Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 755: Greedy thieves who can’t be killed!

Chapter 755: Greedy thieves who can’t be killed!

The little boy, who was tanned like a black loach, smiled so much that he showed his white teeth, and responded loudly: "Don't worry, Princess, we don't need it yet.

“But if it doesn’t rain for another three to five days, I’m afraid I’ll have to carry water.”

Jiayin nodded, looked around again, and then went to the pharmaceutical workshop on the edge of the field.

There are a dozen girls here who are picking herbs, drying them, and preparing them carefully.

The good news did not disturb them. They looked around quietly, went to the warehouse, put the finished products into the space, and left.

Working overtime at night will save hundreds of bottles of medicine for tomorrow.

In a few days, Uncle Li Yong will take people to Jiangbei for reinforcements, and Jiayin is planning to bring another batch of wound medicine to his adoptive father and father.

It has been several years since the barbarians went south. The cavalry from the grassland entered the city, and they were so drunk that they no longer had the same bravery as before.

Moreover, the barbarians are good at raising horses and grazing, but they are not good at growing grain.

On the other hand, the Northern Expeditionary Army has sufficient food and grass, and its combat power is getting higher and higher.

 Under the situation of one ebb and flow, the Northern Expeditionary Army has received good news one after another since its expedition in April this year!

 But on the battlefield, swords and guns have no eyesight, and no matter how many victories there are, there is no guarantee that there will be no casualties.

 The medicine prepared by the Ministry of War cannot be said to be bad.

It's just about buying medicinal materials and making medicine for wounds. These procedures have gone through too many people's hands and peeled off the skin layer by layer.

 Finally, if the medicinal materials are of poor quality and the dosage is insufficient, no matter how good the prescription is, it will be of little use.

For this reason, Mr. Hou also went on a killing spree. Last year, he caught a few "borers" and chopped them down directly.

It is a pity that there is always a shortage of greedy people in the world. After killing some people, another group will fall and another group will stand up.

 The problem of ineffective wound medicine has still not been solved.

So, when we set off for the expedition this year, Jiayin sent all the medicine he had accumulated for a long time to the military camp.

Jiangbei sent a letter a while ago and said that the effect of the wound medicine was almost immediate and saved the lives of many wounded soldiers.

 Presumably in the autumn, when the adoptive father comes back, he will go to the emperor to ask for the imperial village and fields to plant medicinal materials on a large scale.

 In this regard, Jiayin is very supportive.

In the past few years, the emperor's uncle has frequently sent Manager Yi and Eunuch Feng to come to the princess's mansion to "gather wool" and eat countless fruits and vegetables.

If these fruits and vegetables were sold for money, it would be enough to buy hundreds of acres of land. She couldn't do a loss-making business!

After walking around for a while, Jiayin went directly back to the old house in front.

 The sky was dusk, and lanterns were already lit in the Li family courtyard.

When Mrs. Li saw her granddaughter coming back, she prepared dinner.

Even though Jiayin wasn’t hungry, he ate a lot with his grandma, and told her about the Gu family’s flower-viewing party, during which Xingxing acted like a spoiled brat, which was quite lively.

 The old lady likes this at home best. The children have grown up and left. Sometimes she gets flustered when the yard is quiet.

Jiaren and Jiahuan are okay, they can always see each other every two or three days.

Brother Li and Brother Cat, since they have their own horses, they can go back and forth once every seven or eight days.

 Only Jiayi has been killing Japanese pirates in the south, and he has been promoted from captain to general, but he has never had the chance to come home to see him.

As for family happiness and safety, there is no news, life or death is unknown...

Jiayi didn’t go home because of these two younger brothers.

  I heard that he patrolled the outer sea every day and always looked for traces and news of his younger brother when he came across ships of foreigners.

 Unfortunately, nothing was found...

Everyone in the family knows that the old lady misses these three grandsons, so she tries not to mention them as much as possible and tries to live a lively life at home.

  Even Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru were thinking about their son, secretly shedding tears at night, and welcoming everyone with smiles during the day. Tonight, the great-grandson acted cute and the precious granddaughter asked for advice, which made the old lady say a few words and eat half a bowl of rice too much.

After dinner, Jiayin asked her grandma to help her choose jewelry and clothes for the flower viewing party.

Tao Hongying and Mrs. Wen had nothing to do, so they also joined in the fun.

Wenjuan hugged the stars and took out a belt with intricate embroidery and said, "Sister, don't dress too plainly when you go out as a guest. Choose a beautiful skirt and try it with this belt."

Jiayin smiled and hugged her second sister-in-law, and said in surprise: "Second sister-in-law has been busy these days just to embroider a belt for me. I thought they were clothes and pants for Xingxing!"

Wenjuan has become accustomed to her sister-in-law being close to her in recent years. She blushed slightly and said, "Xingxing has many clothes."

At this time, Wan'er also called Chunxiu to go back to the room and get a package.

 The package contained a cinnabar-colored dress, which was embroidered with golden flowers from the skirt to the chest, which was extremely delicate.

Wan'er smiled and said: "What a coincidence, I just sewed a skirt for my sister, which matches Wenjuan's belt.

“Sister, try it quickly. If something doesn’t suit you, we’ll change it right away.”

Everyone couldn't help but praise them. They were both good at craftsmanship.

  It is a woman’s nature to love beauty, no matter her age.

Yue Ya'er squeezed out of Mrs. Wen's arms, ran forward, gently touched the hem of her skirt, turned around and acted coquettishly with her mother.

 “Mom, Yue Ya’er also wants a beautiful dress!”

 Everyone was amused and laughed, and Mrs. Wen hugged her daughter to comfort her, "When you grow to be as big as Sister Fu Niuer, you can wear such a beautiful dress."

Yue Ya'er compared her height with a sad look on her face. She was so cute.

Jiayin went to the back room to change her clothes. Grandma He skillfully rearranged her hair and added a red-blonde crown with rubies inlaid in the middle. It was paired with earrings also set with rubies. It was really noble and beautiful.

Out of the door, as soon as he appeared, everyone was astonished.

Wan'er held her belly, walked around her sister-in-law to take a closer look, and said with a smile: "Grandma, look, my sister is so suitable for such a dress, she is so bright and majestic!"

Mrs. Li smiled from ear to ear and responded repeatedly, "My Fu Niu'er is really a big girl. When I was a child, I was afraid that she would always be fat.

“I didn’t expect that she would be like a willow tree in spring. She would grow taller in the blink of an eye, but it made me worry in vain.”

Mrs. Wen also nodded in agreement, "Yes, that's what it means to be a woman's eighteenth transformation.

 Fu Niu'er is a princess, so she can dress casually at home, but she should dress more elegantly outside. "

Jiayin pulled up the hem of her skirt and spun it around on the ground a few times. She was also so beautiful that she was bubbling with beauty.

 Finally, she ran to hug her two sisters-in-law and gave them a kiss on each face.

Wan'er and Wenjuan both had red faces and lowered their heads in shame.

 Wan'er touched her belly, hoping to have a daughter like her sister-in-law.

 Having such a daughter, I will definitely be happy every day for the rest of my life.

Jiayin opened the jewelry box and put an agate bracelet on her wrist.

 Then she picked out a pair of jade bracelets with excellent water quality, took them on the wrists of her two sisters-in-law, and put one on each of them.

Wan'er and Wenjuan naturally don't want it. They treat their sister-in-law as a younger sister, and their husbands have repeatedly warned her. How can they say they do some needlework and still need to receive "wage"? !

 But Jiayin really wants to thank the sisters-in-law.

 The elder sister-in-law has a bulging belly, and the second sister-in-law has to take care of a two-year-old child, so she has no time to spare.

It can be said that the courtesy and friendship are even more important than taking time out to do needlework for her!

  In the end it was Mrs. Li who spoke and asked her two grandsons and daughters-in-law to accept the bracelets.

The whole family is harmonious and affectionate, which makes the old lady even happier. Even when she sleeps, she always has a smile on her face...

 (End of this chapter)

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