Solar system, Jupiter orbital region, planet Ganymede, Solar System Defense Force headquarters.

In the bright conference room, several senior officials of the Solar System Defense Force were sitting in a circle around the table, with a suspended virtual solar system floating in the middle.

This virtual solar system has a red dot marked on the edge of the Kuiper Belt of the solar system. The red dot is extremely dazzling, and it shines with an extremely scarlet color.

In the outer area of ​​​​the red dot, there are densely packed blue light spots in six directions, front, back, up, down, left and right. These blue light spots are the flagship of the space battleship.


The blue light spots have already surrounded the red light spots, or they are surrounding them from front to back, up, down, left and right. Now they are just waiting for the final encirclement to complete the strangulation of the red light spots.

But is this really the case?

"Is the source accurate?" A cold voice sounded.

"Of course it's accurate. As long as we capture the commander of the Taotie Civilization, the fleet of the Taotie Civilization will be defeated without a fight." This voice was very calm.

"The Taotie civilization is not so indestructible. There are also some beings who don't like war and killing. They were all forcibly coerced by the so-called commander of the Taotie civilization." This voice was very confident.

"What if we are cheated?" A questioning voice sounded.

"The Taotie civilization sounds very powerful, but in fact, it is just a civilization of beasts, brainless beasts. Military strategies are no match for humans. Our ancestors had a systematic art of war thousands of years ago." An arrogant voice sounded.

"Weakness and ignorance are never obstacles to survival. Arrogance is. Among the seven deadly sins, arrogance is a sin. I request that the Solar System Security and Defense Council and the Five Elders be notified immediately." A rational voice sounded.

"He is imprisoned. There is something wrong with his mind. No one is allowed to visit during the period of imprisonment, so as not to expose our plan." An angry voice sounded.

Two days later.

[Standard Timeline: Super God Universe Chinese Calendar, February 15, 2014. 】

The time ratio is one to sixty, and the time flow rate is negative. It will be two days after the super-god universe and four months after the micro-universe [the supreme treasure bone in the chest of pure-blooded horned ants].

Dong Qing had just settled down in his back garden and returned to the Super God Universe, only to find that something was wrong, as if something happened in the solar system that he didn't know about.

Solar System, Mars, Solar System Security and Defense Directorate Headquarters.

"I was away for just two days, what happened?"

Dong Qing had a strange look on his face. He looked at everyone who looked wrong. Qilin was sad, Du Qiangwei was sad, Lianfeng Yuqin looked heavy, Di Leina looked bored, and Su Xiaoli was still so heartless.

Su Xiaoli understands very well that she only cares about Dong Qing. As for Di Leina, she is not from Earth and has no emotional ties to Earth. It is difficult for her to understand the sadness of others.

"The Solar System Defense Force was ambushed, and a mole appeared within. One thousand flagships were destroyed and seven hundred were destroyed. The entire Solar System Defense Force fleet group was almost wiped out.

"If it weren't for our timely support, I'm afraid the Solar System Defense Force would have been completely wiped out by the Taotie Civilization. The Kuiper Belt would have been lost, and the Solar System Defense Force headquarters would have been destroyed."

"In addition, the casualties were also heavy. One flagship carried at least 10,000 people, 700 flagships were destroyed, and the headquarters of the Solar System Defense Force suffered tens of millions of casualties."

Lianfeng was the first to speak, but the news was so heavy.

"Ambush?" Dong Qing frowned.

"The top brass of the Solar System Defense Force decided to take down the fleet commander of the Taotie Civilization alone without telling the Five Elders or us. But they didn't know that this news was deliberately revealed by the Taotie Civilization, just to secretly lure the fleet group of the Solar System Defense Force. Go into the trap." Du Qiangwei explained.

"The ghost?" Dong Qing asked again.

"There are senior officials within the Solar System Defense Force who have defected to the Taotie Civilization, hoping to obtain the blessing of Karl, the God of Death, and become a super genetic warrior with a lifespan of more than a thousand years." Qilin whispered.

"Ball rape."

Dong Qing was speechless. He didn't expect that such a thing as a gangster would really appear. Earth's civilization was not incapable of fighting, and the Taotie Civilization fleet group did not take any advantage. Both sides were evenly matched. As a result, the enemy appeared from within. He cheated his own people.

"Perhaps our control over super genes is too strict, which led them to betray their own people for the super genes." Yuqin said with some self-blame in her voice.

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, Lianfeng, how is the situation in the solar system now?"

Dong Qing patted Yu Yu's shoulder and comforted her. His eyes focused on Lian Feng. This woman was not only soft and clingy, but also a good hand at work.

Du Qiangwei can't do it, she is emotional.

Although Dong Qing hasn't gotten to know her in depth, he has a very accurate grasp of the woman's character, and he knows very well that this woman's ability can only be used as his microphone at best.

"President, the first line of defense of the solar system has been lost and has been pushed to Jupiter. The fleet of the Taotie civilization has occupied Jupiter. The headquarters of the Solar System Defense Force on Ganymede has now been destroyed."

"There are a total of eight planets in the solar system. Since the loss of the Kuiper Belt, four planets including Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have been lost within two days. Currently, the only barrier left for the earth is Mars."

"However, because our Solar System Security and Defense Council has always adopted a defensive counterattack strategy, the second line of defense established in the low-Earth orbit of Mars was very effective and successfully blocked the fleet of the Taotie Civilization."

As Lianfeng spoke, she waved her hand, and a virtual solar system appeared in front of Dong Qing. The entire solar system was densely packed with red dots occupying most of the outer area.

In the central area of ​​the solar system, close to Mars and the Earth, there are no red dots for the time being, but normal people can see that the Earth is now in danger.

"Mars is only one step away from the earth. The current earth is very dangerous. Once the second line of defense is also lost, the Taotie civilization fleet will be able to drive straight into the earth."

Dongqing frowned, realizing that the current situation was very serious, but he still had many questions that he didn't understand, and he didn't understand why the top brass of the Solar System Defense Force would be raped.

"Are the top brass of the Solar System Defense Force crazy? The five elders trust them so much that they sacrifice tens of millions of people for the super gene for the blessing of Carl, the God of Death?"

this problem.

Du Qiangwei couldn't answer, Qilin couldn't answer, Su Xiaoli couldn't answer, let alone Di Leina. She was only in her twenties and didn't even understand why she liked Dong Qing.

"President, the value of super genes is higher than you think. Civilization is not an individual, an individual is just a part of a civilization. There are many people in the known universe who betray their mother civilization for the sake of super genes." Lianfeng said softly.


With her tens of thousands of years of experience, she has seen a lot of this kind of thing. Even the reason why the Dexing civilization and the Noxing civilization went to war was largely to seize each other's super genes.

"Who doesn't want to become a god with an infinite lifespan? Even if he cannot become a third-generation god, even the second- and third-generation super genes are enough to make an individual's life span exceed ten thousand years." Yuqin sighed.

Death is a step that every life must go through.

Many people have been heading towards death from the moment they were born, and the super genes created by the biological god-making civilization have greatly delayed the pace of death.

"How on earth was the Solar System Defense Force ambushed? Even if they accidentally fell into the trap of the Taotie Civilization, they would not have suffered such huge losses." Dong Qing wondered.

"I heard that the Taotie civilization has ambushed many star-level nuclear bombs in the Kuiper Belt on the outer edge of the sun. Under normal circumstances, these star-level nuclear bombs cannot destroy so many flagships, but the traitor should cooperate inside and outside."

Lianfeng didn't continue, but Dongqing also understood.

Nothing more needs to be said.

It must be a very dirty deal. In order to obtain the so-called blessing from the God of Death, these human worms have used tens of millions of people in the Solar System Defense Force as sacrifices, sacrificing death, just to get the favor of Karl, the God of Death.

For Karl, the god of death, whoever makes him happy and is willing to cause death will be given the Styx series of super genes. Everyone knows that he is a generous person, as long as it makes him happy.

Solar system, Earth, Tianhe City.

"There is a traitor within the Solar System Defense Force. It is really a scandal. If the Solar System Security and Defense Council had not established a line of defense on Mars, the fleet group of the Taotie Civilization would have directly hit the earth."

An impulsive passerby angrily accused the top brass of the Solar System Defense Force, but it was of no use as the dead could no longer come back to life.

And empty accusations are useless.

The top brass of the Solar System Defense Force couldn't hear it again.

"What is it for? Why betray the earth?" A young man murmured to himself.

So far.

After the complete defeat of the Solar System Defense Force, the only news that the people on earth knew was the ball rape. As for why the ball rape occurred, basically no one knew about this matter.

This is a message blockade and an information barrier.


Regarding the super gene, the people above do not want the people below to know.

Even high-ranking senior officials of the Solar System Defense Force have already been raped for the blessing of death. Wouldn’t these ordinary people on earth be raped for the sake of super genes?

But this news cannot be concealed after all. There are many people with mixed opinions, and a small number of powerful people in the earth's civilization still know the reason why the top brass of the Solar System Defense Force committed adultery.

The lure of longevity.

It's unstoppable.

Just when the five elders were having a headache on how to detect and prevent more and more rapes, the fleet group of the Taotie Civilization launched a fierce attack on the second line of defense of the earth civilization and the last line of defense of Mars.

Mars, low Earth orbit.

Flagship No. 1263, interior of the flagship living space.

As a battleship integrating survival and attack, the Big Black Danzi space battleship developed by the Magic Eye Civilization has ensured the life and entertainment of the personnel inside the flagship to a great extent.

On the flagship, everyone can connect to the earth's local network through the quantum communication network. While not worrying about food and clothing, spiritual entertainment is also satisfied.

"Liu Chuang, are you afraid? We are also rushing to the front line."

A young man wearing a silver-patterned uniform pushed the middle-aged man Liu Chuang next to him, who, like him, was wearing a silver-patterned uniform.

Unlike the Solar System Defense Force, which treats them differently, the Solar System Security and Defense Council still gives sufficient respect to these cannon fodder in a sense.

At least in terms of clothing, food and accommodation, they are no different from normal people. The only difference is that the battlefields experienced by these gunboat pilots are the most dangerous.

But that's fair.

They are all criminals and face at least 20 to 30 years in prison.

If they want to avoid jail time, they, the criminals, must prove themselves.

Not to prove anything else, but to prove that they can fight for the earth and the people.

"Not afraid." Liu Chuang said calmly.

"Why aren't you afraid?" the young man asked curiously.

"If you're not afraid, you're not afraid." Liu Chuang replied.

Seeing that Liu Chuang was out of luck, the young man did not ask this question again. He began to change the topic and talked about the rape of the Solar System Defense Force two days ago.

"I heard that there were traitors in the Solar System Defense Force, killing tens of millions of people. Fortunately, we are in the Solar System Security and Defense Council, otherwise we would have been killed by these damn traitors. "The young man sighed.

Just as he was waiting for Liu Chuang's answer, the piercing siren made him give up the idea.

"All personnel enter the reserve position and prepare to face the Taotie Civilized Fleet."

"Mars is the last line of defense for human civilization, and there is no room for failure. This time we must do whatever it takes to stop the fleet of the Taotie civilization from Mars."

"Use our flesh and blood to build a great wall that mankind will not fall down. Dear gentlemen, may we all go home safely!"

As the last broadcast sound fell, flagship number 1263 also began to move, flying towards the second line of defense on the periphery of Mars, along with thousands of similar flagships.

Ten minutes later.

The second line of defense on Mars is also the last line of defense for earth civilization and mankind.

Everywhere is filled with the whirlpool of steel and battleships, as well as the melodies of death and war.

Unlike the Kuiper Belt in the outer regions of the solar system, where there are countless meteorites, in the inner region of the solar system, due to the gravitational pull of the eight planets, the number of meteorites is far less numerous.


If the Taotie civilization wants to win the second line of defense, it must fight hard to the end. After all, not everyone can be a traitor and sacrifice tens of millions of people for the super gene.

At least.

Dongqing can't do it, Qilin can't do it.

Flagship No. 1263.

"All gunboats are dispatched to clear the opponent's gunboats, avoid individual units of the opponent, climb up our flagship, and invade the interior of the flagship. In emergencies, you can apply for artillery support."

"Gentlemen, please be sure to pay attention to safety. After the war is over, we will go home together."

As the sound of the broadcast fell.

Liu Chuang put on a light spacesuit, walked into his gunboat, and drove the gunboat along the track and flew out of the flagship like a motorcycle.

Not long after he flew out of the flagship, he saw the sky full of fireworks. Among these fireworks were gunboats from the Taotie civilization and gunboats from the Earth civilization.

War is cruel, and interstellar war is even more cruel. Living lives are dying every moment.

No one knows whether the person who falls next moment is himself, but they can only rush forward bravely.

the difference is.

The Taotie civilization is to bless the god of death, and the earth civilization is to protect the earth.

"Kill all these bastards!"

Liu Chuang, who had just entered the interstellar battlefield for the first time, drove a speedy gunship and continuously charged into the interstellar battlefield. With his extraordinary fighting talent, he quickly achieved considerable results.

During this period, he also encountered several dangerous situations. Once, the main gun of the cross flagship of the Taotie Civilization passed by him, but he still survived tenaciously in the interstellar battlefield.

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