Chapter 492 Men’s gossip is terrible!

Soon, the soldier who went back to report the news came back.

He was gnawing on chicken legs as he walked, and he was carrying a basket in his hand. The basket was covered with white linen cloth and was vaguely steaming.

 The soldiers rushed forward in a swarm and grabbed the basket.

Someone laughed and scolded: "Boy, did you eat up all the good ones on the road?"

The soldier spit out the chicken bones and shouted: "Don't accuse me wrongly, I just got a chicken leg, and you saw it before I finished eating it! The basket is full of meat buns. The fourth lady said, let us cushion our stomachs first and wait. It’s over, let’s go back and have a drink, there’s a table of food specially left for us!”

"Haha, seriously? It's so good. I don't know what good dishes are at the banquet today!" A soldier jumped happily.

 At this time, the basket was opened, and sure enough, it was filled with white and fat meat buns.

The soldiers divided the food into four or five each and ate it in large gulps. They didn't care about the weeds and stones on the river bank and just lay down and basked in the sun. Not to mention how comfortable they were.

 Only Mr. Wen and Wen Junyan, father and son, huddled aside half dead.

They are hungry too. After all, they have been out doing the work so early in the morning and they haven’t eaten yet.

But they had just been given enough water, and they were afraid that if they said they were hungry, they would ask for another "river meal," so they could only endure it...

  A few soldiers looked down upon their useless appearance, so they chatted with them when they had nothing to do.

"I said, old man, what on earth are you thinking? Are you an old fool? Why do you treat your eldest son like a treasure when your eldest son is so useless? Our Mr. Wen is such a good man, brave and resourceful, why don't you treat him like a treasure? See you there?”

“Yes, is this eldest son born to you and the woman you are in love with?”

"Yes, yes, isn't there often such a story in dramas? There is no such thing as beating mandarin ducks, and a brothel girl cannot be married home. The brothel girl throws herself into the river after giving birth to a child, so the man takes the child home and records it as his real wife. Down!"

"Oh, that's what I guessed too! Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense to ignore the filial and promising second son and just hold a straw bag."

Who said men don’t gossip anymore? When men start gossiping, their aunts and wives will step aside.

The soldiers were chattering lively, which made Old Mrs. Wen so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Unfortunately, when he opened his mouth, a mouthful of river water spurted out...

 Fortunately, the Li family's banquet was eaten quickly, and when the sun set, the escorting procession passed by the stone bridge.

 The people under the bridge could hear the laughter and bustle clearly.

Mr. Wen didn't know where he got the courage. He wanted to call his son loudly, but a soldier quickly drew his saber and put it on his neck.

Any dissatisfaction or indignation becomes a joke in front of the saber...

It wasn't until the team had gone far and there was no sound at all that the soldier put away his saber, but Xu was not relieved. He raised his hand, and the scabbard hit Old Man Wen's forehead hard. The old man screamed in pain, and his forehead My son suddenly swelled up into a big lump!

The soldiers ignored them and pulled the father and son away and climbed onto the bridge.

 Soon, the carriage and the entourage returned to their original positions.

Chang Sui was not beaten, but he was still shaking with fear.

The soldiers packed Old Mrs. Wen and Wen Junyan back into the carriage. One of the soldiers smiled and pulled the wrinkled clothes of the father and son, and said: "You two, you must remember the lesson you learned today. Don't dare to do anything again in the future." What's the crooked idea? It's just as simple as letting you drink water!

"Also, our Lord Marquis has recently been tracking down a spy who has taken refuge with the barbarians. This spy is very cunning and may not be hiding in someone's house. You'd better help keep an eye on it when you go back."

After saying that, he closed the car door and shouted to his brothers, "Let's go, let's go home and eat!"

"Okay, let's go quickly, I'm already hungry!" "You ate the most buns just now, why are you hungry again? You're a loser!"

The soldiers laughed, shouldered their sabers, and ran away into the brilliant sunset.

 Leaving the Wen family's carriage parked on the road for a long time, Mr. Wen finally ordered: "Let's go, go home quickly!"

Chang Sui quickly turned around and ran away towards Kyoto.

Wen Junyan held his belly and the carriage shook, causing him to vomit out water again and again, "Ugh, dad, I'm going to... sue them, uh... beat up the court official!"

As a result, before he could finish speaking, Mr. Wen slapped him **** the back of the head, "You idiot, do you want to kill the whole family?! Didn't you hear just now that the Marquis is catching the barbarian spies, who don't know where they are hiding?" Whose family!

"He is warning us that if we dare to cause trouble again, our family will be accused of harboring spies! Have you forgotten the Wang family? How did the third son of the Wang family become crazy? It was because of this crime that he was thrown into prison and driven crazy. You can also imagine Just like Wang Laosan, right?”

Wen Junyan remembered the scene of Wang Laosan having fun on the street with his bare legs, and he couldn't help but shuddered, "No, no..."

"Then shut your mouth. We will suffer today's loss." Old Mrs. Wen gritted his teeth with hatred. He wanted to say something harsh but didn't dare, so he could only say vaguely, "We'll talk about it later!"

"Then when we get home like this, my family will ask..." Now that he was no longer worried about his life, Wen Junyan remembered the issue of face.

The father and son came out in a rage and returned with injuries all over their bodies. They didn’t have a good fig leaf, and they didn’t know how many people would laugh at them.

Mr. Wen thought for a moment and then looked at the driver driving the car in front of him...

Mrs. Wen had already asked several times in the courtyard of the Wen family. When she heard that the old man and her husband had not returned yet, she became a little anxious.

I wanted to talk to my mother-in-law, but she looked like she couldn't hold up the wall with mud, so it was useless to talk to her, so she simply didn't go.

 Fortunately, soon, news came from the front that the person was back.

She hurried over and saw two doctors busy around her father-in-law and her husband.

She was startled, and it was inconvenient to go forward, so she could only ask through the screen: "Old Master, Master, were you... beaten by someone? What happened?"

Wen Junyan's body was covered with bruises. The doctor was taking medicinal oil and rubbing them away. He screamed in pain, but he still hurriedly responded, "What nonsense are you talking about? I am a fourth-grade imperial official. Who dares to hit me! The carriage flipped over on the road. Oh, he fell off the stone bridge. It would be great if we could just save our lives."

Mr. Wen also echoed: "Go down and follow Wen An, who will serve you unfavorably. I will give you twenty blows!"

"Yes, old master." Mrs. Wen had no doubts and immediately ordered someone to arrest the chief attendant and put him on a board in the yard. She also let all the slaves take a look so that they would remember it in the future.

 But the two busy doctors in the room looked at each other with ridicule in their eyes.

The words of the Wen family and his son were successful in deceiving others, but they were full of loopholes.

 The injuries on their bodies make it look like they were beaten!

 Obviously Mr. Wen also knew about this, so when the two doctors left, they both received generous medical fees and successfully sealed their mouths...

In Cui's village, a newlywed couple had just worshiped heaven and earth and were sent to the bridal chamber.

Mrs. Liu's smile was like flowers. He was really happier than his own son getting a wife.

Seven or eight old friends from the Liu family and the Cui family came here. Regardless of whether they looked down on men marrying into the family, they were all happy that their old friends had a successor...

 (End of this chapter)

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