Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 771: My parents are here, so I won’t travel far!

Chapter 771 My parents are here, so I won’t travel far!

"Okay, thank you, Princess." This time, Lao Hei did not refuse.

They quickly returned to the second village, and in the time it took to have a meal, they gathered a dozen veterans.

 These veterans, some lost half their palms, some lost their ears, and some were blind in one eye.

 Anyway, I didn’t delay my trip, jumped on the horse, and set off in a hurry with Lao Hei and the others.

In the yard of Li's house, Brother Cat had eaten and drank enough. He wanted to talk to his family about what he had seen on the road, but his grandma sent him to sleep.

Jiayin chased and brought a bowl of soothing tea to her brother, hoping that he would sleep more soundly.

 As a result, I heard the sound of Hulu Mountain when I entered the door...

Needless to say, because of her, my brothers once again had to worry and suffer...

 Two days later, Lao Hei and others returned with the convoy.

 Because he was worried about the princess's condition, the convoy also traveled day and night, so it was only more than 200 miles behind.

 As we approach Xindu, the road is much smoother and we will soon reach home.

People in the village came out to watch the fun and offered their hands to help carry things.

Ganzhou Prefecture is very poor and poor, but it is rich in many good things.

This time Lao Hei and the others brought a lot of good medicinal materials, such as Codonopsis pilosula, lily, angelica root, astragalus root, etc., all packed in sacks.

I also bought a lot of dried day lilies, red dates, and even local white melons and peaches. Unfortunately, no matter how careful I was, half of them were lost on the road.

 But the good news is not too distressing, because if you have seeds, you are not afraid. If you throw them into a space nursery, you can grow more and the quality will be better.

 Just in time, she felt that it was a bit monotonous to always grow jade melons and golden fruits in the village.

 Add white melons and peaches next year, money will definitely flow in like water.

In addition, Lao Hei and others also bought several bags of Dahongpao and Sichuan peppercorns, 100 kilograms of yak jerky, and more than a dozen jars of Longshen tea.

 Among them, the most eye-catching ones are the three sets of luminous cups.

This luminous cup is a jade carving that is a specialty of Ganzhou Prefecture. It is deep blue in color and has beautiful lines.

 At night, add wine and it will be dazzling and beautiful.

Every year, this luminous cup is also one of the tributes.

  There was also a set of rewards given to the Li family by the palace before.

Now it is kept in the Earl's Mansion, and is only used occasionally when entertaining guests.

 Lao Hei brought back these three sets. They were not produced by official workshops, but were carefully carved by famous local jade craftsmen.

Jiayin played with it for a while and then put it away.

  In the future, when giving gifts at home, you can make a big item and add it to the gift list...

 After Lao Hei and others had just settled down, the dried yak was distributed among the villagers to eat freshly, and Li Zhensheng also brought the fleet back!

 Obviously, he was also anxious, fearing that he would not be able to catch up with the birth of his great-nephew.

Li Laoer and Jiaren took their men and went to the military camp wharf to greet them, taking along two carts of jade melons.

 Hou Ye, Li Laosi and Jiang Cheng are all on the northern expedition. Now Li Yong and several generals who have followed the Hou Ye for many years are guarding the camp.

 Everyone was very happy when they saw the jade melon sent by the Li family.

Li Zhensheng also sent hundreds of kilograms of sea fish to the cook camp to add food to the soldiers who stayed behind.

Everyone in the military camp was also happy and lent the dock to the Li family's fleet.

 The pier at Xindu was crowded with too many fleets.

Occasionally, someone would ask someone to unload and dock at the military camp wharf.

These people will also send some food to the military camp, but only to a few generals, and never take the soldiers seriously.

 Only the Li family, no matter what they send, the generals will not be left behind.

Perhaps every time, everyone doesn’t get much, just a piece of jade melon or a piece of fish.

 But they were happy.     Because this is respect and recognition of their hard work...

 When it gets dark, the stewards are left to slowly unload and transport the goods.

Li Zhensheng, Li Laoer and Jiaren rushed back to Suijintan.

The Li family yard was brightly lit, and Mrs. Li stood under the big tree at the entrance of the village, looking and waiting.

Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru tried to persuade him several times, but they couldn't persuade him to go back, so they went to shout good news.

Jiayin brought a plate of grapes and walked to her grandma. Seeing that she was looking ahead without any notice, she couldn't help but sigh.

 My parents are not traveling far away, probably because of this.

 When you get older and have a child or grandchild outside, the elderly can’t help but think about them.

Uncle, that's all. Although he goes to Quanzhou twice a year, he always comes back.

 But the third brother Jiayi has not come back for three years, and there is no news about Jiaxi and Jiaan. Their lives are unknown...

Grandma is so looking forward to it, not only for her uncle to come back safely, but also for news about her grandchildren...

Jiayin stepped forward and pulled her grandma to sit on the big rock under the tree. While making jokes and jokes to make grandma happy, she peeled the grape skins and put them into grandma's mouth.

 Until the moon was at the top of the sky, the carriage finally came back.

Li Zhensheng got out of the car and saw his old lady. He was about to kneel down, but the old lady helped him up.

The old lady looked behind him eagerly and asked: "Where is Jiayi? Where is Jiaxi and Jiaan? No one has come back?"

Everyone felt sad when they heard this.

Li Zhensheng even lowered his head in shame, "Mom, this is the time when the Japanese pirates are rampant. Jiayi can't leave and won't come back. As for my family, I wish my family is safe..."

 He did not continue speaking, but everyone understood.

 The light in Old Mrs. Li's eyes quickly dimmed, and she steeled herself to deal with it.

“Ah, I’m confused. The children have their own business, so if they don’t come back, they won’t come back. Maybe they’ll all get back together during the Chinese New Year!”

Jiayin quickly said: "Grandma guessed it right, my third brother is busy at this time and will definitely come back during the Chinese New Year.

“As for my fourth and fifth brothers, they are the most naughty. They may be hiding somewhere to hold back their big moves, hoping to surprise grandma.”

Mrs. Li thought about it and realized that this was really possible, so the smile on her face grew a little brighter, "The two of them are the most naughty, and they got into trouble a lot when they were young!

“Not to mention anything else, when we first arrived at Broken Gold Beach, we almost roasted Fu Niuer on the stone slab?

“I went to pick up the goose’s **** and was chased around by the goose. Not to mention how annoying it was…”

Old Mrs. Li unceremoniously revealed her grandson's shortcomings, causing everyone to laugh and crowd around her as they walked into the courtyard.

As a result, Chunxiu rushed out in a panic and shouted loudly when he kicked in and out of the door.

 “Old madam, our lady is giving birth! She’s giving birth!”

 “Oh, Wan’er is about to give birth! Hurry, go find Po Wen!”

Mrs. Li no longer cared about her two careless grandchildren and ran to the backyard to prepare for her great-grandson who was about to arrive.

Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru were also busy, boiling water and preparing scissors and clean cloth towels.

 The most important thing is that we invited Dr. Zhang to take charge!

Jiaren still looked calm as usual, his face turned pale in a hurry, and he was wandering outside the window.

Wan'er is the first child, so he will definitely not be born very quickly. He is destined to suffer a lot.

 But when Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru saw him, they didn't persuade him to rest.

 After all, Wan'er was in the house going through **** for his blood, so it was right for him to be worried and anxious.

Jiayin feels sorry for my brother who has a busy day and still has to suffer like this.

So she found a stool for her eldest brother and brought a pot of herbal tea.

 (End of this chapter)

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