The latest website: "Is it a seal... so it is."

Lin Chuchang exhaled, and threw away the tattered long sword in his hand. The magic power in his body was running low: "I'm really not in a good state now and need to rest, so I'm counting on you."

He did not refuse Raloff's invitation.

There is no way, the state is too bad now, if you are accidentally caught up by those imperial soldiers, you may be outnumbered and taken away.

Coupled with the fact that I am not familiar with this world, I really need a guide to help.

"It should be me thanking you. Without you, I can't escape alone."

Laluofu patted Lin Chu's shoulder with a bold smile.

The two quickly walked down the mountain along the path.

Walking and walking, Lin Chu looked up at the blue and clear sky with a hint of surprise on his face.

It's normal that he couldn't quickly recover his magic power in the cave before. After all, his Xinghe Meditation idea needs to shine with the endless stars to quickly absorb the magic power. Without the stars shining, he can only slowly absorb the magic power in the air...

But now that he left the cave, the dozens of magic stars in his body still didn't respond at all, and they couldn't absorb any magic power from the sky or the ground under his feet.

Could world exclusion also prevent him from drawing magic from the stars?

Or is it that the concept of stars does not exist in this world?

Speaking of which, it was the same in the interstitial space before, and Xing Heming's passive thinking didn't have the slightest effect.

I still miscalculated. Many worlds do not have the concept of stars at all. For example, the sun in the world of fire is a miraculous magic created by God King Gwen, similar to the artificial sun in his secret realm.

Whatever the reason, it was a fact that he couldn't recover mana quickly.

You can only wait for your body to automatically absorb the free magic power in the air to recover slowly, which is more than a hundred times slower than absorbing the stars.

It's just that the magic power that can be dispatched now can't be recovered for a whole day, which is really depressing.

"Fortunately, blood energy is not affected.


As long as the body is in good condition, the energy of blood energy originating from the essence of life will be continuously and naturally generated.

It's a pity that Lin Chu didn't specifically practice any martial arts or abilities driven by blood energy. He originally practiced the Biluo Xuanxue Jue to break through the life level and increase his chances of survival after being attacked. He didn't intend to use blood energy to fight.

"To be honest, you should go to Windhelm City to join the battle to liberate Skyrim Province. You should have seen the face of the Empire thoroughly today."

Larov chatted with Lin Chu while walking: "If there is anyone in the world who knows what the arrival of the dragon means, this person must be Ulfric."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Chu was puzzled.

Are dragons not common in this world?

I seem to have heard what he said before, like a fairy tale, dragons will destroy the world or something... It seems that in this world, dragons belong to legendary creatures, and generally do not appear in the public eye.

Raloff said: "Don't you know Ulfric? He once learned the dragon roar from the gray bearded masters on the peak of Hrothgar, so I think that lord must know the origin of the dragon."


Lin Chu also asked casually.

He is not interested in the origin of dragons, let alone meddling in other people's business.

After finally getting out of danger, there are too many things to consider next.

Why was I transported here from the inner space of the endless tree, why I couldn't get in touch with the endless game, why I couldn't use my professional skills, not only couldn't I open the inventory, but I couldn't even get in touch with the space core in my body...

This directly led to him being poor and white today.

Even in the land of trials, he had never been so poor. He didn't even have a piece of enchanted equipment on him.

Even the skill of reconnaissance, which is based on the endless game system mechanism, can no longer be used.

It is really incomprehensible.

Follow the trail all the way down the mountain.

On the way, Larov pointed to the mountains on the other side of the river and said, "Did you see the ruins on it? There is the Barren Waterfall Ancient Tomb. I never understood how my sister could live in the shadow of that place."

Lin Chu looked up: "Is there a remains of the tomb? Well, I can feel the breath of undead creatures from that direction."

Larov nodded: "There are countless Nord warriors sleeping in that ancient tomb. It is said that the corpses of many ancestors inside have turned into ghouls to protect the tomb from being violated. Fortunately, ghouls never leave the tomb, otherwise the nearby villages Definitely can't wait."

The two chatted while walking down the river.

Nothing worth mentioning happened other than being attacked by two wolves on the road.

Soon a small village appeared within sight.

"It looks like no one here knows what's going on."

Larov looked into the village for a while: "Let's go, Gordo should already be preparing for today's work at the sawmill." After speaking, he walked quickly towards the west side of the village.

Lin Chu was about to follow him when he heard an old lady beside him telling her son that she saw a dragon.

After all, this small village is not far from the Holy Land Town where the accident happened. It is not surprising that someone saw a dragon, but his son didn't believe it, and the two people's disputes did not attract the attention of other villagers.


Near a large pile of logs on the west side of the village, Raloff found his sister.

"Brother, thank you Mara for your mercy! Nice to meet you!"

A middle-aged woman with blond hair like Raloff walked over quickly, and asked with some concern: "Are you safe here? Isn't Ulfric already under arrest?"

"I'm fine, at least for now."

"Are you hurt? What happened?"

Gerdo saw the wound on La Luofu's body, and looked at Lin Chu behind him: "Who is this? Your comrade in arms?"

Laluofu looked back at Lin Chu: "Not yet a comrade in arms, but a friend, he saved my life."

Not comrades...

Well, it seems that this guy is determined to pull himself into the power of that stormcloak.

Lin Chu has always disliked joining any forces.

He is more used to being a free lone traveler.

Maybe he can provide some help based on his personal preferences, but he will not easily let himself be caught in the vortex of any power struggle.

Larov whispered to his sister: "Is there a convenient place to talk here? News from Holy Land Town will reach the Empire at any time."

"What happened in Holy Land Town?"

Gordo was surprised, she turned her head and shouted to her busy husband in the sawmill: "Hood! Come here, I need your help."

Her husband was still wondering what was the matter, and he put down the work at hand and came over after Ge Erdu repeatedly shouted both sides.

The four of them walked quickly to a relatively remote part of the village.

During this period, a little boy ran over, who seemed to be Gordo's son: "Uncle Raloff! Can I see your axe? How many empires have you killed? Do you really know Ulfric?"

"Don't be noisy, Flodner, this is not the time to play."

Gordo told the little boy: "Go and see the road to the south, if you see any imperial soldiers approaching, come and find us."

The little boy was a little disappointed: "Huh? Mom, I want to stay and chat with Uncle Raloff!"

Larov smiled and patted his nephew's head: "Look at yourself, you are almost an adult, and soon you will be able to join the battle and kill those imperial people yourself."

"Yes, don't worry, Uncle Raloff, I won't let those soldiers attack you!"

The little boy excitedly trot all the way to the south of the village to guard.

The four of them got together and chatted about business.

"Where to start? Well, what you heard about Ulfric's arrest is true."

Raloff sat on the tree stump and said to his sister and brother-in-law: "The empire ambushed us outside the Blackwater Fork. It seems that they know where we will appear... That was two days ago."

"We were escorted to Holy Land Town by the Imperials this morning. I thought everything was over. Everyone stood in front of the executioner's guillotine and lined up for execution."

Speaking of this, he looked at Lin Chu: "It was this brother who stood up and knocked down a large number of soldiers, temporarily suspending the execution... Then... came from nowhere... A dragon attacked the holy land town."

Ge Erdu couldn't believe it: "What you said...couldn't be...a dragon?"

"I couldn't believe it myself, but I was there to see it with my own eyes"

Larov affirmed: "Although it sounds absurd, if it weren't for the dragon, we might be dead. Taking advantage of the chaos, this brother and I managed to escape from the underground passage of the fort... We really are The first to reach Hemu Town?"

"As far as I know, no one else has come down the road from the south today."

"Okay, maybe we can take a break here."

Laluofu looked at his sister hesitantly: "Gordo, I don't want to put your family in danger, but..."

"It's okay, you and your friends can stay here as long as you want, don't worry about trouble."

Ge Erdu walked to Lin Chu and handed over a key:

"Raloff's friends are my friends. If this is the house, you can stay as long as you want. If there is anything else you need, just say it."


Lin Chu took the key and nodded to express his gratitude: "Do you have any potions here that can speed up the recovery of magic power?"

"Returning magic potion? I don't have it here, but the grocery store next door should sell it. You can go to him and sell two bottles."

Ge Erdu took out 30 gold coins and a bottle of rough red potion from his pocket and handed them to Lin Chu: "Drink this bottle of life potion first to heal your injuries. It must be difficult to escape from the town attacked by dragons." .”

Lin Chu took the gold coin and potion.

This bottle of rough-made life potion contained strong vitality inside. Even if he was not injured, this potion could be used as a prop to promote the recovery of blood energy.

Uncorked the bottle and drank it up.

The effect was quite good. His originally slowly condensed blood gas instantly recovered ten times faster, but the effect of the medicine would continue to decay over time. It is estimated that his blood gas could return to normal before dark.

"I need your help to do something. If there is really a dragon wandering around here, you must let the lord know, because Riverwood Town is defenseless."

Geer Duo said to Lin Chu: "We must report to Lord Balgruf of Bairun City, and ask him to send troops to defend this place. If you are willing to help me inform the Lord, you will be rewarded in the future."

"Let me go?"

Lin Chu was a little puzzled: "Can't you just find someone else in the village?"

Larov patted Lin Chu on the shoulder: "We are the only survivors who have escaped from Holy Land so far. Because of my identity as the Stormcloak Army, I can't go to meet the lord in the neutral city of Snowman, and the others don't have enough words. Convincing, so this matter can only be entrusted to you."

Well, the witnesses must personally convince the lord...

"It's getting late, I'll rest for one night before setting off."

If it's just a message, Lin Chu doesn't care, anyway, he has nothing to do in this world now.

Asking for a night's rest is all about being alone to think and clear your head.

"No problem, you should still be hungry, I'll get you something to eat."

Goldo went to the village to prepare dinner.

In the evening, he made do with a farm meal that wasn't delicious.

In the middle of the night, Lin Chu sat cross-legged on the bed in a meditative posture to speed up the recovery of magic power.

In his mind, he kept thinking about the system prompt he heard after touching the white crystal.

I never had the chance to think carefully about the information revealed in the notification tone... Now that I think about it carefully, I feel that it is quite meaningful.

"The Chosen One...the Necromancer Godhead built into the be resurrected..."

These inexplicable words and sentences appear in the system prompt sound of the endless game, which cannot be ignored.

The chosen one obviously refers to himself.

And what is the meaning of the godhead of the god of death built into the soul and the will of the god of death waiting to be resurrected?

Could it be...

Lin Chu looked slightly solemn.

He had long thought that it was unlikely that his professional skills would fall on his head for no reason.

From the information revealed by this series of system prompts, it is not difficult to guess that he is likely to be involved in some conspiracy... Is the source of the power of professional skills the necromancer godhead built into the soul?

Waiting for the will of the Lord God to resurrect the undead.

The word made him shudder.

Could it be like Duoshe in the comprehension world, once he grows to a certain stage by relying on his professional skills, his body will be occupied by the will of the undead god and revived?

The broken white crystal did say a meaningful word to him at the end.

As a thank you gift, he will be given the opportunity to get rid of the usurpation of the gods on him.

"The gods usurped...?"

Lin Chu opened his eyes and stared at his hands in the dark: "There really is no white pie in the sky."

"Speaking of which, what that guy said was giving me a chance, not directly helping me get rid of it, that is, I haven't completely escaped from the process of usurping the gods... It's really a big headache."

At the end of the system prompt, there are re-selected candidates and execution of kill commands.

Could it be that if he escaped the fate of being usurped by the gods, he would be wiped out by the system?

That's a fart.

"The final system prompt said that only by touching the explorer's mark after completing the task can you get the chance to teleport back to the camp, but the system never mentioned the word task from the beginning to the end..."

Could it be that the so-called opportunity refers to sending him to this world to spend the rest of his life completely disconnected from the system?

Are you kidding me...

Anyway, it is impossible for Lin Chu to accept such a fucking ending.

He must find another way to break the situation!


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