Dreams of the Fragrant River

: One hundred and seventy-six [Brother Long's ambition]

, these Kang Jianfei works are sold wildly in several countries and regions at the same time. [;First appearance] Ordinary Hong Kong citizens may not know the news, but their counterparts in the Hong Kong film industry know it quickly, and then there is collective envy, jealousy and hatred.

It is said that Neng Nanyang is the back garden of Hong Kong films, but at this time, only 20 or 30 Hong Kong films can be sold to Nanyang every year. Among these twenty or thirty films, Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest made up most of the films. The films produced by ordinary film companies can only earn the local box office honestly. If you are lucky, you may be able to sell them to Taiwan and make a fortune. .

As for Japan and South Korea, even the two big companies, Golden Harvest and Shaw Brothers, can't sell many movies. Japan is due to market reasons, while South Korea is due to government restrictions.

Like the previous ones, if it wasn't for the fact that this film was a big hit at the Hong Kong box office and surpassed Cheng Long's, with Princess Jin's overseas distribution ability, I wouldn't have wanted to sell it in Japan and South Korea for three or five years.

Why is Cheng Long's salary already reaching several million when the salary of other stars in Hong Kong is only a few hundred thousand? It is because audiences in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Nanyang love watching Cheng Long's films, which can increase countless overseas box office.

Hong Jinbao is a big brother in Hong Kong, and his prestige in the circle seems to be higher than that of Cheng Long, but now he can only be more powerful in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and Japanese and Korean audiences do not buy him.

Just because the Japanese and Korean audiences liked Cheng Long, Cheng Long became Xiangmo, and Zou Wenhuai and He Guanchang would rather use dishonorable means to grab it. And Luo Wei, who was dug up by Jiahe, was like a golden mountain was dug away, and he was so embarrassed that he spent huge sums of money to invite people from the club to come to Jiahe and Cheng Long for trouble.

In the Hong Kong film circle with a narrow domestic box office market, whoever has the ability to attract overseas money is the boss.

When the news that Kang Jianfei's films were selling well in Japan and South Korea came back, some small companies even went to Maqiao with their own films, saying that they wanted to ask DreamWorks to help contact the Japanese and South Korean academies, and directly give 20% of the box office to DreamWorks do agency fees.

In the current Hong Kong film industry, everyone knows that Oriental DreamWorks has risen because of the films of Oriental DreamWorks. Now you can contact the overseas distribution yourself, and you can get a good overseas box office.

Speaking of Oriental DreamWorks before, more people in the circle saw Princess Jin. They believed that with the support of Princess Jin, Kang Jianfei and his company could only get up.

Today, when talking about DreamWorks and Princess Golden, everyone habitually puts Oriental DreamWorks first.

Although Oriental DreamWorks has a poor foundation and its capital is far less than that of Golden Harvest and Shaw Brothers, some people have begun to call DreamWorks together with Golden Harvest and Shaw Brothers.

He even wrote an article to point out: "The Hong Kong film industry in the 1950s was a scuffle between the princes of Shaw Brothers, Great Wall, Phoenix, Cathay Pacific and other companies; the Hong Kong film industry in the 1960s. In the Hong Kong film industry in the 1990s, Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest shared the world equally; now it has just entered the 1980s. The cub of DreamWorks has shown its fangs, and the Hong Kong film industry in the next few years will soon enter a Shaw Brothers, The era of Golden Harvest and DreamWorks three kingdoms standing apart..."



"Hmph, what a three-nation confrontation!" Zou Wenhuai threw away the magazine in his hand. He asked the secretary, "Is Cheng Long here?"

The secretary replied, "I've already come. Cheng Long and Manager He are in the reception room outside."

Zou Wenhuai got up and came to the reception room. In addition to Cheng Long and He Guanchang, there was also a gold medal screenwriter Deng Jingsheng in the reception room.

"Mr. Zou!"

As soon as Zou Wenhuai appeared, Cheng Long and Deng Jingsheng both stood up to greet him, and only He Guanchang was still sitting on the sofa.

"Let's all sit down," Zou Wenhuai took the lead and asked, "Along, Asheng. How are the script preparations?"

Deng Jingsheng nodded and said, "It's already written."

Cheng Long walked over and handed the script to Zou Wenhuai, and said, "This time the script is a summary of several movies I've been waiting for, and it's called it."

Zou Wenhuai opened the script and only read a few pages, then turned to ask He Guanchang, "What do you think of Guanchang?"

"It's a great script, it's just that." He Guanchang frowned, "Now the appetite of Hong Kong audiences is still the old-fashioned kung fu comedy. I don't know if the audience will buy it."

In the parallel space, Cheng Long's film did not sell well in Hong Kong, because audiences prefer to watch new-style urban comedy films from Art City, and old-style kung fu films are outdated. And Kang Jianfei went a step further, as He Guanchang said, the audience's appetite has been raised.

Zou Wenhuai asked, "Then do you think we should learn from Dongfang Company to make modern kung fu films? Is Aaron suitable for such films?"

He Guanchang was at a loss for words, and then smiled bitterly: "Who knows if you haven't tried it?"

Today's Cheng Long can only make old-fashioned kung fu comedies, and he has never tried modern kung fu films. He Guanchang and Zou Wenhuai can't predict the future, so naturally they dare not let Cheng Long test the water for transformation.

Cheng Long and Deng Jingsheng listened anxiously next to them. The two of them spent a lot of time writing the script. Now if there is a temporary change of the shooting plan, their efforts will be in vain.

Zou Wenhuai was silent, and it took a long time to say: "Then let's shoot first, even if the audience in Hong Kong doesn't like it, there are still markets in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Nanyang."

Cheng Long and Deng Jingsheng breathed a sigh of relief, and Cheng Long said hesitantly, "Mr. Zou, I...I..."

Zou Wenhuai said: "What do you do with stammering? Just say something."

Cheng Long said with difficulty: "I want to open a film company."

Before Zou Wenhuai could speak, Cheng Long's godfather, He Guanchang, taught him a lesson first: "How old are you, and you only have five or six people in your family, and you think of starting a movie company, you don't know how high the sky is!"

Cheng Long's heart slammed, and he contradicted: "Kang Jianfei can open a film company at the age of 19, why can't I?"

"Haha," Zou Wenhuai laughed and stopped He Guanchang, who was about to continue swearing, and said, "Jiahe has always supported the independent production of its talents. Since you want to start a company, I will support you, but we must wait until the filming is over. ."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zou, I will take it seriously." Cheng Long was overjoyed. He bowed to Zou Wenhuai again and again. He was jealous of Kang Jianfei's DreamWorks, and Hong Jinbao's company also made a lot of money last year. How could Cheng Long only work for Jiahe?

Zou Wenhuai said: "Well, I will invest a sum of money for you, and the shares will not be too much, as long as 40% is fine."

Cheng Long thanked him for a while after hearing this. With Zou Wenhuai's investment, he would not have to worry about funds at all.

This is the strength of Zou Wenhuai. If it is replaced by Lei Juekun, he must own at least 50% of the shares.

But just because of the volume. Until the 90's. The wings of Zou Wenhuai's subordinates grew hard. It turned out to be competing with the old club Jiahe. Later, when they robbed the movie theater, Jiahe was even countered by the six companies, and sadly let go of a piece of fat that was in the mouth.

He Guanchang's previous scolding of Cheng Long was just a pretence. He also blamed Cheng Long for not greeting him in advance. Seeing that Zou Wenhuai agreed at this time, He Guanchang also asked with a smile: "It's very important to name the film company. What name is Aaron going to name for the new company?"

Cheng Long said with a smile: "The name has already been decided, so it's called Quanwei Film Company (predecessor of Weihe)."

Deng Jingsheng has been unable to interject, and at this moment he took the opportunity to praise: "Fist is good, this name is powerful and domineering."

Zou Wenhuai suddenly said: "Aaron, there are a few characters for the people from Hong Jiaban, Sanmao is coming back."

"Brother Sanmao is going back to Jiahe?" Cheng Long asked in surprise. At this time, he had a good relationship with Hong Jinbao's fellow apprentices. No cracks appeared.

Deng Jingsheng was also surprised and said, "But Princess Jin's New Year's hit film sold very well at the box office. How could he be willing to leave Jinbao Film Company and come back?"

"Haha," He Guanchang laughed. "Princess Jin has an Oriental DreamWorks, and Art City's films are also very good. What's the point of him staying there?"

Deng Jingsheng didn't ask any more questions. He knew there must be some other inside story, but the two bosses didn't say anything.

In fact, there is no inside story, that is, after Hong Jinbao comes back to cooperate with Jiahe, Jiahe will form a new Baohe film company with Hong Jinbao. Zou Wenhuai has made a promise that 70% of the shares of Baohe Film Company will belong to Hong Jinbao, and will strongly support the overseas distribution of Baohe Films' films.

The last two are important weights to attract Hong Jinbao to return to Jiahe.

Because in Jinbao Film Company, Lei Juekun alone accounted for nearly 60% of the shares, and most of the money Hong Jinbao made went into Lei Juekun's pocket. Zou Wenhuai generously gave Hong Jinbao 70% of the shares in the new company, and the extra box office earnings in the future would be enough for Hong Jinbao to abandon the current Jinbao Film Company.

As for Jiahe's promise to support the overseas distribution of the new company Baohe, it is even more incredible, because the overseas distribution of Princess Jin is too weak. For example, Princess Jin helped Kang Jianfei publish, and after more than half a year of grinding with South Korea, it was negotiated after giving up a part of the box office share. As for the release in Japan, Princess Jin has not talked about it for more than half a year. Now Kang Jianfei is talking with the Japanese Academy himself.

This is not the case with Jiahe. If Hong Jinbao's films are of good quality, Zou Wenhuai can even help him distribute them to Europe and the United States. Compared with the box office there, the box office of Taiwan and South Korea is not worth mentioning.

Several people continued to discuss matters related to the new film. Suddenly, Zou Wenhuai's assistant came over and whispered in his ear, "Mr. Zou, Mr. Esther is calling from the United States."

"I still have something to do, so I'll leave it to you, Guanchang." Zou Wenhuai said to He Guanchang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then Chong Long and Deng Jingsheng nodded, then walked quickly to answer the phone.

Picking up the phone, Zou Wenhuai said in fluent English, "Hey, Esther, long time no see, is there anything you can call me?"

Esther said: "Zou, there is a Hong Kong film called (English translation), do you know which company made it?"

"?" Zou Wenhuai quickly reacted, "Is it the one with the female protagonist?"

Esther said: "Yes, that is the one, and the hero is a Japanese."

Zou Wenhuai said strangely: "What are you asking about this movie?"

Esther said in surprise: "Don't you know that this movie has caused a sensation in the United States!"

"Am I right?" Zou Wenhuai said in surprise.

Zou Wenhuai heard it right, Kang Jianfei spent a full month and a half in the United States before finally getting it released in North America.

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