...

After looking in the mirror, Zhao Dingguo looked at the silver heritage cloak on his back, then at the storm scepter in his hand, the looming glow of the inscribed armor and the four elemental logos. This was simply It's so cool that it's almost fatal!

It can no longer be described by the word sao bag.

When several teammates of the Lan Elf Team and the four giants of the Illuminati saw his new appearance, they were also blinded. Especially the newly added Bacchus. I jokingly told Zhao Dingguo that if he wore this outfit and rode a blue dragon Skasa to advertise for marriage, he would attract at least 10,000 super user girls!

Then the God of Dionysus received double looks from Shen Caiwei and Yan Yuelan...

In any case, Zhao Dingguo's strength has greatly increased. Climb to the top at rocket-like speed and rush into the twilight realm. The Big Four are still happy to see the results. Of course, since conditions were reached with the Huiyao Organization, the day after Zhao Dingguo broke into Twilight Se, the Huiyao Organization officially issued an announcement announcing the introduction of two Twilight Se masters again!

Among them, one is Zhao Dingguo.

This announcement caused an uproar and at the same time pushed Zhao Dingguo's reputation to a new peak. Many people who had been optimistic about Zhao Dingguo for a long time now had something to say, and they began to brag to their companions about their vision.

"As early as when Boss Dingguo was still in the early stages of Dusk, I knew he was destined to become a god!"

"Brother's vision of people is indeed so accurate!"


While there was a lot of noise and disturbance from the outside world, Zhao Dingguo had already arrived at Huiyao's headquarters in person.

As a gift to the new members, this signing fee was also provided for the Illuminati organization. When Zhao Dingguo officially reported to Huiyao headquarters, which is next door to the major alliance, the Huiyao organization gave him a big gift and directly gave him a divine gift. Secret Staff.

A must-have divine accessory that combines sheep swords, ice armor, and royal cloaks—mysterious staffs!

This gesture is not a big deal. Moreover, the Huiyao Organization also provided many other benefits at the same time without any restrictions. Even when Zhao Dingguo said that his teammates were all in the Illuminati and that he would not live in Wuhan for the time being, several giants from Huiyao had no objections.

This cannot be said to be Huiyao's generosity, but Zhao Dingguo privately speculated that there is actually no difference between being affiliated with the Illuminati and being affiliated with Huiyao. They are both a family... His transfer is nothing more than Huiyao further strengthening his influence. That’s all. Look, all the new super masters have joined our organization. What does this prove?

Only a dominant position can have such influence

When it comes to promoting and packaging itself, Huiyao Organization has obviously done a good job!

The acquisition of another mysterious staff seems to mean that a divine outfit is not far away. However, Zhao Dingguo was a little confused about how to deal with it. For him now, there are basically only two options for getting the mysterious staff, either a sheep knife or ice armor.

The former further enhances control capabilities, while the latter enhances survivability.

The problem is that Zhao Dingguo already has enough control skills. With the blessing of his ancestors, it is impossible for others to kill him. In this case, it would be more appropriate to consider strengthening your teammates appropriately. For example, Shen Caiwei had the ultimate ball and void gem a long time ago, but she lacked a mysterious staff. In addition, Zhao Dingguo also owed her a favor, so he just gave her this mysterious staff this time.

In this way, the team is equivalent to having an extra sheep knife.

A high-level Twilight Dark Priest with Divine Scepter, Sheep Knife, Macon, Tuitui, and Necronomicon is still very terrifying in strength. Moreover, with the recent growth in the overall strength of super god users, Shen Caiwei is about to enter the twilight level and is busy doing tasks. Giving her an extra sheep knife at this time would be even more powerful.

Zhao Dingguo felt confident when he thought that it wouldn't be long before his team would become a two-person team leader. In the later stage, the ghosts would be fully formed, and Lao Li and Li Feng would also take charge of their own roles.

With such a team behind you, why worry about success?

After properly handling all the matters, Zhao Dingguo, who successfully took that step, found that his life was unexpectedly calm.

For other masters, they still have to work hard to sharpen their guns before the Burning Legion launches its final invasion. But for Zhao Dingguo, he has entered twilight, and it will be impossible to break through to eternal night for a long time in the future. The equipment he wears is basically irreplaceable, giving him a feeling of being free from any need. The only thing I have to do is to work hard to get the master-level pages of the thunder and earth elements, and then open the second stage of the realm.

With Zhao Dingguo's current strength, it is no longer a problem to deal with the twilight monsters of the same level. He only needs to keep looking for trouble from those elite monsters that may drop the pages of the Grand Master after entering the main plane. As long as you try a few more times, you will get it sooner or later.

Apart from this goal, Zhao Dingguo, who had nothing else to do, could not help but become a little lazy.

Several teammates were busy in a hurry, and the subordinates of the team knew his strength well, and refused to compete even if he was beaten to death, lest they themselves be hit. As a result, Zhao Dingguo, who was used to being busy in the real world, felt a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, at this time, news from his European colleagues gave Zhao Dingguo another job.

This sensational news is about Kil'jaeden!

It turned out that after defeating one of the three Dread Lord giants, the European counterparts were inevitably a little swollen for a while. But the major leagues in the country immediately fought back hard with the fact that they killed Archimonde. As a result, those Twilight and Eternal Night masters in Europe will inevitably feel a little unhappy.

After two weeks of planning by the Hand of God, they finally shouted the slogan to take the initiative to confront Kil'jaeden and contribute their part to completely crushing the invasion of the Burning Legion!

By now, everyone knows what Archimonde, Kil'jaeden and Sargeras mean.

The first two are the right-hand men of Sargeras, the leader of the Burning Legion. Killing Archimonde before had completely angered Sargeras. If Kil'jaeden is also killed, it will only be a few days before Sargeras arrives in person. What's more, can our European counterparts really kill Kil'jaeden?

After seeing Archimonde's strength with their own eyes, the giants of the alliance were skeptical.

The Grand Alliance mobilized so many Twilight and Dusk top-level masters, and then it was difficult to kill Archimonde, whose strength was incomplete. The Hand of God organization wants to kill Kil'jaeden, but it might be self-defeating. Even if the other party dares to propose this plan, they must be prepared. However, as they are both super users, in order to prevent trouble in the real world, the giants of the alliance decided to go to the Hand of God organization in person to ask for clarification.

As a result, Zhao Dingguo received an invitation to visit Europe with the Super God Alliance delegation two days later.

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