: Convene an anti-Daxia alliance meeting!

Fred was sitting in his office doing his daily work.

After seeing the data submitted by the economic department,

Fred’s entire face became extremely ugly! !

Because Daxia’s international status is now leading the way,

Therefore, their beautiful country has not only suffered a severe decline in political status, but also

​​And even the beautiful sword they have always been proud of is now in danger in the entire financial market! !

On the contrary, the software media graduates from the building are being competed by many countries and forces to buy foreign debts! !

This is definitely not a good thing. If this trend is allowed to continue to develop, then their status as a beautiful sword will inevitably be replaced by Daxia’s soft sister currency! !

And when the time comes, once their beautiful country encounters economic problems, they will have no way to divert the pressure by printing US dollars.

By then, maybe Daxia won’t need to go to war like this. Their beautiful country itself will collapse directly due to this kind of economic crisis! !

“Why is it so difficult to be the leader…”

Seeing Mei Dao’s indescribably miserable look, Fred couldn’t help but feel a little sad in his heart. He finally sighed and said to himself with dull eyes.

In the end, I don’t know what I thought of, but a light suddenly flashed in Fred’s eyes, and his expression became determined.

Since they now have laser weapons, do they need to make some noise?

​Not to mention the direct threat to Daxia in the region, at least let their current allies know that the beautiful country is not sunset.

But it is possible to return to the number one position in the world! !

Give your allies confidence, and then let them promote it to other countries and forces, and the status of the U.S. sword can be maintained for a while! !

Thinking of this, Fred immediately had an idea in his mind and quickly called his secretary over! !

“Make arrangements for me immediately so that all the countries and forces in the Anti-Great Xia Alliance can gather together. I want to hold a meeting and say something!!”

Fred looked at his secretary and said seriously.

AMI said that her face became a little embarrassed when she heard Fred’s words. After hesitating for a moment, she said in a deep voice,

“Together students, I am afraid that they are not so willing to listen to our beautiful country now. On the one hand, it is because everyone’s strength now really makes them afraid. On the other hand, after the last executive meeting of the Anti-Great Xia Alliance was postponed by you, They have expressed their dissatisfaction with our beautiful country, and now they are suddenly called over for a meeting. I think they may not be so willing!!”

“¨` Just tell them that our beautiful country may regain its original position in the coming days!! By then we will reorganize the order of the world. If anyone doesn’t come, they will miss this opportunity!! ”

When Fred heard the secretary’s words, a cold light flashed in his eyes. Finally, he took a slight breath and said to the secretary.

Seeing Fred like this, the secretary sighed inwardly, and then could only nod.

“Okay, Commander, I’ll get busy now.” (Zhao’s)

After saying that, he left Fred’s office directly.

Then Fred’s meaning was immediately transmitted to the relevant departments of various countries and forces in the Anti-Daxia Alliance! !

For a time, the entire anti-Daxia Alliance countries and forces were shocked! !

Originally, they thought that the beautiful country would just accept its fate, but the beautiful country actually dared to say such words at this time, which made everyone a little unbelievable for a while! Tie!


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