Eighth Crown

Chapter 299: The beginning of a total revolution

Berlik died after all, and Night Raid managed to escape from Esdes at the expense of Susanoo.

Losing Berlik's obstruction, An Ningdao broke out in a big uprising, raised the flag of rebellion openly, gathered the believers into an army, and marched towards the imperial capital.

At the same time, as if they had made an appointment, foreign nations in the west began to invade the western territories of the empire, while the revolutionary army in the south also announced the beginning of a comprehensive revolution, gathering armies from all over the country, and marching toward the imperial capital one after another.

The total strength of the three parties is more than one million.

From the east, south and west, wars broke out in the empire respectively.

The total decisive battle to overthrow the imperial rule finally begins.

Faced with enormous pressure, the Imperial City urgently recalled Esdes and Hunter, and returned to the Imperial City to discuss strategies to suppress the rebellion.

The only three remaining hunters, with the wounded Liu Xia, set off immediately and returned to the imperial capital a few days later.


"Your Majesty asked me to lead the army to exterminate the foreign races in the West."

After Esdes returned to the hunter's office, he informed Liuxia and the three of the answers discussed in the courtroom, "If you stay in the imperial capital alone, you will definitely be targeted by the undead, so I ask Your Majesty to take you with me. On the front line, His Majesty has also given permission, pack your things, and prepare to set off with me immediately."

"Go to the front line together?"

Liu Xia's eyes narrowed slightly, and then she asked in surprise, "What about the revolutionary army in the south and the An Ning Dao in the west?"

"The soldiers of Anning Road are all made up of believers, and their combat effectiveness is limited. It is left to the prefects of the western cities to deal with them. They should be able to hold on for a while, and I will deal with them after I defeat the western nationalities."

Esdes replied casually: "The revolutionary army in the south is indeed a big problem, so it was handed over to General Bude to solve it. He will soon lead the army to meet the revolutionary army."

General Bude.

If he really intends to go to the front line, it will be troublesome.

The strongest strength of the other empire is no joke. Liu Xia has faced him directly, so he clearly knows the oppression of this general. He is a top-level powerhouse that is not inferior to Esdes, and I am also very good at marching formations.

If he goes to the front line, it must be a huge obstacle to the revolutionary army, and the time to overthrow the empire will certainly be extended several times.

Looks like it's time.

Liu Xia pushed his glasses, and then suddenly seemed to remember something, "By the way, when it comes to General Bud, he sent someone to come to me before."

"Really, Vice-Captain?"

Seleu said with some confusion: "How did General Bud suddenly think of looking for the vice-captain?"

"General Budd once gave me a task to investigate the traces of the undead."

Liu Xia also made a guess, "Maybe it's because this time we have a festival with the night raid and the undead, so the general wants to know the situation of the fight, right?"

"I see."

Esdes nodded clearly, "If that's the case, then go back quickly, Seleu and I will be waiting for you at the west gate."

"Yes, Captain."

Lucia chuckled and nodded.


After leaving the hunter's office, Liu Xia did not hesitate, and immediately set off to the palace of General Budd, entered the palace through the doorman's report, and saw General Budd again.

He seems to be making preparations at the moment, and is dispatching troops through the military talisman in his hand.

"What's the matter with me?"

Even if Liu Xia came to him, he didn't even raise his head.

"Yes, General."

Liu Xia nodded, didn't care about his busyness, just bowed slightly, and then opened her mouth.

"Although it's only a possibility, I think I may have found traces of the undead."


General Budd slapped the desk abruptly, his eyes sharp like an eagle staring at its prey, "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"How dare you?"

Liu Xia shook his head in panic, "Actually, my Teigu Magic Dress, Moon Spirit Essence, in addition to automatic attack and automatic defense, also has the function of automatically searching for enemies, but once it is too far away from the target If it is far away, the enemy search function will fail, and the target will be lost."

"So far, I have tried to track the traces of the undead through the moon spirit marrow fluid several times, but each time I failed, but even so, I still found the trace of the undead."

"Every time he escaped from the imperial capital, I recorded the location and direction. After several consecutive times, I extended the location of his escape according to the direction, and I could find an intersection on the map of the imperial capital."

This is actually the use of vectors. As long as two vectors are determined on the plane and the vectors are extended, unless they are in a parallel relationship, there must be a point of intersection.

Of course, Liu Xia's own knowledge is limited, and he doesn't understand any vector. He just prepared this statement to fool Bude.

"So it is! Humph, this is indeed feasible!"

As if he had imagined it in his head, General Bude's eyes lit up, obviously agreeing with Liu Xia's statement, and then walked out from the table with a happy smile on his face.

So far, the existence of undead has always been a thorn in his heart. The undead that can freely enter and exit the palace is the greatest threat to the emperor. He has always wanted to get rid of it, but unfortunately, he The gang of people under his command are really stupid, and they have not been able to find any clues of the undead for so long, and even Esdes can't do anything about him.

Unexpectedly, the young man who was only randomly assigned by him to the task at the beginning was very alert, and he investigated the traces of the undead before everyone else.

"You have done a great job, Liangyi, when this matter is over, I will definitely ask Your Majesty to ask you to take office in the army and be my right and left hand!"

General Bud highly appreciated Liu Xia's contribution, and then continued to ask Liu Xia: "So, where are the traces of the undead you investigated?"

"North of the imperial capital, in the mountains ten kilometers away."

Liu Xia gave the answer, "Let me lead the way, General, but in order to prevent the grass and the snake, it is not suitable for too many people to go to the encirclement and suppression."

"Of course I understand this kind of thing."

General Bud snorted lightly, with a determined look on his face, "In order to prevent the assassination of the undead, I originally planned to take His Majesty by my side during the Southern Expedition, but I didn't expect to have it before the expedition. This harvest is good, let’s take advantage of this now to solve this calamity that has endangered Your Majesty!”

"No one else is needed. This time around the undead, I will go with you and me!"

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