Duke of Grief

Chapter 257: ‘Utilitarian’ and ‘Ideal’

When Asatom’s world’s first and currently the only “small hydroelectric generator” was put into the stream, and confirmed to be operational, the members of the group did not issue the same as the “hand crank” The kind of cheers when the generator was just developed.

The old scholar Latiz could not help but let out a sneer when he saw the appearance of his students and other team members.

Together with Latiz, the old mage Potter squatting to observe the operation of the hydro generator also sighed.

"Something you want to say, let's say..." At this point, after a pause, Potter added softly: "Relax, though you said, we will not blame you."

"Teacher, why should we study this thing?"

As soon as Potter's words fell, one of his mage apprentices couldn't help it.

The mage apprentice glanced at the small hydraulic generator, "Men who have grown up maids have already created the lost "Magic Furnace", why do we have to work hard to develop this thing?"


Several team members on the side clenched their fists, glaring at the mage apprentice, trying to get started, but stopped by Potter.

After stopping the students of Latiz, Potter turned his head to look at his apprentice.

"Yanu, you can have this kind of "shamelessly asking" mentality. I like it very much."

Yanu was not happy with the praise of the ‘mentor’ because he knew that if the mentor spoke this way, then there must be a turning point.

Indeed, as Yanu thought, Potter turned sharply, "But this is not just something you researched, Yanu, this is the research result of all of us, this is not something meaningless, I need you to apologize to them first, then apologize to me, and finally, apologize to yourself, because this is not just our research results, this is also yours, while you do not respect your own research results, You are also disrespecting yourself! So, Yanu, apologize. After your apology is over, I will talk to you about the significance of this small hydroelectric generator. You are twenty years old and you should be able to understand these truths. "

Yanu was stunned for a moment, his mouth closed, but after seeing Potter's grim look, although he was still somewhat reluctant, he whispered ``sorry'' to others.

After Yanu apologized to everyone, including himself, Latiz, who had been squatting on the ground for a while, said suddenly: "Maid Maid has been giving us research and development funding, even when she put the "magic" After the Noh furnace was manufactured, our research funding has not been cancelled, or even more, this is the best evidence!"

Before anyone else could understand what Latiz had said, Potter smiled bitterly and sighed: "Latz, you don't have to be angry with them like that. It's not necessarily a bad thing for young people to be impatient. "

"But it's not necessarily a good thing!" Latiz said coldly.

Yanu clenched his fists because he felt that the ‘old guy’ was referring to himself, which made him feel like he had lost face in front of others.

He didn’t think about the ‘research grant’. Although every month’s research grant will be announced, he has never paid attention to these issues because he is only an apprentice, and it’s not his turn to worry about the research grant.


Potter shook his head and sighed. Instead of picking up the words of Latiz, he began to explain to the members of the research team: "An arcanist in the period of the arcane empire once said such a sentence,'Magic is top-down. Art', it's not wrong that the maid grew up to make the magic furnace, and with her generosity, we are also very likely to obtain the magic furnace's manufacturing technology, but then how? We know how to make the magic furnace, But if we want to make a magic furnace, we still have a thorough understanding of the technology. After we have thoroughly understood the technology, we can invent more things, and those are just the accessories that the magic furnace brings to us.

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"Then, after that?"

Potter extended his finger to his apprentice, "Yanu, you are all talented and qualified. Because you are talented and qualified, you can become my apprentice. Do you understand? Become one The prerequisite for a Master is to have'talent'!"

"And if you want to study the magic wizard technology such as the magic furnace, you must become a powerful mage, but the meaning of "this" can bring us different." Potter pointed to the small hydraulic The generator, "As long as you have enough knowledge, even an ordinary person can make this kind of hydraulic generator, do you understand what this means?"

If no one answered the old mage, even Yanu became dull, because they really couldn't figure out what this meant.

However, indistinctly, they felt an agitated mood blocked by their defense line composed of'ignorance' and'coercion' and kept wandering.

They swallowed a sip of water, they already had speculation in their hearts, but they dared not say it, because they were afraid that the answer was not what they imagined...

"This is a new path."

There was no answer from anyone, which made the old mage a little sad and also had some joy. The sad thing is that these children are not brave enough. The joy is that these children have a careful thinking and understand the face of their unknown things. Don’t act rashly.

But they seemed to be too cautious, which made Potter feel annoyed.

"There is no distinction between high and low for this path and magic-because of this problem, Latiz and I have asked the maid and the maid, and the maid and the maid gave me and Latiz an answer. Okay, it’s magic or it’s the tools in our hands. Whether the tools are used or not depends on which side the tools are used in. If you use a hammer to saw wood and a saw to plow the fields, isn’t it the end? '"

The old mage paused and said: "Although I don't quite agree with the point that'magic is a tool', but from the status quo, it is true. Whether it is'mechanical' or'magic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is only useful It’s right, it doesn’t make much difference in essence..."

Potter looked a little low-spirited, because his belief that he had persisted and carried through the first half of his life was overthrown at once, and he was an old man who wanted to change his mind and wanted to change his mind that had persisted for decades. , That's too difficult.

He cannot use'magic' as a tool.'Magic' has been with him for decades. During these decades, he has not married his wife and had children, and has been running around for'magic', becoming a noble. Mage consultant, joined other mage organizations to work, but until now, he still has not become an'extraordinary'.

The maidservant did not let him see any hope. At the time, he only came to Wind City for a good salary.

But he didn’t see any hope in ‘magic’, but he found another way.

After being denied the hard work for half a lifetime by the maidservant, Potter couldn't have no complaints in his heart, and no one could have no complaints.

However, after he went back and thought about these issues, he put down and put all his energy on'another road'.

He worked hard for half his life and did not leave his name on the history of magic. He always felt that if he died like this, he was too useless and unwilling.

At first he chose to study magic for what he has forgotten, but he can now be sure that he is now for ‘becoming famous!’

"This is another road, a road that can also bloom magnificently..."

Looking at the hydroelectric generator, a faint smile appeared on the old mage's face, and said in a low voice: "No matter what it is for, fame or fortune, or for ideals, it's always-we don't create a future for humans. ?"

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