Chapter 218 Chapter 218 is open to meat!

The lieutenant general immediately turned around and ordered his soldiers to ignite five hundred men and horses and prepare to set off.

"Master Li, please wait for a moment. There is a war over there with the Marquis. I will go to pick up the Marquis right away."

Jiayi and Liu Yang were young men who were at an age where they were not afraid of anything, and they had their own abilities. At this time, they couldn't help but get into trouble.

The two of them grabbed Li Laosi's arm and said, "Uncle, let's go take a look too, okay?"

How could Li Laosi not understand their thoughts? To be honest, he felt itchy in his heart.

After hesitating for a while, he finally said, "General, can you prepare three horses and three swords for us, and we will go to greet the marquis. General, don't worry, we have all killed barbarians, and we will not be a drag on everyone." "

The general did not wait for a response. Jiayi was afraid that he would not agree, so he turned his head and raised the carriage a foot high.

The deputy general stared in shock. You must know that the fully loaded carriage weighed three hundred kilograms, and it was just lifted up by a boy and a half. Looking at this boy, his face was not red, and his heart was not beating!

"Okay, follow me closely on the road. If you are injured, I can't explain it to the Marquis."

 The deputy general responded, which made Li Laosi and the two boys extremely happy.

Soon, three horses and three long knives were brought over. Li Laosi and two boys got on their horses and ran away with the team.

 At first, Li Laosi and the two boys were a little uncomfortable with riding on the horse. After all, they usually rode mules, which was a little different from riding horses.

 But the three of them adapted quickly, ran all the way to the pier, got on the boat, and rushed to the other side quickly.

Ye Shan guarded the carriage and saw the large group of people running away. He was worried and amused at the same time.

He, a serious marquis, accompanied him personally, but instead became the coachman who watched the carriage...

Li Laosi and the others don't care about this, or they don't have the heart to care about it.

As soon as they got off the boat, everyone started galloping and quickly reached the place where the battle took place.

There were more than 300 barbarians, and the border guards numbered 400 to 500. It can be said that they were evenly matched. However, the border guards had the upper hand because the Marquis was brave and kept charging ahead, which boosted their morale.

The barbarians did not expect the reinforcements from the border guards to arrive so quickly, so they retreated in a hurry. As a result, they were quickly picked up by the reinforcements and made dumplings.

Li Laosi was born with supernatural powers. Even if he faced tough barbarians and slashed them with his sword, no one could resist them.

Jiayi and Liu Yang were quite cautious. They took care of each other. When they saw barbarians, they would usually fight one by one. Therefore, they were not injured and instead killed two barbarians.

The deputy general looked at him from a distance and breathed a sigh of relief.

 When he found an opportunity, when he got to the Marquis, he loudly reported.

“Master Hou, people from Ye Shan and the Li family are here to bring you something. I heard that you want reinforcements, so Fourth Master Li brought two boys over to help.”

Mr. Ye finished killing the barbarians in front of him. He turned around and saw that Li Laosi and Jiayi Liu Yang were both there. The three of them were inseparable from the barbarians and had no intention of paying attention to him.

He was a little funny. Normally, the Li family's aunt was worried about their safety and wouldn't allow them to leave home. But now that she came here to catch up with the war, she actually let them eat meat!

Thinking like this, he slowly moved closer and looked after them on one side, for fear that they would be injured in an accident.

Soon, most of the barbarians were killed. Seeing that something was going wrong, the remaining half fled desperately, leaving behind more than a dozen corpses.

Don't chase the enemy if you are poor, let alone here in Jiangbei.

Mr. Ye also ordered the troops to be withdrawn, quickly swept the battlefield, then carried the injured soldiers onto the boat and returned to the south bank. The wounded soldiers were carried down for treatment. Mr. Ye led everyone into his tent, and then he took the time to talk to Li Laosi, "Fourth brother, why are you here? How are you at home?"

Li Laosi was very happy and a little scared when he heard Mr. Ye call him this.

Generally speaking, Young Master Ye always calls me aunt, and his daughter calls her uncle all the time. To be honest, the family does treat Young Master Ye as one family.

 But Mr. Ye’s identity is too noble. No one dares to really regard him as a brother.

 But Mr. Ye didn't care about this and called him that in private.

 Li Laosi was a forthright person after all. He didn't hesitate for too long and answered directly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Hou, everything at home is fine. My mother has been thinking about you a few days ago and asked Hongying to cook a lot of food, thinking of sending it to you. But there are things at home that have been delayed. The cold melons and cold melons were dragged to the field. The cantaloupes were ripe, so we just picked some and sent them over.”

"Have the cold melons and cantaloupes ripened so quickly? It's only been three months since they were planted, right?" Mr. Ye was also happy and asked, "Are they available for sale? These are precious things. I didn't see many of them when I was in Kyoto. I definitely don't want them. It’s sold cheaply.”

"Mrs. Cui helped find the eldest man of the Liu family to be responsible for the sales. In addition, the old man of the Liu family and Mr. Wen also brought the village chief and second brother to the palace to make a donation. The emperor rewarded the name, and now that it is famous, everyone is rushing to grab it. I want to buy it. But the family is afraid of attracting jealousy. As long as we pay a similar price, the rest will be given to the Liu family. We can’t let people’s work go to waste. "

What Li Laosi said was serious. Mr. Ye kept nodding his head. He really wanted to talk for a while, but he had just gone through a war and there were always things to arrange.

He then said, "You guys have a rest first, I'll go to the wounded barracks to have a look and I'll be back soon."

"Master Marquis, let's go and wash up. We smell of blood. If someone in the family smells it, don't think about it in the future." Li Laosi immediately agreed, and then pulled the excited Jiayi and Liu Yang, follow the bodyguard to take a shower.

 When he came back, Mr. Ye had not finished handling his official duties.

They ordered two small stoves and cooked lunch in front of Mr. Ye’s tent.

 Put water in a pot, boil dry noodles, add cold water, put it into a bowl, add the meat sauce brought from home, add some cucumber shreds and coriander, mix it up, it is very hungry and refreshing, perfect for this summer.

Hold a jar of meat, pour half of it into the pot, and add a few handfuls of green beans. There is no need to add any other seasonings. After the stew is done, sprinkle a handful of chopped green onions and serve.

The brown-red meat was already cooked, and after being stewed for so long, it was completely soft. When I carefully picked up a piece, it trembled on the tips of the chopsticks, as if it was about to break at any moment.

There are also beans wrapped in soup, which are shiny and oily, making people salivate after just one look.

Not to mention the Marquis's soldiers guarding the tent, even the patrolling soldiers passing by couldn't help but stretch their necks to take a few more glances, and stretch their noses to take a few more whiffs of the aroma.

Mr. Ye came back from outside and saw that Li Laosi had received Jiayi and Liu Yang was busy, so he couldn't help but slow down.

He is a Marquis and a cousin of the Emperor. Naturally, he is rich and luxurious. He wears silks and satins and eats delicacies from the mountains and seas.

There are countless people who want to win over him and please him.

 But it is definitely not unreasonable for him to fall in love with the Li family.

The Li family sewed the clothes for him because they were really worried that he would be cold and tried their best to keep him warm.

The Li family provided food for him because they really wanted him to be well fed.

The Li family cares about him and really hopes that he will be safe.

What is rare is this unadulterated sincerity, which is more precious than anything in the world.

 (End of this chapter)

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