Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 492 Seventh Floor

After taking the first step, Jiang Baimian discovered that the gray-robed monk was taking him and others to the seventh floor of Xikaluo Temple.

This is the place where the "Buddha's Body" of the "Crystal Consciousness Sect" sleeps. If you enter rashly, you will die strangely!

Jiang Baimian's abdominal muscles tightened and he forcibly pulled his extended right foot back.

At the same time, she shouted in a deep voice:


Shang Jianyao reacted almost indiscriminately with her, his back slightly arched, and his eyes looking at the gray-robed monk became dark and deep.

"Hypocritical person"!

He immediately used "pretentious person".

After being reminded by Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen subconsciously wanted to stop, but they couldn't overcome the inertia and staggered a little for a while.

At this time, Jiang Baimian, who was standing on one foot and stabilizing his balance, stretched out his left palm.

A ball of silver-white electric light expanded rapidly, penetrated the air, and landed on the torso of the gray-robed monk.

But the expression of the gray-robed monk was still dull, without any change, and his eyes were even more calm, as if it was not his own body that suffered the electric shock.

Similarly, Shang Jianyao's "hypocritical person" failed to leave any traces on him. He maintained a silent and dull attitude, half-turned his body, and stood there without doing any irrational behavior.

An instant later, a strange light shone in the green eyes of the gray-robed monk, as if his face were embedded with two bodhi seeds solidified with "destiny knowledge".

In a daze, Long Yuehong returned to the company and married a woman according to the assigned results.

After that, he transferred to an internal position, worked diligently, and raised a boy and two girls.

As he grew older, his health gradually deteriorated, but the effects of genetic modification prevented him from having to go to the hospital frequently. After he turned seventy, he truly experienced aging, and the fear and helplessness of death approaching step by step.

What made him even more sad was that his wife and eldest daughter suffered from "unintentional diseases" one after another, but he could only watch and was powerless.

All kinds of pain left traces on his body, making him couldn't help but think: As a human being, are we always accompanied by suffering in this life and unable to escape?

When he was dying, he saw a world shrouded in the light of colored glaze, where Bodhi trees were densely covered, towers stood in many places, gold, silver, crystal, amber, etc. were everywhere, dotted with many houses.

It was peaceful and peaceful there, without hunger or pain. Long Yuehong felt that this was everything she expected, so she took steps toward that world.

Shang Jianyao transformed into a wild beast, sometimes howling, sometimes biting other animals, and spent a short life in a state of confusion.

As an old man, he was finally hunted by other beasts and became their food.

In the pain of being bitten, there seemed to be a voice in his mind saying:

"Is this the state you want?"

In a daze, Shang Jianyao saw the classroom, saw the children, and heard the sound of lectures and chanting.

He sang uncontrollably:

"Bai Suzhen at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain has been cultivating this body for thousands of years in the cave. Ah, ah, she has practiced hard to achieve the Tao, and she has been transformed into a human being..." (Note 1)

At this moment, both the teacher and the children who were in class seemed stunned.

Then, Shang Jianyao walked in.

Bai Chen stood in the wilderness, holding "Ice Moss" and "United 202" in both hands.

She kept running and shooting, knocking to the ground one after another wilderness bandits, wanderers, and other people who tried to attack her.

The blood flowed out, dyeing the earth red, and a strong fishy smell penetrated Bai Chen's nose.

This kind of life seems to be eternal. Day after day, year after year, Bai Chen is always fighting and fighting.

This made her full of anger and physical and mental exhaustion, until she was accidentally shot.


Bai Chen felt the severe pain in his body and felt the joy of finally being relieved.

But vaguely, she realized that she would survive and continue to run and kill like this.

No... At this time, she saw a city, not big but peaceful.

There is enough order here that people no longer go crazy killing each other.

Bai Chen pursed his lips and rushed in impatiently.

Jiang Baimian returned to the laboratory.

She is busy experimenting every day, and is delighted with the conclusions drawn one after another.

There is no hunger, no cold or heat, no fatigue in her life, only concentration and detachment.

But suddenly, she began to age, her body became unclean, and she became restless.

There was no way out of this state until she was on the verge of death and about to sleep in the eternal darkness without consciousness.

She struggled hard, not wanting to pass out and no longer have any sense of things in the world.

Finally, her stretched out hand touched a door.

Behind these double dark doors, the earth is fertile, the sun is bright, there is no famine, no monsters, no infections, no pain and no aging.

Jiang Baimian alternated his hands and tried his best to crawl toward the door.


The "Six Paths of Reincarnation" coming at the same time!

The suffering of human beings, the ignorance of animals, the killings of Shura, and the decline and calamity of gods and humans.

The four members of the "Old Tune Group" stepped forward in different postures and climbed the stairs to the seventh floor.

They walked up step by step, and soon stepped into the quiet and deserted corridor on the seventh floor.

At this time, Shang Jianyao's brain twitched, his mind jumped, and he switched personalities.

He seemed to wake up a little, and subconsciously turned back to look at the stairs.

The gray-robed monk stood there, his face turned purple and his tongue sticking out.

He didn't know when he had suffocated to death.


The gray-robed monk fell heavily on the stairs and rolled two or three steps.

With his death, the effect of "Six Paths of Reincarnation" disappeared. Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen stopped in a daze and turned their attention to the place where the sound came from.

Then, they saw the body.

Seeing that the gray-robed monk who just ignored the "pretentious man" and the impact of high-voltage electric shock turned into a corpse.

On the surface of the corpse, apart from the many black marks caused by the electric current, there were only various signs of suffocation.

At this moment, the first thought that flashed through Long Yuehong's mind was:

Oops, he committed suicide to frame us...

As for why it was suicide, it was because there was no one else around.

Jiang Baimian was shocked, looked around, and blurted out:

"Is this the seventh floor?"

"Theoretically, unless we go one more floor and reach the eighth floor." Shang Jianyao answered.

There is no eighth floor in the Sikaluo Temple.

Are we on the seventh floor? Have you reached the seventh floor without realizing it? Long Yuehong's body suddenly tensed up.

The seventh floor of Xikaluo Temple is not a good place. Except for a very few people, everyone who enters will die quietly and mysteriously!

The gray-robed monk who led them to the seventh floor had already suffocated to death in the well-ventilated corridor!

Bai Chen was equally nervous and said directly:

"Leave quickly!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a gust of wind blew in the corridor.

As the sound of "Woo" echoed, a room very close to the "Old Tune Group" made a creaking sound.


The corresponding door opened back and hit the wall.

Under the dim light at both ends of the aisle, the area without streetlights was shadowy.

Jiang Baimian saw that the already open door of the room was deep and dark, as if it could swallow up all light.

"Counting from the left, this should be the third room." Shang Jianyao said his observation.

Xikaluo Temple, seventh floor, third room... Isn't this the place the knocker hinted at? Long Yuehong almost took a breath of cold air.

He didn't know if it was too late to escape at this time, but he felt it was the only option.

Bai Chen felt the same way and thought it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Suddenly, they seemed to feel some kind of call.

Something in that room seemed to be calling them.

This caused their will to escape to waver significantly. They did not rush to the stairs immediately and stayed where they were.

"come on……"

"come on……"

"come on……"

Vaguely, there seemed to be a long voice resounding in the hearts of the four members of the "Old Tune Group".

"No!" Shang Jianyao used "pretentious person" on himself.

He also didn't forget to add this effect to Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen so that they could resist the summons.

"I'll stay here and won't go anywhere!" Long Yuehong shouted.

In his "hypocritical" state, he was neither willing to answer the call nor to run away.

Jiang Baimian's reaction was similar to Shang Jianyao's. He calmed down and issued the order in a deep voice:

"Go to the stairs."

Before she finished speaking, the open door seemed to be pushed by an invisible force, trying to close.

The whining of the wind became louder, and the closing speed of the door slowed down a lot.

Just when the dark red wooden door was about to be completely closed, Youdao's hoarse voice, which seemed to have not spoken for many years, came out with difficulty:



The door was completely closed, blocking all movement.

Note 1: Quoted from "Bai Suzhen at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain", originally sung by Zhuang Huiru.

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