: The senior officials of Sakura Country were shocked!

“Mr. Yamamoto, what should we do now? The beautiful country’s military base has suffered huge losses. Should we go over to express condolences at this time?”

At this time, Yamamoto, who had been sitting next to him, his closest foreign cabinet member asked aloud, after all, if something happens to their beautiful country, especially what happens to this military base, according to past practice, their Sakura Country Everyone will come to express their condolences.

But this time, Yamamoto was unusually silent for a while after hearing his words. Then gradually Yamamoto took a deep breath and stood up. He walked directly towards a shrine enshrined in his office and bowed. , turned to the person closest to him and said,

“Call the other people from the outer cabinet to me immediately. I want to convene an emergency meeting. The main topic discussed in this meeting will involve the future destiny of our Sakura Kingdom. No one is allowed to be absent!!”

After hearing what Yamamoto said, the man was stunned for a moment, and then he opened his mouth and was about to ask something. However, he was stopped by Yamamoto’s stern eyes, nodded, and then left.

After the man left, Yamamoto also looked back at the position of the god, his eyes flickering. After taking a deep breath, he murmured to himself in a low voice,

“Since the time has come, we must seize the opportunity, otherwise I will not be able to forgive myself even if I die!!”


Less than half an hour later, all the members of the Sakura Foreign Cabinet were called over. Everyone’s face was a little confused. They didn’t understand what was going on, and they were asked to come together to discuss it! !

After sitting down half-kneeling, everyone looked at Yamamoto, who was there with his eyes closed, and asked,

“Mr. Yamamoto, what happened? We were asked to come here suddenly. I was still convening some matters in our propaganda department.”

“Yes, did something big happen to Mr. Yamamoto? Did something happen to the beautiful country?”

After hearing the questions from this group of people, Yamamoto also opened his eyes and glanced, and then everyone said, (cabc)

“Yes, it is indeed the beautiful country that has a problem, and the problem is still very big. In short, the beautiful country and the USS Waigen aircraft carrier formation will no longer exist in this world from today!!”

“What a beautiful country. Their aircraft carrier fleet, the Waigen, ceases to exist from today on. What is going on?!”

“Is this the aircraft carrier Waigen and their organization has been cancelled? It’s impossible. This aircraft carrier formation is already an old aircraft carrier formation. I really don’t understand why this is happening!?”

The other members of the outer cabinet were shocked when they heard what Yamamoto said. Everyone had expressions of shock and confusion on their faces, and then asked aloud.

At this time, Yamamoto also nodded to the people closest to him, indicating that he would tell these people the ins and outs of the matter in detail.

After hearing the specific situation, the members of the outer cabinet couldn’t help but their eyelids twitched. No one thought that it would be such a situation! !

Daxia actually directly wiped out the beautiful Root aircraft carrier formation. This is a bit too exaggerated! ! .

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