Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!


Splashing blood!

Shen Ning saw a drop of blood drops fall on the ground. Then, with a bang, a man in black fell straight to the ground with a dangling flying knife on his back.

"A Ning!"

Namu jumped in from the window by mistake, and he glanced around with tense expressions. He found no figure of Shen Ning, and his heart jumped out.

He shouted again.

"A Ning, where are you?"

"I'm here." Shen Ning's heart fell to the ground. She got out of the bed, patted the dust on her body, and looked down at the man in black.

The man in black was wearing a tight-fitting night-sleeved nightgown, lying on the ground, unable to see his face clearly.

"Are you injured? Are you okay?" Namu grabbed her by the shoulders and looked at her up and down, and found that she was not injured. This relieved her.

"I'm fine. Did anyone who broke in catch it?" She asked.

Namu nodded in error, but his face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "But they are all dead, and no one left a mouth."

When he finished, he leaned over and squatted beside the fallen man in black to touch his carotid artery, and then sighed, "He is also dead."

"Everyone is dead?" Shen Ning breathed a sigh of relief: "All killed by you?"

"It wasn't me who killed them. They ... committed suicide by taking poison." Namu shook his head by mistake. He took a hook on his right foot, turned the man in black on the ground, and tore off his face, revealing a plain The face, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose all bleed dark blood.

He knew his flying knife was not deadly enough and said, "My knife is not poisonous."

Shen Ning nodded, and she saw that the man in black must have known that he could not run away, so he also took poison and died.

"Who are they?" She asked.

Namu groaned for a while: "According to my estimation, it should be a group of well-trained killers, but my people searched all over their bodies and found no clues. I don't know where they were sent from.

"Is there no clue?" Shen Ning suddenly pointed at the man's black leather boots and said, "I found a little bit. Look at his boots embroidered with a pattern, like a cloud, you can send someone to check If all the men in black boots have the same pattern, they may be able to find out their origin. "

"A Ning, you are really attentive, and even such tiny details can be found!"

Namu was surprised and happy. He leaned over again and looked closely, and he found the cloud.

It's just that the two colors of purple and black are very similar, and embroidered purple patterns on black boots, if you don't look carefully, it is really not easy to find.

"Come here, check the boots of those in black to see if they are all embroidered with the same pattern!" He commanded loudly.

Someone immediately agreed to go outside, and soon came back in return.

"His Crown Prince, everyone has embroidered patterns on their boots."

Namu nodded wrongly and commanded: "Everyone guards the post, if anyone dares to break in, don't talk about killing!"

Looking back, his face has become very ugly.

"You know the origin of this group of assassins, don't you?" Shen Ningjian discerned his appearance and already guessed it.

Namu didn't answer wrong, just stared at her, his dark black eyes flickered for a moment, he grabbed her hand and squeezed firmly.

Shen Ning could feel the cold sweat in his big palm.

He is afraid!


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