Douluo: Start Invincible From Capturing the Goddess

Chapter 619 The showmanship possessed the body, shocked the audience, and made the capital of killin

While watching Luo Yu, someone in the auditorium twirled playfully at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't be so absolute in your words. There is always a contingency in everything. What if this kid really wins by luck?"

A thick, one-eyed, scar-faced man roared angrily:

"Cough, nothing happens. Look at how weak this kid is. If he can win the final victory, I will give you a long time to add to the fun."

Someone next to him immediately answered, "I'll cut the kidney and fill you with a side dish."

"If that kid is really the child of destiny and survived to the finals by luck, it will be a tragedy for you two." Someone said with a big laugh.

The scar-faced man said disdainfully: "No way, no one really thinks that little boy can win, right? People in the Hell Arena really have nothing to eat?"

"In the face of an absolute gap in strength, luck is not worth mentioning."

Some people around whispered enviously: "When I participated in the competition before, why didn't I encounter such a free opponent. The loss of a strong competitor increases the chance of survival by one tenth."

"That's right." The people next to him agreed deeply.

"Okay, stop bragging to me, I just want to drink a Bloody Mary and sing, and watch how this kid is crushed to death."

Thousands of spectators refocused their attention on the field after some disdainful discussions.

Ten contestants stand in ten directions respectively.

Except that Luo Yu was extremely relaxed and his vision was distracted.

The other nine players are all ready to fight, carefully observing other opponents, hunched over to accumulate strength, ready to attack at any time.

It can be said that vigilance has reached the extreme.

Each of them understands that at this time, it's either you or me, and you have to work hard to stand at the end.

And Luo Yu's relaxed posture seemed very abrupt.

It caused the other nine contestants to look down upon them, they were newcomers at first glance, isn't this a head given for nothing?

"Ten people fight without dying, and the competition begins."

After an old man stood in the distance and shouted the rules in a hoarse voice.

The piercing sound of the gong sounded.


Almost instantly, the nine people in the arena moved at the same time, ejected from the spot, and rushed towards each other.

All kinds of fierce and sinister attack methods were displayed on the hands and legs.


Everyone fought in a group, blood splattered everywhere.

Luo Yu stood alone on the spot, looking at the nine people fighting fiercely, feeling a little confused.

"What... what's going on?"

"Why is no one looking for me?"

Luo Yu couldn't help but wonder, could it be because his strength was exposed?

Not a single one actively attacked him.

Since no one came to attack him, Luo Yu was also happy to be quiet, standing there with his shoulders folded and waiting.

Quietly watching the nine fight together.

Hu Liena in the audience asked hesitantly: "Master, why didn't anyone attack Brother Yu?"

Bibi Dong thought for a while.

"Probably because he looked down on him. He was not regarded as an opponent at all. These nine people are too lazy to kill you, brother Yu. They think it is a waste of energy."

"It would be nice to keep it for the last kill."

Hu Liena's face suddenly turned weird, and she looked at the stage.

His eyes gradually brightened.

"Chi Chi!!"

Flesh and blood flew across the arena, and nine people fought frantically.

Seven people died soon, and the remaining two were also covered with scars, with bloodstains all over their bodies.

Smell the strong smell of blood around.

Luo Yu frowned.


With the eighth person down, only Luo Yu and another big man who was completely stained red with blood were left on the field.

The big man showed his fierce face.

Bloodthirsty eyes stared closely at Luo Yu.

Cruelly laughed:

"Boy, tell me, as the ninth deceased, what are your last words."

Luo Yu's black eyes were neither happy nor sad, and he just gave him a sideways glance.

Those indifferent eyes were like a giant dragon looking down on an ant.

There seemed to be disgust and pity.

It directly angered the big man.

He rushed to Luo Yu.

Waving blood fists, the momentum continued to climb upwards.

"Go to hell and accompany the eight of them. Grandpa should be at the end today!"

Luo Yu didn't speak, and simply punched forward.

It's like predicting the position in advance.

Hit the big man in the chest.

And the momentum was so violent that the big man who had beheaded eight people didn't even touch him.

The two stalemate.

The arena suddenly fell silent.

Someone outside the court laughed when they saw Luo Yu's punch.

"It's funny, a punch that doesn't have any power at all, how about scraping for others?"

"It's a pity that I don't have two eagles, otherwise I would dare to bet on them all, and this little boy will definitely die."

As soon as the words fell, there was a bang.

The ninth person in the arena fell and hit the ground, in a pool of sticky blood.

The audience's eyes widened for a moment.

Because the one standing in the end turned out to be something they thought was absolutely impossible.

Shocked voices came and went.

"Damn, what's going on, why did this kid win."

"What virtue and ability does he have? Does he deserve to win?"

"Isn't this just picking up leaks? I would like to call you the strongest leaking king."

At this moment, no one believed that Luo Yu won by strength.

They all thought that he was just lucky, and just happened to encounter a big man who was exhausted after beheading seven people in a row, so Luo Yu just took advantage of it and picked up a head for nothing.

Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to survive to the end.

Someone in the auditorium got excited and yelled at the surroundings.

"Whoever said he was going to chop the carving just now, stand up, hurry up, this guy has won, and it's time to fulfill his promise."

"The one who cut the kidney, come out quickly."

Hearing the booing around, two people in the auditorium turned pale.

They sit there on pins and needles, feeling uncomfortable.

His face was burning in panic.

But the most important thing is to panic.

It might be okay to talk outside, but where is this place, the capital of killing.

You regret it after bragging and don't want to cut it.

But there are countless people rushing to cut it for you.


The two wanted to escape desperately, but the villains around them didn't intend to give them a chance at all.

Surrounded directly.

Two miserable screams came out.

When the crowd dispersed, the two of them were pale and sat in their positions with their teeth clenched.

There was already a pool of blood under him.

One was clutching his vitals, the other was clutching his waist, his lips were trembling, and his face was full of lovelessness.

The big man clutching his waist stared viciously at Luo Yu in the arena.

"I...I'm going to kill you!!"

"Luck keeps you alive, but you won't be able to survive if I play."

Enduring the pain of losing his big waist, the big man gritted his teeth and stood up, walking towards the registration office.

Luo Yu returned to the waiting area.

"Hey, I came back from a big victory, didn't you all scream and cheer?"

Bibi Dong rolled his eyes at him.

"I've already signed up for the second game for you, so get ready to go up to the game."

Luo Yu said speechlessly:

"Oh, woman!"

"This is a woman!!!"

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