: Intercepted the voice of an extraterritorial civilization? ! 【Please order in full】

After Fred and Tom came to the technical department under the leadership of Watt,

Watt immediately called the female researcher over.

Subsequently, the female researcher was also very surprised by Fred’s arrival. After Watt’s signal, she immediately began to introduce the latest situation.

The female researcher took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice,

“Commander Fred, Mr. Admiral, we have now reestablished the location of the aircraft, and the distance between them has even reached 30,000 kilometers! This is definitely not the speed that our aircraft can achieve!!”

Then he showed the two people the current location of the aircraft on the screen. Fred and Tom were both wide-eyed! !

Watt saw the shocked expressions of the two people, and he was relieved in his heart. After working for so long, they were finally able to produce results! !

Otherwise, if there is still no results with so much money, and when the commanders of the beautiful country come to the scene, then their entire NASA base will undoubtedly be included in the roster of the most useless functional departments! !

“Oh, my God, what is this? ¨!”

However, at this moment, the frontline technicians suddenly discovered a new situation! !

Everyone heard an incredible scream! !

Fred and Tom immediately withdrew their attention from the position of the aircraft and looked at Watt with puzzled faces.

Watt was also very big at this time, and sweat was pouring from his forehead! !

He quickly ran to the technician who screamed just now and asked with wide eyes,

“Irish, youWhat are you doing? What are you yelling about? Don’t you know that the leader has also come to us now? ? ”

Ireland Des looked up at Watt, swallowed, pointed at the screen and said,

“Mr. Watt, we seem to have captured a new type of signal from an extraterrestrial civilization just now!!”


Irishdes’ words immediately caused an exclamation, but this exclamation did not come from Watt’s voice.

Fred and Tom suddenly screamed and ran to the technicians. As the commander of the beautiful country, Fred had long lost the so-called leadership temperament. I saw him, holding the technology in one hand. The staff asked with excitement,

“Young man, what did you just say?!”

“We have received another new type of signal from an extraterrestrial civilization. Isn’t it right? You are the leader!!?”

Ireland replied subconsciously. When he came to his senses and found that he was in front of the leader of the beautiful country,

The whole person seemed to have seen something incredible, his eyes widened suddenly, and the whole person became stiff! !

“¨`Hurry, release it immediately!!”

And Fred’s mind went blank at this time. It took him about ten seconds to recover, and then he grabbed Ireland’s shoulders and looked at him with excitement in his eyes. he said.

“Irish, why are you still standing there? The commander is ordering you now, can’t you hear it?!”

Watt looked at the confused Irish Des, who was also extremely depressed, and quickly urged.

Only then did the latter react, and then released the new type of signal they had just intercepted.

And the signal was just a sound as Fred expected! !

The sizzling friction sound sounded,

It was exactly the same as the voice message of the extraterritorial civilization they intercepted from the Amos last time! !


[Seeking for full order] Neighbor.

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