Chapter 228 The poor suddenly become rich

 Anyone who still wants to see these books can only borrow them from Jiaren.

  It cannot be said that Jiaren will be allowed to walk sideways in the academy from now on, but at least no one dares to bully him, and everyone who sees Jiaren must be polite.

Looking further into the future, the students in the academy have different statuses and backgrounds. Whether it is for scientific examinations or to make a living, as long as they benefit from these manuscripts, they will remember the Li family and become Jiaren. connections.

I have to say that Jiaren is lucky.

 After he entered the academy, his family opened a small shop to take care of his life. Now Mr. Wen is so troubled to pave the way for his future study and scientific examination...

Mr. Wen was afraid that the Li family would be reluctant to part with it, so he broke it apart and rubbed it apart, and explained the principles and benefits in detail.

Only then did everyone understand that Li Laoer stood up and gave a big gift to Mr. Wen, thanking him for taking such trouble for his son.

Mr. Wen smiled and helped him, "As a family, there is no need to be so polite. It is the fourth child who is willing to take the risk to retrieve these books. Otherwise, no matter how much I plan, it will be impossible for a clever woman to make a meal without straw."

Having said that, he added, "I only have a rest today, and I have business tomorrow. I will rush to Luo'an with my collection of books, and try to arrange things tonight so that everyone can feel at ease."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Wen. Come back another day and let Hongying cook some good dishes so that our family can have a good meal." Mrs. Li said gratefully.

 Subsequently, he sent Li Laosi to the field to pick a basket of melons as a souvenir for Mr. Wen.

It’s hard to let Mr. Wen visit the academy empty-handed...

Soon, Mr. Wen counted the books clearly, then carefully poured them into his carriage, carried a basket of cantaloupes, and rushed to Luo'an with Wen Hai.

When they reached the intersection of the valley, Li Laoer was worried and asked Liu Biaotou to take Jiayi and Liu Yang to follow him.

Jiayi and Liu Yang didn’t feel tired at all. They were even more excited when they heard they were going to the academy.

Jia An and Jia Jia anxiously walked around, looking at their second uncle aggrievedly, "Second uncle, we haven't been to the academy yet. We also miss our eldest brother."

How could Li Laoer be willing to let his nephews be like this? He only stayed for one night and came back, so he said, "Go, go, you two, don't be naughty and cause trouble. Come back early tomorrow."

 “Haha, my second uncle is so good!”

 “We promise to be obedient!”

The two naughty boys quickly jumped into the car and urged them to leave quickly, fearing that the second uncle would regret it or that grandma would find out and stop him.

Mrs. Li didn't have time to pay attention to them at the moment. She had been away from home for several days. She was worried about it, so she carried her granddaughter around the front yard and back yard, and walked to the river beach again.

This month, the sales of cold melons and cantaloupes are almost gone. Looking at the riverbank from a distance, it is completely empty, which makes it easy to distinguish.

The village chief walked up and down the field with his hands behind his back, holding his pipe and pot.

 He guarded this cornucopia in the village day and night, and he felt uneasy even if he left it for a moment.

 The harsh sun turned his face into a bronze color, but the corners of his raised lips never fell down.

In order to prevent outsiders from making trouble and grabbing melons, all the people in the village that could be mobilized were mobilized to watch for a month.

In the past few days, the cold melons and cantaloupes have been almost sold out, so half of the staff have been withdrawn.

Seeing Mrs. Li and Jiayin coming over, the village chief smiled and announced the good news to them, "Look at our cornucopia, it has done a great service to the village. When I planted it in spring, I knew it was a good thing, but I didn't expect it to be so valuable." ah!"

Mrs. Li put down the good news and said with a smile: "Isn't it true? Everyone can wake up laughing in their sleep. One acre of melon land can bring in hundreds of acres of fertile land!"

The village chief picked a cantaloupe at random, washed it in a bucket next to the shack, and then handed it to Jiayin.

Mrs. Li thought of the basket of cantaloupe just now and said, "The basket of cantaloupe just now was given to Mr. Jiaren Academy. It is considered a purchase by our family and I have asked my second brother to keep the account."

The village chief waved his hand, "Even if you know what you are doing, let's talk about it, everyone would still benefit from your family. Without your family saving Young Master Ye, they would not have worked so hard to find melon vines for us."

“One yard is one yard. Now everyone is worried about the income from the melon fields. It’s not good to spoil the friendship just because of this little money.”

 Original Mrs. Li refused to take advantage, so the village chief just did it. Jiayin's little teeth were not strong enough, so he chewed for a long time before biting off a bit of the melon skin, and stamped his feet anxiously.

The old lady quickly helped to hammer open the cantaloupe, carefully leaving the pulp, and handed the flesh to Jiayin.

Jiayin was held in her hands and slowly nibbled on it like a little mouse. The sweet taste made her squint her big eyes. She looked so cute no matter how she looked at it.

The village chief couldn't help but touch her braid, and said with a smile: "These children are enjoying a lot of blessings. In a while, the village is planning to build a school. If there is not enough manpower in the valley, we have to hire people, but it is not good to just earn work points. It delays children’s ability to study.”

"Yes, this is a big deal. We old guys can only do so much. What will happen to the village in the future will still depend on the children."

 The old lady is very supportive of studying, otherwise she would not have gritted her teeth and sent her grandson to the academy.

You must know that a monthly salary of ten taels is a heavy burden for any family.

Jiayin listened to the conversation between grandma and the village chief, and made a small calculation in his mind.

The melon fields are mostly empty, and I’m afraid that by the end of the month, they will all be picked and the garden will be completely abandoned.

 But she also planted two acres in her space, and she could always pick hundreds of cold melons and more than a thousand cantaloupes.

 When the time comes, look for an opportunity and let Dongmei and Ye Shan send it out, saying that Mr. Ye planted it privately. In this way, a large amount of money will be received.

Moreover, the money does not need to be divided among the villages, nor does the family know about it. It belongs to her alone.

The more I thought about the good news, the happier I became. I couldn't help but burst into laughter, which made Mrs. Li and the village chief look over. "This child is so happy that he can even giggle out loud."

Jiayin blushed and ran to sit next to her grandma's lap. The old lady hugged her and put her on her lap. She kissed her several times and said, "Our Fu Niu is our little lucky star. From now on, we will have good food and good food, and we will have no worries about food and clothing."

At this time, Li Laoer also came over and discussed with the village chief how to divide the food and wages in the evening.

There was no shortage of grain harvested this month, enough to feed everyone for a year. However, there was almost no grain grown in the riverbank land in the village. Everyone was unsure and decided to keep using grain as their ticket.

 Save up the food when you have more. Only when you have food in your hands will you feel confident.

As for wages, they are still divided as last time. The money from selling cold melons and cantaloupes is kept in the bank and divided together at the end of the year.

Although people in the village have come together to share the joys and sorrows, they still have to be on guard against the poor getting rich suddenly, and having money to develop evil ideas.

 It will be more prudent to wait and see for a few more months.

Hearing the good news nearby, he yawned and soon fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already night.

Li Laosi was cautiously talking to his wife about the women he met in the mountains, when Tao Hongying pinched him secretly so many times.

It’s a pity that Jiayi is not around, and there is no one to testify for Li Laosi. Li Laosi is really suffering, and he rubs the tender meat on his waist from time to time...

Jiayin held the porridge bowl, kicked her little feet, and secretly watched the excitement. She laughed so hard that she almost ate the rice porridge up her nose, and then she was knocked on the forehead by her grandma before she calmed down.

 Let’s not talk about how Li Laosi was in dire straits. I just want to say that when Mr. Wen and others arrived in Luo’an, school was about to end.

 He handed over the post and was quickly welcomed in.

Mr. Wen and Mr. Peng were classmates when they were teenagers. Although they were separated for many years, they came back this time and started to get along again.

The two have had different experiences over the years, but their temperaments and temperaments have not changed, so they still have a great rapport.

 Otherwise, Mr. Wen would not be able to safely send Jiaren here, and Mr. Peng would be responsible for teaching him every day.

 When good friends meet, it is natural to have a few words of laughter.

 (End of this chapter)

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