Dragon Ball: Choose to Slay The Dragon

210: Fusion begins! Son Goku is pressed again!

The surrounding space began to change strangely, and the power of time and space appeared and disappeared, chasing with a golden ancestor dragon in the illusory.

The vigorous power of rules began to bloom in the white world, exploring the world of unknown places.

But at this time, Ling Mu didn't have the slightest understanding of all this.

He has sunk into his own world, and the giant wheel of destiny turned into by the divine ring is turning slower and slower. Only the destructive power of purple and black and the creative power of little stars are circulating in the divine ring.

But the silver power of time and space has begun to recede from the divine ring, and the little ancestral dragon of the Seed of Miracles has also disappeared suddenly.

Gradually, Ling Mu's body stopped moving, as if Whis fell into a deep sleep.

The world began to stop, and only a black figure floated in that world, not knowing where to wake up.

"No! I will never die! I am immortal!"

Zamasu, whose half body melted into purple, roared in the sky! Opposite him, was Vegett, a powerful warrior after Fusion.

But at this time, a shadowy figure appeared in the sky, so that the two of them never noticed!

"Zamasu... Son Goku..." Ling Mu muttered.

The power of time suddenly bloomed in his hand, and a golden Shenron suddenly roared away with the power of time!

"Hey! Beerus, are you all fools in the seventh universe? Give it up! The sixth universe is the strongest!

Over the asteroid, Beerus and Champa lead their respective teams.

But when a golden Shenron covered with silver space-time power sprang out, everything shattered like a mirror image.

Gold Frieza, Super Saiyan God, Buu, Cell, Frieza, Piccolo!

What happened scene by scene was going backwards, and a figure walked through the long river of time and space, watching it all with calm eyes.

At this time, under this figure, there is a Shenron who is enough to connect with time and space, and he continues to travel with him.

"Where are you going?

Ling Mu couldn't help but murmured!

Tien Shinhan, Red Silk Army, Pilav!

Time kept going backwards, and soon, the moment Pilav put Son Goku and the others in the dungeon and summoned Shenron.

But at this moment, a plasma cannon shot across the sky and killed Shenron! A wonderful life journey started.

Is it me?



At this time, the Ancestral Dragon under him grew stronger and stronger, and its body also began to become intertwined with gold and silver.

Ling Mu's figure disappeared again, and with Shenron, he went upstream in time.

At the same time, the hidden world around them changes at the same time.

The power of miracles and the power of time and space finally slowly merged.

But... but only a trace!

In the blink of an eye, two years passed.

There is still one quarter left before Ling Mu takes office as Gods of Destruction.

The atmosphere of the seventh universe started to get a little weird.

Because Ling Mu disappeared again, I don't know when to come back.

"Hey! Son Goku, are you an idiot?" Beerus yelled, holding a large chicken leg in his hand.

This sand sculpture actually wanted to go to Zeno and was asking about the Tournament of Power!

"Wow, Beerus-sama, but days without a fight are boring!" Son Goku looked up and thought.

This time, Beerus was so pissed!

"Are you bored? Fight me! Fight Raditz, fight Broly!"

"Your son Son Gohan is awake, why are you looking for Zeno!"

"Now there are 3 Zeno, if you are not careful in the past, all 12 universes will be wiped out!

Beerus growled wildly, drooling against Son Goku's face.

"Hehe, Lord Beerus, it's not impossible to beat!"

"When Gohan wakes up, I can't beat him when I become super blue!"

Son Goku scratched his head and said directly, which made Beerus even more angry!

"You can't even beat the people in your own universe, and you still want to challenge other universes?

At this time, Beerus' eyes became cold, how many times Son Goku taught him a lesson, and it was still the same.

"That's right! We need to see more duels between masters, so please Whis take me to Ah Quan!"

As soon as he said this, Whis on the side was also surprised.

What kind of mentality did this sand sculpture think that he would take him to the whole hall?

"Son Goku, this is impossible! I also disagree with you going to Zeno!"

Whis said coldly. Now that the three Zeno's are there, who would dare to get in trouble.

"Ah? Can't it? Then I can only find it by this!"

Son Goku said naturally, and took out a red button from his waist. It is a Zeno summoner.

"Son Goku, put this thing away. Or I'll destroy you now!

"I am still Gods of Destruction and have the right to stop these things.

Beerus's eyes darkened completely, and he raised his hand to release the violet-black destructive power, facing Son Goku.

There seems to be no doubt that it will directly destroy Son Goku in the next second.

Whis did not stop, agreeing with Beerus' decision.

And Son Goku also looked sluggish, he didn't think Beerus really wanted to do it.

But in the next second, a smile appeared on Son Goku's face.

|| Lord Beerus, I'm leaving!"

After that, Son Goku pressed the Zeno button and disappeared into the Gods of Destruction world!

"This guy! Ling Mu hasn't come back yet! Go directly to the Tournament of Power, are you courting death!" Beerus said grimly.

But Whis blinked, "Master Beerus, prepare to gather the players, I hope you can get through this disaster safely!""

Twelve universes float around the whole hall.

When Son Goku came to the door of the whole hall, the door slowly opened, and a figure walked out.

"Oh? Mr. Son Goku, why are you here?"

Grand Priest asked with calm eyes, Whis and Beerus didn't come, it proved to be Son Goku's own decision.

"Wow, (promised) Grand Priest, I'm here to ask Ah Quan when the Quan Universe competition will start.

"He promised us last time!"

Son Goku grinned, but gave Grand Priest a glance.

At this moment, many pictures flashed in his eyes one by one, but Son Goku never noticed anything unusual.

"It is so!

"Mr. Son Goku, then come in with me and buy!"

It was still that empty hall, lined with pillars!

When Son Goku came to the end, he saw three little guys crouching together.

A flying chess board is placed in the middle, and the pieces on it are huge planets!

"Oh~~~ I've shaken it to 3, watch me knock you out!"

A Zeno suddenly shouted, and then pushed the planet, crossed the flight track, and collided with another planet.

At the same time, somewhere in the universe, two planets collided and exploded!

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