Dreams of the Fragrant River

: Two hundred and forty-eight [the birth of the new martial arts]

Kang Jianfei did not hold the premiere, let alone the midnight screening, but only advertised in some newspapers, magazines and TV stations, and the Golden Princess Cinema also cooperated with the screening promotion. [;Starting]

After a continuous week of publicity bombing, it was released as scheduled in the Golden Princess Cinema. Because there are other films to be arranged, this time Lei Juekun only gave Kang Jianfei 16 theaters.

Hong Jinbao wore a hat on his head to cover his face, and walked into the Huasheng Cinema under Princess Jin with Yuan Biao. Hong Jinbao breathed a sigh of relief until he sat down in the screening hall and found that no one recognized them.

Hong Jinbao's movie was released three days ago, and the cumulative box office reached 2.54 million in three days. Seeing that it is another blockbuster movie. If it was discovered at this time that he was secretly watching Kang Jianfei's movies, then Hong Jinbao would not be able to wash himself off after jumping into the Yellow River, and he would be said to be afraid of Kang Jianfei.

Yuan Biao came in with two cans of wine, threw a can to Hong Jinbao, and waited for the movie while nibbling on roast goose.

In a short while, the audience in the screening hall became more and more, and only a few seats were vacant.

Yuan Biao drank a beer and said, "The attendance rate is very high, it has exceeded 90%."

Hong Jinbao said: "Kang Jianfei's box office appeal is very high, not to mention that this time there is an actor from the mainland as the male lead."

Yuan Biao said with a smile: "I heard that Oriental DreamWorks was banned by Taiwan. This time Kang Jianfei is really unlucky."

Hong Jinbao didn't know about this, and he asked in surprise, "Who did you listen to?"

Yuan Biao said, "I only learned about the news from Taiwan that I was drinking with Brother Long yesterday."

Hong Jinbao asked, "Really?"

Yuan Biao said: "Really, that Qin Xianglin is also there, that's what he told me."

Qin Xianglin is considered a Hong Kong actor, but he is very popular in Taiwan, and Hong Jinbao also has some friendship with him. Since it is the news from Qin Xianglin, most of it is true, and there is no need to spread rumors about this kind of thing.

Although they are in a competitive relationship with each other, Hong Jinbao and Kang Jianfei have no major conflict, but rather admire Kang Jianfei's directing ability. In fact. Even Cheng Long, who has fought with Kang Jianfei in box office battles many times, the two of them have no personal grudge, at most because Qin Xianglin is caught in the middle and can't be friends.

Hearing that Kang Jianfei's company was blocked by the Taiwan authorities, Hong Jinbao was not happy. Instead, he was a little sad and vigilant, and warned himself in his heart not to get involved in such political disputes.

The movie finally started, and both Hong Jinbao and Yuan Biao got serious. They didn't watch the movie entirely for entertainment, but to see what Kang Jianfei's first costume kung fu drama would look like.

In the past two years, although not many Hong Kong directors have admitted this. But in fact they were greatly influenced by Kang Jianfei. . These three films each created a genre. Hong Jinbao's recent two best-selling films have deliberately imitated Kang Jianfei's films.

At the beginning of the film, there is a mountain in the camera, and the camera slowly zooms in. Only then did an ancient building with red walls and black tiles clearly appear among the trees and mountains.

In the screening hall, an audience suddenly shouted, "It's Wudang Mountain!"

In fact, no need to remind, everyone has seen the plaque of Wudang. This plaque is very new. It was built and hung by Kang Jianfei.

"It's really Wudang Mountain, even more spectacular than the Shaolin Temple."

"Kang Jianfei originally went to the mainland to make a film."


There were no figures in the film, and the audience got excited when they saw the sign of Wudang Mountain.

No way, who told Jin Yong to write Shaolin Wudang to everyone? Everyone saw the Shaolin Temple some time ago, and now they have witnessed the real body of Wudang Mountain. Not happy.

Among the Wudang Mountains, Li Lianjie, who was wearing a Taoist bun and a moustache, wore a Taoist robe and put on a childish look. He finally had the taste of a generation of masters.

"Confidence/I don't see strength and strength in my hands

Own / A peace of mind

Obedience to adversity/Empty sees abundance

Rampage and Peace

Where there is no way there is destiny


Move to Static / Divide to Multiply

Joined by fate, born by wind

Ruthless and affectionate

Conformity is indisputable

Ruthless is affectionate


Behind Li Lianjie, dozens of people dressed in Taoist robes played Tai Chi with him. At the same time, the theme song of the movie also rang, which instantly made the audience's blood boil.

In fact, this scene was taken back to Shichahai Sports School, and through the editing of the scene, the audience thought it was on Wudang Mountain. Those sports school students who are playing tricks, also know little about Taijiquan.

Everything in the camera, the childhood Zhang Sanfeng played by Wu Jing appeared in the camera.

Someone suddenly shouted strangely in the screening hall: "Isn't it filming Wudang Mountain? Why did you come to Shaolin Temple again?"

"Crazy line, haven't you seen it?"

"That's right, Zhang Sanfeng was also a monk in Shaolin Temple when he was a child."


On the big screen, the innocence and fun of Zhang Sanfeng and Dong Tianbao made the audience laugh, and then the two young actors swept the floor and practiced Shaolin stick skills with brooms. The standard movements and skillful moves attracted praise from the audience. .

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Sanfeng and Dong Tianbao had grown up. When the two were chatting and practicing iron head kung fu with bricks, the audience was made to laugh. Afterwards, the plot of the two breaking the stick formation in the Bodhidharma Academy firmly attracted everyone's attention to the screen.

Hong Jinbao took a sip of beer and said to Yuan Biao, "This fight scene was very exciting."

Yuan Biao commented: "It's a bit of Liu Jiaban's martial arts style, but more humorous."

If this fight scene only makes Hong Jinbao and the others feel good, then the two women Hui Yinghong and Yang Qingqing in the restaurant at the back fight that scene, and Hong Jinbao will be amazed at the scene. The agility and elegance of female warriors, as well as the valiant beauty of her heroic posture, were vividly displayed in this fight.

I have to admit that even if Kang Jianfei slows down the filming, Li Lianjie's acting skills are still very immature. But the wonderful fighting and interesting plot have made the audience automatically ignore Li Lianjie's lack of acting skills.

And the last few consecutive fights pushed the atmosphere of the film to the highest level. When Zhang Sanfeng, played by Li Lianjie, relied on Taijiquan to show his might, someone in the screening hall was already applauding loudly. In the same way, Hui Yinghong's last image of a woman with two swords is to be remembered by the audience.

Amidst the applause and cheers, Hong Jinbao and Yuan Biao got up and prepared to go out.

Hong Jinbao asked: "Does this movie feel a little different from Aaron's kung fu movie?"

Yuan Biao nodded and said, "It's a great fight. It's also great to watch."

Hong Jinbao said: "Yeah, I'm also very cool, but why does it make people feel good?"

Yuan Biao fell silent, not knowing how to answer for a while.

Judging from the box office in the past two years, costume kung fu films have begun to decline, and Hong Jinbao and Yuan Biao are famous for making costume kung fu films.

In order to get a good box office, Hong Jinbao had to switch to follow the filming of fantasy kung fu films and urban action films, which is full of a lot of helplessness and hard work.

It was under such circumstances that Kang Jianfei knew that making a costume kung fu movie might hit the street. He even took the risk of being banned by Taiwan. This made Hong Jinbao curiously come to watch it secretly.

Kang Jianfei and Hong Jinbao were not disappointed. Compared with Shaw Brothers' old-fashioned kung fu films, this one obviously has a different flavor.



Kang Jianfei was not disappointed, the film was released ten years in advance, and it was still taking advantage of the residual heat. It really ignited the audience's enthusiasm for watching the movie.

On the first day of its release, several theaters were already full. As the owner of the Golden Princess Cinema, Lei Juekun naturally cannot make money without making money, and he will soon increase the number of theaters for the film to 20.

Hong Jinbao is also very popular. In another time and space, this movie should have been the entrepreneurial work of the Yongjia Film Company founded by Chen Xunqi. But now, apart from Chen Xunqi, the rest of the team has not changed. The screenwriter is still Huang Bingyao, and the photographer is still the real director Liu Guanwei. And it's still Hong Jinbao directing and acting.

The limelight was clearly suppressed. A week later, Wang Jing's film was also shown in Shaw Brothers theaters.

These two thieves films began to grab the audience. Due to the rush to release them during the Spring Festival, the production effect was very rough. Although it has been released for nearly half a month. But in comparison, they were defeated.

With the advent of the Lantern Festival, the box office is already close to 20 million, while Hong Jinbao's box office is only more than 11 million, and Wang Jing's is only a pitiful more than 4 million.

But the Wang Jing movie still made a profit, because the actors are all TVB team members, the shooting time was less than two weeks, and the cost was only a little over 1 million.

On the 19th day of the first lunar month, the box office finally exceeded the 20 million mark, becoming the only 20 million box office movie in this year's New Year's gear.

Almost all the film critics gave very high ratings and praised the film:

"Director Kang Jianfei always likes to surprise people, and this is the same. As this year's New Year's blockbuster, he didn't make a sequel, but instead made a martial arts film that all filmmakers thought had declined.

If it was replaced by another director, it would obviously be difficult for money, but Kang Jianfei is like this every time. He seems to never repeat it, and every movie is trying something new.

The plot is simple, but the rhythm is extraordinarily tight. In the 90 minutes of the film, the director did not waste a single shot, and the fighting scenes in the film are not fighting for the sake of fighting in old kung fu films. Every action scene contributes to the development of the plot...

It is completely different from the old martial arts films. Judging from the style of the whole film, the action shots are smooth and elegant, which perfectly integrates the realism and romance of kung fu. The sets and props are no longer the same as in the old martial arts films. Hui Yinghong's image of holding a pipa and holding a double sword is a classic, and even the villain Yang Qingqing is impressive.

It is also worth mentioning that the actor Li Lianjie of this film, for a newcomer who has only made two movies, Li Lianjie's acting skills are debatable, but his solid kung fu foundation makes up for him Lack of acting skills. And Li Lianjie has only made two films so far. The first film has a box office of more than 16 million in Hong Kong, and the second film has a box office of more than 20 million.

If expected, Mr. Kang Jianfei is training Li Lianjie as the top star of Oriental DreamWorks. Maybe Li Lianjie can get along with Cheng Long in the future..."


Looking at the film reviews full of praise and praise, Kang Jianfei is really dumbfounded.

Just a week after Kang Jianfei threw away the invitation card for the Hong Kong Film Awards, Chen Bosen probably called Tang Shuxuan to say good things because he was afraid that Kang Jianfei would not be able to attend the award ceremony.

When Kang Jianfei was sold in the United States, it was only through Tang Shuxuan that he cooperated with Jiang Zhiqiang, and he owed her a favor. As soon as Tang Shuxuan's phone call came, Kang Jianfei had no choice but to agree to attend the Academy Awards ceremony.

The last movie review was somewhat interesting. Yi Shu has always been a fan of Kang Jianfei. After watching it, he wrote: "In my opinion. Shaw Brothers' martial arts films. The screen images are dull and dull. It seems to be a puppet that has lost its soul. But Kang Jianfei's director is different. Whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, each one has vivid images, which is in sharp contrast with Shaw Brothers martial arts films. If Shaw Brothers martial arts films are old-fashioned martial arts, then Kang Jianfei The martial arts movie is a new school of martial arts..."

Later generations said that Xu was a representative of the new school of martial arts, but that was compared with the old school of martial arts in the 1960s and 1970s. In fact, the old-fashioned martial arts of the 1960s and 1970s, when Zhang Che and Hu Jinquan were just filmed, also called themselves new-style martial arts, but they were not comparing them to the martial arts films of the 1930s and 1940s.

The once new school martial arts has become the current old school martial arts. This is the so-called film development and progress.

After Yi Shu called him a new martial arts, those reporters who were afraid that the world would not be chaotic went to interview Zhang Che, a great martial arts director.

Zhang Che had been filming for Shaw Brothers before. In the 1970s, he took his disciples to Taiwan for development, and within two years, the company went bankrupt and failed. When Kang Jianfei had just fled to Hong Kong, Zhang Che once again took his disciples to Taiwan to open a company. This time, he was even more miserable. He encountered the sluggish film environment in Taiwan. Only played for over a year and came back again,

Now that Zhang Che is old and still sick, when asked by a reporter for his opinion, Zhang Che said: "Sorry, the doctor told me to rest at home some time ago, and I haven't watched this movie yet."

The reporter asked again: "Yi Shu said that the old-fashioned martial arts films of Shaw Brothers are outdated, and the future will be dominated by such new-style martial arts. What does Director Zhang have to say about this?"

The reporter was purely to irritate people. Zhang Che held his breath and said, "Martial arts will never be outdated. I will come back to film after I recover from my illness."

The reporter asked again: "You mean you won't lose to Kang Jianfei's new martial arts film? Are you challenging Director Kang?"

Zhang Che's face turned black and said, "I don't need to challenge anyone."


Wang Tianlin read the article in the newspaper and scolded: "These paparazzi will write random reports."

Wang Tianlin and Zhang Che are old friends. Although there were some conflicts before, everyone will not care about it now. What's more, Zhang Che is sick now, and reporters are still using Zhang Che as a target to report randomly, so Wang Tianlin is naturally blind.

"The reporters are getting more and more crazy now, no matter what they are." Wang Jing put on his suit, ran to the full-length mirror to sort it out for a long time, and finally spit some saliva in the palm of his hand and wiped the hair that fell from his forehead. .

Seeing that he was going out, Wang Tianlin asked casually, "It's half an afternoon, what are you doing out again?"

Wang Jingdao: "A Fei is hosting a celebration party tonight and invited me over as well."

"That's DreamWorks' celebration party, are you going to be ashamed?" Wang Tianlin said angrily. In fact, he was not satisfied with the box office of Wang Jing's new film.

The final box office of the movie was more than 5.2 million. Although the local box office made a lot of money for Shaw Brothers, it is still far from the previous box office of more than 10 million.

Wang Jing didn't think so. He felt that it was enough to make money for Shaw Brothers. After all, he hurried too fast.

Taking the door and going out, Wang Jing went downstairs and ran to Kang Jianfei's house, only to find that he was staring at a piece of cloth with calligraphy written on it. Wang Jing took a few glances and said, "Actually, Ah Fei, I didn't expect you to still believe in Buddhism."

Kang Jianfei said: "A friend gave it to www.wuxiaspot.com~ He said it would be good for me to recite the scriptures more. I was too busy some time ago, and now I have time to read it."

Wang Jing yawned and said, "What's so beautiful about Buddhist scriptures? Why don't you look at the hundreds of thousands of words now? Why isn't there a heroine?"

"Is it hundreds of thousands of words?" Kang Jianfei had already forgotten that book. What is serialized now is the outline of Kang Jianfei, the first draft written by Wu Ruiqing, and finally revised and finalized by cousin Wu Chenggang. Sometimes when Wu Chenggang was not free for filming, he directly took the first draft and asked the pen to help polish it.

Wen Bixia came out wearing a **** evening dress, turned around in the living room twice and asked, "Brother, how about I wear this dress tonight?"

Kang Jianfei glanced at it and said, wear an extra coat when going out, it is very cold now.

Wang Jing used to walk around the living room casually, blowing air to tease the goldfish in the bathtub from time to time. Suddenly, he saw a pair of red slippers at the door of Kang Jianfei's room. He was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what was going on. He just pretended to know nothing and chatted with Wen Bixia.

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