Chapter 723 Goodbye Jade Box!

At this time, the eldest princess brought her nanny over.

 Compared to Bao Lei, the eldest princess is obviously more tactful in her words and deeds.

She greeted the elders of the noble ladies, and praised their clothes and jewelry today, making the noble ladies very happy.

She then took her leave and left the space for the girls to play by themselves.

 Bao Lei took the opportunity to take everyone to the greenhouse on the side of the garden.

The princess's mansion has no glass, so the conservatory cannot be compared with the one in Jiayin.

This greenhouse is built with blue bricks on three and a half sides, and the roof is covered with wooden purlins with thick white satin.

Choose the hottest time at noon and remove the straw mat. The sunlight will shine through the white satin, making the greenhouse bright and warm.

 Many flowers are already in full bloom, and they are proof that the flower viewing feast is worthy of its name.

Women are born to love flowers. As soon as the ladies entered the greenhouse, they spread out and enjoyed the flowers together, chatting and laughing. It was very lively.

Baozhu followed Jiayin, but whispered with a look of disgust: "Sister Jiayin, this greenhouse is not as good as yours. There is no grape trellis, no cucumbers, and no banana trees..."

Jiayin shook his head at her and comforted her: "Don't talk too much. When you get home, I can let you live in my greenhouse!"

Baozhu then smiled and took the opportunity to make a condition.

"Okay, I want to eat peaches! The last time I went there, the peaches were as big as the mouth of a bowl. They will definitely be ripe in two days!"

Jiayin was funny, so I patted her and found a tea table to sit down, continuing to drink tea and watch the fun.

 As for flower viewing…

 In her space, any potted flower can be taken out and it will become the king here!

Since the orb was boring, Jiayin found a red rope and taught her how to turn it.

As a result, Shui Ling came forward after a while, and while adjusting the hem of her master's skirt, she said, "Princess, Miss Bao has called five or six young ladies out one after another."

Jiayin raised his eyebrows and said, "Follow me and take a look. Be careful not to be discovered. Don't take risks."

Shui Ling nodded excitedly, then walked out quietly along the wall.

Jiayin had something on her mind and couldn't sit still. When she was about to get up and look around, the third princess arrived.

I didn’t know if it was difficult for her to get out of the palace, so I wasted a lot of time and came late.

 But she came straight to the good news, and the malice in her eyes was clear and obvious.

“Li Jiayin, don’t you know how to kowtow when you see me?”

Jiayin stood up, smiled with an innocent and puzzled look on her face, and replied: "Princess, you are the daughter of the emperor's uncle, and you are a princess. I am just the princess, so of course I have to salute you.

“But as long as you squat and do not kowtow, didn’t the princess’s upbringing mother teach the princess these rules?

“I remember that the emperor has given the princess a lot of education and nuns. Don’t they still teach the princess seriously?!

“Then next time I enter the palace, I will definitely talk to the emperor’s uncle and ask him to find a more stern nun for the princess!”

The third princess gritted her teeth with hatred and really wanted to tear Jiayin's fake and innocent face to pieces.

This is not out of curiosity, she is clearly threatening her with her father!

The third princess still wanted to get angry, but the two nuns following her quickly stepped forward to persuade her.

You know, the nuns who were replaced last time still don’t know whether they are alive or dead. They don’t want to follow in the same footsteps!

 Fortunately, Bao Lei appeared at this time. She glanced in the distance and saw the noble ladies watching the excitement, and said quickly: "Princess, Princess, it's too hot here.

“We have a new Wind-Listening Pavilion in our house, not far away. The sound of the wind heard there is as sweet as the sound of a flute.

“Princess and princess, why don’t you go and sit down for a while?”

Jiayin's heart skipped a beat, guessing that today's "biggest event" was finally coming.

Just now she forced Bao Lei to salute. Bao Lei was so angry that he didn't turn his back. It was obvious that he had an agenda. We must endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens to achieve our goals.

At this moment, to distinguish her from the others, she also brought a third princess with her, just to see her!

The third princess wanted Jiayin to make a fool of herself in public, but remembering her father's dislike and the Marquis's coldness, she had some scruples, so she turned around and left.

Jiayin entrusted the orb to Aunt He and followed with only Dongmei.

As expected, Tingfeng Pavilion is not far away, just after leaving the garden.

There are still three kilograms of nails in the broken ship. Even if the Princess Mansion is crazy about poverty, its wealth will not be wiped out in a day or two!

 At least the Tingfeng Pavilion is well decorated. The tables, chairs and wooden utensils are all made of nanmu, which is grand and beautiful.

There is a large soft table placed by the window, with a small coffee table across the middle, and maroon satin embroidered plum blossom pillows on both sides. It looks very comfortable.

Bao Lei led the third princess and Jiayin to sit on either side of the soft cave, and said with a smile: "I have something good here. It's rare that the princess and the princess are here today, so I must try it."

“But when the elders see this thing, they are afraid they will scold us for being playful, but I don’t know if the princess and the princess dare to try it?”

The third princess was tired of being controlled the most, and she was full of rebellious age, so she immediately said impatiently: "Don't be nagging, is there anything that I don't dare to do? Come and take a look."

 After saying that, she opened her mouth to drive away the nun.

The two nuns were hesitant. The third princess picked up the soft pillow at hand and smashed it.

There is no way to educate, I can only lower my head and retreat.

Jiayin thought for a while and signaled to Dongmei, "Aunt Mei, you should go out and have a cup of tea. If anything happens, I'll call you again."

Dongmei scanned the room without leaving a trace. When she saw that there was no place to hide, she frowned and left.

 Bao Lei was very satisfied. She quickly opened the cabinet in the corner and took out two long cigarette rods, a small lampstand and a jade box.

Jiayin could see it clearly, and his heart almost stopped in shock.

 Fortunately, she was not a real child, and her expression quickly changed from surprise to curiosity.

“Miss Bao, what is this? Why is it similar to the dry cigarettes smoked by the old men in our village!”

Jiayin casually picked up the long cigarette rod and fiddled with it twice, looking unconcerned.

However, the third princess had never seen anyone smoking dry cigarettes, so she grabbed a cigarette rod and played with it.

Bao Lei hurriedly said: "The princess' guess is almost the same. This is a tobacco rod, which is also used for smoking. However, the cigarette smoked is not tobacco, but fairy paste."

"Fairy ointment? Is it a plaster that can turn people into gods?" Jiayin deliberately interrupted and asked.

  This made Bao Lei's eyes full of contempt, but she explained patiently.

“The princess was joking, people are just people, how can they become gods.

"However, with just a few puffs of this fairy ointment, you can temporarily become a fairy, enjoy the freedom of flying in the clouds and mist, and being omnipotent."

The third princess's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she couldn't help but urge: "How do you want to smoke this thing? Hurry up and wait for me to try."

Bao Lei quickly lit the lampstand, opened the jade box, and dug out a spoonful of brown tobacco paste. But before she could bring it to the lampstand to bake, Jiayin sniffed around, then pulled the handkerchief to cover her mouth, Suddenly he retched.

Bao Lei was startled, and the third princess was also surprised.

Bao Lei asked: "What's wrong with the princess?"

 “I...I smell something bad and feel a little uncomfortable!”

Jiayin's face turned pale and she responded hastily. Before she could cover her mouth again, she sprayed filth all over the table.

 Most of them are snacks that have just been eaten and have not yet been digested!

 (End of this chapter)

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