Dreams of the Fragrant River

: Three hundred and twenty-three [Investment Terminator]

The smile on Kang Jianfei's face disappeared instantly, and he asked, "Miss Hurd, as a producer, you don't allow investors to see the original writer and director of the script. Do you think I can't afford the money?"

As soon as Zeng Bolin translated this sentence, Anne Hurd quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Kang, that's not what I meant. [;Starter] If you really want to see Cameron, we can go directly to his house."

"It's almost!" Kang Jianfei said with a straight face. It is the uncle who pays the money. If his attitude is not tough, he will act like he has too much money to use up, begging to invest in others.

Anne Hurd came by car, and after checking out, she drove Kang Jianfei and the two to Cameron's house in person.

In front of Kang Jianfei, a potential investor, whether it is Anne Hurd or Cameron, they are only insignificant roles. If Kang Jianfei was a white man, Anne Hurd would have to speak carefully just because he could go in and out of Little Alan Ryder's office.

Anne Hurd is just a small person in Hollywood. This woman once served as an assistant to Roger Corman of New Century Films, and through this position, she met a lot of Hollywood ss. But it's just acquaintance. Anne Hurd can't speak in front of those big bosses.

James? Cameron is just a small director, he began to conceive more than a year ago. After Cameron wrote the script, he was only ridiculed by his agent, who thought the film was extremely boring. Cameron fired his agent in a fit of anger, and then went around looking for investors with the script.

Anne Hurd is a very ambitious woman who immediately realized she had met Bao after reading the script. Under Anne Hurd's deceit, James Cameron sold the script to Anne Hurd at a price of $1, and also promised the author of the script to sign Anne Hurd's name, the only requirement It has to be directed by him.

In this way, Anne Hurd bought the script for $1 and became one of the script writers. Then the woman took the script and pulled investment everywhere. As a result, I worked hard for a few months and didn't get a penny.

At this time, James Cameron realized that Annie Hurd was a white wolf with empty gloves. But Cameron has nothing to do. After all, Annie Hurd knows more people than he knows, and it is easier to get movie investment.

After Kang Jianfei had a small seizure. Anne Hurd also corrected her attitude. Driving her car to sell her script: "Mr. Kang, you have received support from Orion Films. As long as you invest, it will be filmed. Orion Films will help distribute it, so you don't need to worry about film distribution."

Orion Pictures, what broke the company?

Kang Jianfei had never heard of Orion Pictures, and felt that the company was very unreliable. He said to Anne Hurd: "I can help contact 20th Century Fox for distribution, and I don't need that Orion Pictures."

Zeng Bolin didn't translate this time, but reminded Kang Jianfei in a low voice: "Boss, Orion Pictures is not a small company."

Kang Jianfei asked, "Is it very interesting?"

Zeng Bolin explained: "Last year United Artists merged into MGM and changed its name to United Artists. Five former executives of United Artists did not join United Artists. Instead, they quit the company and co-founded Orion Pictures. These five executives are based in the United States. The film industry is very well-connected, and Orion Pictures is owned by Warner Brothers, and Orion Pictures agreed to help distribute the film, which is equivalent to Warner Bros. helping to distribute."

"Cough," said Kang Jianfei, who was making a fool of himself, coughing to hide his embarrassment. "Well, yes, it seems that Miss Heard is very capable."

Annie Hurd also took the opportunity to show her connections and said with a smile: "The distribution director of Orion Pictures is my good friend."

The distribution executive is certainly not a friend of Anne Hurd, at least not yet. It was her former boss, Roger Corman.

Roger Corman was not optimistic either, but Anne Hurd had been his assistant for several years, so it was not easy to say no directly. He thought that no one would invest in such a broken robot movie, so he made an excuse that if it could be made, Orion Pictures agreed to help distribute it. The so-called help with the distribution is actually just a shirk.

If Roger Corman is optimistic, Orion Films will directly invest in the filming, so who can get Kang Jianfei?

Kang Jianfei asked, "Which company does Ms. Hurd work for now?"

Anne Hurd shook her head: "No, I'm a freelance producer now."

Kang Jianfei didn't ask any further questions. If he really planned to develop in the United States, he could get Annie Hurd into the Oriental Film Company. This woman's vision was worth recruiting. It's a pity that Kang Jianfei only wanted to come to the United States from time to time to make money, and he didn't have too many plans.

Soon to James? Cameron's house, Cameron's wife Sharon? William is not at home. Cameron heard that Kang Jianfei was interested in investing, and almost humbly helped Kang Jianfei and Zeng Bolin bring coffee.

Everyone greeted each other for a few words, and then they quickly got down to business. Kang Jianfei asked, "Mr. Cameron, how much budget do you think it will take to make the film well?"

Cameron's eyes flashed: "Sir, 4 million is enough."

"Are you sure?" Kang Jianfei had already guessed what Cameron was thinking. He was probably afraid that he would scare Kang Jianfei away by talking too much. invest.

When making movies in the future, Cameron played this trick to perfection.

Kang Jianfei was too lazy to dismantle it, he said, "Yes, but I have a request."

"What request?" Cameron asked nervously.

Kang Jianfei said: "It happens that I have a film company in the United States, and I want the film rights."

"No!" Anne Hurd firmly opposed, "I am the producer of this film, and the copyright is mine."

Kang Jianfei smiled and said, "It's me who will pay."

Annie Hurd shook her head and said, "It doesn't work anyway. James has already sold me the script."

Cameron dreamed of being able to shoot it, so he even sold the script to Annie Heard for $1, just wanting to rely on Annie Hedela to invest.

But now that the investors are here, Anne Hurd actually holds the film copyright tightly, which makes Cameron feel a strong dissatisfaction.

Thinking of Anne Hurd's running around in recent months, Cameron couldn't bear to turn his back on her, and persuaded: "Annie. Since Mr. Kang is willing to invest, I think the film copyright should belong to him."

Anne Hurd asked: "What about me? What can I get?"

Kang Jianfei said: "You are the producer of this movie, plus the owner of the script, I can give you 1% of the box office."

Anne Hurd shook her head and said, "Too little."

"Don't be greedy!" Kang Jianfei was really angry, "1% of the box office share is not enough. Do you want me to give you all the box office?"

Annie? Hurd can become an excellent producer in Hollywood in the future. Of course she is not a brainless woman. The reason why she did not agree to Kang Jianfei was because she had her own plans.

Anne Hurd regarded it as a tool to make a name for himself, as long as the name started. In the future, I can be the boss of the production company myself. And the copyright of the film must be in your hands, so that it will be convenient to make a sequel in the future. As for the film company to which the copyright belongs, you can just register a company.

It's not that Annie Hurd is thinking too far, but because Cameron has long planned to make a sequel, and has discussed it with Annie Hurd. Some of the plots are actually in the first edition. If it weren't for the current special effects technology, there would be liquid robots in it.

The scene suddenly froze. Kang Jianfei smiled and looked at Cameron.

Cameron was silent for a while, and suddenly said to Anne Hurd: "Annie, come here, I think we need to have a good talk."

Anne Hurd smiled at Kang Jianfei and said, "Sorry, please wait a moment."

Cameron and Anne Hurd entered a room. Close the door and start communicating.

The Cameron family's house is estimated to have poor sound insulation. It didn't take long for the quarrel between the two to be heard from time to time. Kang Jianfei sat outside and pretended not to hear it.

For Cameron, the script was written last year. This year, only Kang Jianfei is willing to invest in this film, which cannot be missed no matter what.

The coffee in front of Kang Jianfei was cold. Cameron and Anne Hurd finally came out of it. It seemed that they had compromised with each other.

"How's it going?" Kang Jianfei asked with a smile.

Anne Hurd said angrily: "I'm a producer, and I want 3% of the box office."

Kang Jianfei tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa and calculated, "Assuming it sells 50 million at the box office, after deducting the movie tax, the cinema share, the cinema share, and the distributor's share, the money in my hand is only 10 million. What do you want? If you go 3%, it will be more than 1 million, and I can get a maximum of 8 million as an investor."

Kang Jianfei didn't talk about it here. Cameron felt embarrassed, because it was absolutely impossible to finish the film with 4 million US dollars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If there is an additional investment of two or three million dollars, then Kang Jianfei will This investor can only make a maximum of 1 million, and the money in his hand is not as good as Anne Heard.

And there is also the most important problem, that is, Cameron can not guarantee to sell 50 million box office. If the box office is less than 50 million, Kang Jianfei, an investor, will inevitably lose money.

Anne Hurd thought about it and took a step back and said, "Okay, I only want 1%."

Cameron went on to say: "I also have a request."

Kang Jianfei smiled and said, "Please speak."

"The content of the script cannot be modified at will, and I want the final editing right." Cameron was scared by the producers and investors. When he was filming the year before, he was a director in name, but he also worked part-time as a janitor on the set, and the content of the film was messed up by the producer. That was the most painful time for Cameron, and he even had a nightmare that he was killed by a future killer. This was the idea.

"Yes." Kang Jianfei agreed generously.

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