The eldest and second eldest children both brought some local specialties as gifts to the family. By the time they put the gifts down, my mother's dinner was already ready.

Tonight, my mother changed her style and prepared a table of twelve delicious dishes. Because there were more people tonight, if I still prepared nine dishes, it might not be enough. Therefore, my mother specially prepared twelve dishes. vegetable.

One dish of steam pot chicken, one dish of spicy and sour fish, one dish of wrapped tofu, one dish of cold shrimps, one dish of southern berry fish in stone pot, one dish of Erhai crayfish, one dish of wild mushroom stewed chicken, one dish of fried pork ribs, one dish of smoked bacon, one dish of Nanyun Roast meat and a green vegetable.

The wine we drank tonight was Zicheng’s specialty wine, called Bai Cellar Wine. The price of this wine is relatively expensive in the local area and the quantity is relatively small.

Grandpa has been hiding this wine for several years. It is packed in earthen jars. One jar weighs five kilograms. The color of Bai Cellar Wine is different from other liquors on the market.

Because Bai Cellar Wine is brewed using local methods, its color is slightly black and looks a bit like wine.

The longer this kind of wine is stored, the more mellow its flavor will be. Most of the wines sold on the market are not brewed using local methods, but are basically brewed using modern brewing equipment.

After drinking and eating, more than half of the five kilogram jar of liquor was drunk. Grandpa, dad and Lin Mu each drank about two or three taels. Fortunately, everyone knew their own amount, so there was no People get drunk.

In the evening, after the condition of the three of them improved a little, Lin Mu and his younger sister took the three of them for a walk again.

After wandering on the street for a while, a group of people came to the square to participate in the bonfire party. The girl and the three of them joined in without hesitation, singing and dancing around the bonfire with other tourists.

A few people played until after ten o'clock before going back to take a shower and go to bed. There were not so many guest rooms in the house, so they could only accommodate two people.

Lin Mu discussed it with them, and finally found a family hotel for the three of them to stay in the village. Lin Mu, who ran the hotel, wanted to call him uncle, but it didn't have a single room.

Lin Mu directly booked three rooms, staying in each room for ten days, settled the three of them, and told them to go home by themselves after getting up tomorrow morning.

Call him again if you can't find the road. Lin Mu is afraid that they will get lost. The routes in the village are all the same, and those who are not used to walking can easily get lost.

Lin Mu paid the room rate at the normal price before leaving. Originally, they wanted to give Lin Mu a cheaper price, but Lin Mu refused. Those who run hotels in the village don't have to worry about no one staying.

The next morning, Lin Mu took the three of them and their younger sister to the Three Pagodas Tourist Area of ​​Chongsheng Temple and did not return home at noon.

In the afternoon, they spent the afternoon shopping around the ancient city. They also had dinner outside. They continued to wander around the ancient city in the evening. The three of them bought a lot of special items to take home.

On the third day, Lin Mu took them to Xizhou Ancient Town and Shaxi Ancient Town. Lin Mu and his younger sister had never been to these two places. Lin Mu took a lot of photos for everyone with his camera.

In the afternoon, Lin Mu received a call from Uncle Zhiguo, telling him that the village and town would come to measure the land tomorrow, and asked him to wait at home tomorrow, and that he would be required to participate in the measurement.

After the measurement is completed, a hole will be dug and stones will be buried on the spot to demarcate the land boundary. The location and land boundary will also be noted in the contract.

After the planning is completed, Lin Mu will plant trees at the border and build walls to enclose the place that belongs to him.

On the third day, because Lin Mu had to follow the survey of the land, he asked his younger sister to take his eldest son and the others to play at the Erhai Lake and in the village. They could go to the Nanzhao Fengqing Island opposite, and he would take them to other places after he was done. Play.

In the morning, Lin Mu prepared drinking water and a carton of Chinese cigarettes, but he did not prepare red envelopes because there was no need for them. They were all from the village and town.

It is enough to prepare water and cigarettes, and prepare a lunch for everyone at noon.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, the village's Uncle Zhiguo, the college student party secretary, the accountant, and the town's soil management office came, and another person from the town was assigned to supervise.

The fathers of several of the people who came here knew each other. He had been teaching in the middle school in the town for more than ten or twenty years. He came and went every day and was familiar with the staff in the town.

Dad introduced Lin Mu, and then introduced Lin Mu to everyone, saying that it was his son who was studying in the capital who wanted to buy land. Lin Mu was a little embarrassed and handed out water and cigarettes to everyone.

Including Lin Mu and his father, a total of nine people came to the wasteland. They first determined the boundaries and marked them, and then the staff of the Soil Management Office began to measure. One person recorded and two measured.

While the people at the soil management office were busy measuring, Lin Mu gave others a general introduction to his plan to buy the land.

He will build two houses near Erhai Lake for his family to live in. A corridor will be built around the land to connect it.

The remaining land he plans to use to plant a fruit tree, a vegetable garden and a meadow, and will raise one or two cows and a few goats.

The milk produced by the cows is consumed by the family, and the goats are also eaten by the family. They will not take out food, and they will not breed many, no more than twenty at most.

The entire land will be fenced off, so no one can enter at will, and a small manor will be built for the family to live.

After listening to Lin Mu's introduction, several people agreed. The people from the town and Uncle Zhiguo reminded Lin Mu again that he must remember not to pollute Erhai Lake and the environment.

The measurement was completed in one morning, and the total area was 16.5 acres. According to the price mentioned by Lin Mu and Uncle Zhiguo that day, Lin Mu had to pay a total of 1.65 million.

Lunch was eaten at a private restaurant in the town, and everyone left after the meal.

When Uncle Zhiguo left, he told him that the contract could be finalized in two or three days at most, and that he would call him to sign the contract at that time.

In the afternoon, Lin Mu did not go to the boss and the others, but revised the last few episodes of the"First Time" TV series script at home.

I found a small shop that could send faxes and faxed it to Li Zimeng, asking him to help bring the revised script to the"First Time" crew.

Sister Li told Lin Mu that the male protagonist of"The First Time" has been confirmed, and it is Tong Dawei recommended by Lin Mu, but the female protagonist has not been decided yet.

It may take two or three days to confirm. There are several interested actresses who are in contact and it will take at most two or three days to confirm.

However, the crew has already found a filming location. Considering that a colder city is needed, the crew finally settled on Ice City.

Ruffian Cai and the others are all students at Harbin Institute of Technology. Filming will start as soon as the heroine is confirmed. The crew estimates that the filming may be completed in about two months.

Mr. Zhou requested that the TV series must be produced within two months. While the novel is still popular, the shorter the production time, the better, so that it can be arranged for broadcast at that time.

The next day, Lin Mu took several people to Jizu Mountain. The younger sister did not go to class these days just to have fun, so she asked her brother to ask for leave for her.

On the third day, Lin Mu took them to Cibi Lake. On the morning of the fourth day, Lin Mu and his father followed Uncle Zhiguo and the village accountant to the town. Under the supervision of the town leaders, they signed a three-part agreement. land purchase contract.

One copy of the contract goes to the village committee, one to Lin Mu, and the last copy is kept by the town.

After signing the contract, Lin Mu immediately went to the bank to transfer money, and immediately transferred 1.65 million to the village committee's account.

Back in the village, Uncle Zhiguo asked the accountant to immediately write a receipt to Lin Mu with the official seal of the village committee and finance. From now on, the wasteland in the village belonged to Lin Mu.

It was still early when he got home, so Lin Mu found the boss and the others and took them to visit the Ancient Tea Horse Road in Fengyang City today.

A few people played on the Tea Horse Road until the afternoon before returning home. They took the boss and the others to almost all the scenic spots in Zicheng.

In the evening, Lin Mu asked them if they wanted to go to Belvedere. The scenery there was also good, and they could also see if they could have an affair.

The three of them looked at each other and said with expectation, but Lin Mu was not going to accompany them. He just came back from there a few days ago.

Just let the three of them go there by themselves. There are still ten days until they return to school to report, so let them play there for four or five days.

It will be just in time to report back to school when they return from Belvedere. Because Lin Mu had to drive, he needed to leave a few days in advance.

Originally, Lin Mu planned to return to the capital a few days in advance to look at the house. Now it seems that he cannot go to the capital to look at the house in advance and can only wait until he returns.

However, Lin Mu gave the three of them 10,000 yuan each and let them have fun. At first, the three of them refused, saying that they had money.

Lin Mu knew that none of them had yet joined the workforce, so they definitely didn't have much money on them. Most of the money they had was prepared for internships.

If I spend it now, I probably won’t have the money to spend it when I get my internship. Lin Mu told them that this was a temporary loan to them for the purpose ofYou have to pay back the work.

At the same time, he told them to call him when they finished spending, and he would transfer it to them when the time came. Hundreds of thousands or millions would not be a problem.

The next morning, Lin Mu took the three of them to the train station and asked them to buy a train that would leave at around nine o'clock.

The fastest train from Zicheng to Belvedere takes less than two hours, and the slowest train takes ten hours. Lin Mu recommended that they buy the fastest train.

We set off at around nine o'clock and arrived there at almost twelve o'clock, just in time for lunch. After lunch, we could find a place to play.

Lin Mu took the camera away with them. Last night he cleared the camera's memory and transferred it to the computer.

At the same time, Lin Mu also recommended several scenic spots worth visiting and finally told them.

The bonfire party in the evening is a show not to be missed. Many romantic encounters begin at the bonfire party, because after dancing all night, everyone is almost familiar with it.

And the most important thing is that everyone has been dancing for hours and everyone is hungry.

Then you can invite the dancing girls to have a late-night snack together, and it depends on you whether something wonderful will happen after the late-night snack.

When the three of them heard this, their eyes couldn't help but shine. They wished they could attend the bonfire party right away and meet a beautiful girl...

Seeing the three of them looking like they were about to drool, Lin Mu couldn't help but laugh. I laughed, and at this time the train station announced that I could check in and get on the train.

The three of them quickly went to line up to check in. Lin Mu finally warned the three of them to be careful and pay attention to safety. Remember to call yourself if you have something to do. Don’t be embarrassed. After you finish speaking, you will laugh and turn around and go home.

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