Chapter 142 An unexpected surprise

Overjoyed by the good news, he rolled around on the big bed a few times, then ran straight outside the house, looking here and touching, like a crazy rabbit, jumping up and down.

This actually frightened the real rabbits in the cage. They all huddled in the corner, chattering and rolling their red eyes.

The chickens, ducks, geese, and even the four fat pigs in the pen stretched their necks, very curious.

Who is this little chubby girl who suddenly appeared?

But Jiayin had no time to care and scold them. She walked straight to the vegetable garden and farmland behind with her short legs.

I just picked a cucumber and gnawed it, then I remembered that my baby teeth were not strong enough, so I had to pick another apple and smack it to taste it.

 The long-lost sweetness of the fruit made her narrow her eyes happily.

This time I hurt my head, and it really wasn't like she shed so much blood in vain. After the space was closed for so long, he actually showed kindness and let her in completely.

From now on, you can come in and steal food at any time. If you are in danger, you can hide in.

Woohoo, so happy!

Jiayin was sitting on the steps and wanted to dance for joy.

 As she looked up, she suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some changes on the right edge of the vegetable garden.

 Originally, this space range was somewhat like a gourd.

 The small courtyard and vegetable garden are the gourd head, which is small in area. The five acres of land behind it are the big belly of the gourd.

 But now the gray fog on the right side of the vegetable garden seems to have given way, giving way to an area of ​​about five ridges.

Jiayin was curious and went over to take a closer look.

The soil color of this extra area is much darker than that of the vegetable garden. Grab a handful and you will see that the soil is dark, slightly moist and clumped, as if it had just received a spring rain.

 It can be seen that this land is very fertile and anything planted will grow well.

 But after finally upgrading the space, you can’t be so stingy, right? You only need a small vegetable garden?

Jiayin frowned and wanted to explore more. Suddenly she heard someone talking. She trembled in fright, threw away half the fruit in her hand and ran out.

Sure enough, Mrs. Li was thinking about her granddaughter and came back to watch her sleep.

The good news almost leaked out, and the little heart was so frightened that she rolled over and rolled to grandma's legs, smiling.

The old lady rubbed her granddaughter's hair and suddenly smelled a faint fruity aroma. She guessed that her granddaughter had eaten it secretly, so she tapped her little nose.

"The village has already discussed building a house. When we have our own home, you and grandma can live in the same house and eat whatever you want. Now that there are so many people, we still have to be careful, you know?"

Jiayin nodded sharply, climbed onto grandma's lap, and quickly stuffed a piece of candy into the old lady's mouth.

The old lady glared at her granddaughter, but she didn't dare to open her mouth, for fear that she would be discovered if she ran away.

The grandfather and grandson just leaned on each other, looking out at the empty valley and the busy villagers, saying nothing but feeling extremely at ease.

Difficulties are all in front of you. As long as you are safe, healthy and reunited, you have nothing to fear.

After lunch, Li Laoer took out a pen and paper, and everyone gathered together to write down the tasks that needed to be done in front of them and prioritize them.

 The first thing to be built is not a house, but a toilet.

 If the problem of over a hundred people's diarrhea is not taken care of properly, the valley will soon become so dirty that it will be impossible to walk down.

 Besides, dung and urine are the best farmyard manure. When accumulated, they can be used to fertilize the land in the future.

Toilets should be located downwind, and separated between men and women. It is best to have a distance in the middle, otherwise it would be too embarrassing for men, women, and children to always meet at the door.

 Behind the toilet is burning wasteland, which is a dangerous and technical event.

The wind is strong in spring, and if you are not careful, you can cause continuous mountain fires. When the land reclamation fails, you may have to go to jail...

 The village chief advocated a steady approach to victory, digging dwarf pine trees first, and then burning weeds.

Moreover, when dwarf pine is dried, it can also be used to build shacks or replace firewood.

Of course, digging dwarf pine and clearing wasteland requires tools. Without a pick and a shovel, even if you are exhausted, you will not be able to clear a few acres of land. But it was not easy for everyone to buy iron farm tools when they first arrived, so they had to wait for the time being. Wait for Mrs. Cui and Mr. Wen, or Mr. Ye to come back and ask them for help.

 Then it’s time to build a house. There are many old people and children in the village, so we can’t always live in shacks.

Houses must be built before the rainy season, otherwise it will rain continuously and there will be no dry and warm place to live, and the elderly and children will easily fall ill.

 Finally, there are food rations and improved seeds.

Before Mr. Ye left in a hurry, he had sent more than thirty bags of food. It would not be a problem for everyone to eat for two months, but it was still half a year before the autumn day, and it was not enough at all.

Especially for high-quality seeds, if you don’t buy them well, it will delay the autumn harvest...

 In the afternoon, the men found a suitable place and began to dig a hole to make a toilet.

 Children are naughty and run around to help move stones. In fact, they are just joining in the trouble and not helping.

The tools are not good for my hands, and only half of the toilet was dug when it was dark.

 After a tiring day, everyone went to bed early.

Jiayin was still protected in the innermost side of the shack by his family members. He was covered tightly with quilts and then covered with gauze.

It was still in the afternoon, and Li Laosan took the time to find a thin cane to tie with his niece.

 The gauze cover is similar to the one used on dining tables in later generations to prevent flies from falling.

It's just that while others are protecting the food, here we are protecting the little baby Jiayin from insects and snakes getting into the bed.

Jiayin endured her drowsiness until midnight. When she heard that everyone in the house was indeed fast asleep, she sneaked into the space.

 At night, she secretly fed the custard to her two brothers, who were already hungry. Although I didn't dare to come in just now, I made porridge in advance in the kitchen. It was just right to drink now, neither cold nor hot.

After filling her stomach, she went to the back garden again, wanting to pick some fruits and study how to grow fruit seedlings.

 As a result, space gave her a huge surprise.

On the extra black soil, a sapling as thick as a thumb stood proudly.

Jiayin almost rushed forward, stretched out her arms and hugged Xiaomiao, wishing she could give him a few kisses.

She just threw a fruit core casually, and after spending most of the day outside, the core actually turned into a fruit seedling.

 In other words, there is no need to wait until next year to plant fruit trees after clearing the land!

To be on the safe side, she decided to wait one more day, and went to the front yard to find some cabbage seeds and sprinkled them as a double experiment...

When they got up early in the morning, the Li family quickly dressed and got up, fetching water and lighting the fire. When they saw Jiayin sleeping soundly with her quilt in her arms, everyone was gentle and didn't want to disturb her sweet dream.

 It wasn't until breakfast was ready that Jiayin was picked up, his face wiped with warm water, his hair braided, and then he was fed half a bowl of porridge.

Jiayin was thinking about the little experiment in the space and kept yawning, looking like she still wanted to sleep.

Tao Hongying was worried, so she asked a few questions while Dr. Zhang came to check the old lady’s pulse.

 Doctor Zhang examined the back of Jiayin’s head and gave everyone reassurance.

"It's okay, this girl is going to be very useful. Just sleep if you want. Children will grow taller if they sleep more."

The family felt relieved and saw that Jiayin was sleeping peacefully. Even Mrs. Li went to the toilet to watch the excitement.

Jiayin quickly got into the space again, and then jumped and screamed at the half-tall apple saplings and a piece of new green cabbage.

This extra piece of land is really no ordinary land, but the best nursery in the world.

With this growth rate, it is simply too easy to cultivate hundreds of fruit seedlings!

 (End of this chapter)

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