Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 98 [The first small goal in life: Mount Everest]

When you come to the edge of the steep mountain, you can see a piece of beautiful vermilion sandstone. The sand dunes show horizontal and vertical streamlines in the process of calcification, which makes people sigh the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

Chen Ergou has already seen the bottom of the cliff. He set up a pergola to look far away, and he can vaguely see several bird's nests of different sizes. The nesting of birds in the desert is no different from that in other areas. It is all made of soil, branches and weeds bit by bit with the birds' beaks.

It is not unreasonable for birds to choose to build their nests here. The terrain here is steep, and even if it is not close to the vertical, it is also a 70-80-degree cliff. difficulty.

It was already late at night in the country, some people couldn't bear it and gradually left, and a large number of diehards still couldn't bear to give up the scene in front of them and continued to garrison.

Chen Ergou checked his equipment again and again, and said, "I'm going to start climbing!"

"Rock climbing and mountaineering have the same effect. From the perspective of environment and scenery, the environment of rock climbing varies greatly with different locations and locations. There are beautiful tropical beaches and freezing polar plateaus."

"Mountain climbing landscapes are more diverse. Different altitudes, different locations, and different natural environments bring different vegetation and landforms. When climbing high-altitude peaks, you usually experience a huge change from forests to meadows, from gravel slopes to glaciers. .And it seems that very few people have ever climbed such a peak in a desert, because it is difficult to find such a huge mountain in the desert.”

"At the peak, the air is thin, the climate is harsh, and there is little pollution. Therefore, the blue sky and white clouds are very common, the air permeability is high, and flag clouds and cloud seas are also common. The daily light changes are obvious. In addition, the landform is unique. It has become a hobby that climbing enthusiasts can't bear to give up."

"I personally also yearn for all kinds of beautiful scenery, but I always have a regret. A man who is inspired to stand at the top of the food chain has not climbed Mount Everest. It has to be said that it is a great regret in life. It can be regarded as a small goal for myself. Well, I already have a plan, and Mount Everest will become a project that I must challenge. When I have free time, I will enrich myself, exercise more and learn more new knowledge. Once the time is right, I will take you to the nearest Appreciate the mystery of Mount Everest from a distance!"

The sudden announcement of a big project made many viewers unresponsive, and it took a long time before the frying pan——

"Has Lord Dog already aimed at Mount Everest?"

"In Saode Temple, this is a dog!"

"There are a lot of news about people who climbed Mount Everest, but no one has ever broadcasted live broadcasts of Mount Everest. Thinking about the picture makes people fascinated, and I look forward to it more and more!"

Little Glass: "Master Dog, I once climbed Mount Everest, but I was forced to give up halfway because of weather problems. Can you bring me with you next time you form a team?"

My name is Lao Wang and I live next door: "Upstairs 666, is what you said true?"

My surname is Song: "Why did the topic change so quickly? May I ask if the next live broadcast will be about climbing Mount Everest?"

Xiaojizi: "Do you think it is easy to climb Mount Everest? Have you ever seen someone as powerful as Lord Gou say that you must prepare well? Mount Everest is unmatched by any mountain in the world. You need to face physical and safety problems , psychological problems, even social problems, etc. There are more than N people waiting to climb Mount Everest every year. "

Little Ruru: "What you said upstairs is so silly, have you ever climbed Mount Everest?"

Xiaojizi: "I'm a keyboard man, do you want to date a beautiful woman, good luck!"


The water friends chatted and bragged, and Chen Ergou had already set off. Although the road at the foot of the mountain was steep, it did not cause him many obstacles, and he maintained a steady speed all the way up.

"The process of mountaineering and rock climbing is not easy and pleasant, and it will also bear a lot of pressure and challenges physically."

"Many of us have moments when, in times of hardship,

The loudest voice in my heart is-never come again next time. However, climbing only loses the physiological needs of individuals in stages. After a period of time after climbing, many people will start to yearn for new climbing. Climbers don't yearn for the pain, but miss the unparalleled feeling of happiness brought by returning to ordinary life after climbing. "

"Happiness... comes from strong gaps and contrasts."

Chen Ergou jumped over a steep cliff nimbly, almost dancing on the edge of the cliff, and even distracted from talking.

The picture is so thrilling that water friends who are afraid of heights dare not watch it. This time it's not the "Crooked Nuts and Few Series", can it be called "Too Many Chinese Series"?

As usual, he shared his mental journey with the audience while climbing the mountain, saying: "In today's information age, you can see the whole world by sitting at home. Many people can stay at home for a lifetime as long as they have wifi. They generally lack exercise and physical fitness. It goes from bad to worse. After the age of 30, the loss of calcium in the body accelerates, and it is easy to gain weight. I don’t know if you have this feeling. Occasionally, you are instigated by a friend to climb the highest mountain in your city during your spare time at work. After returning, your legs will be tired. Shaking and vowing never to go again next time..."

"...Why does it feel like Master Dog is talking about me?"

"What's wrong with my beer belly, I'm proud!"

"I used to hit dozens of them one by one, it was very common. Did I say something? I'll keep a low profile and I won't say anything!"


Chen Ergou said with a smile: "Pain is only temporary. Exercise can make people healthy physically and mentally. Many people understand this truth, but few can persevere. But after trying to climb, many people become more and more concerned about it. Obsessed!"

"Humans come from nature, and nature is our more permanent and impressive hometown, climbing up, conquering nature, seeking survival... This distinctive natural attribute is the inner instinct and driving force of human beings to return to nature and climb... "

As we talked, the road ahead seemed to be broken.

A chasm several meters away blocked the road, and only a pillar-like rock was isolated there in the middle.

Chen Ergou's eyes were slightly fixed, he took two steps back and then rushed forward and jumped up. His footsteps landed on the rock in the middle, and he used his strength to pedal forward again. The sandstone under his feet couldn't bear the force, and immediately shattered into countless gravel and fine sand, rolling down the canyon. And he himself has jumped onto the rock on the opposite side with his strength, hooked his hands to the cracks in the rock, and stepped on the protruding stone marks with his toes to stand firm.

Looking back, the scorching wind swirls and rushes upwards, making it hard to keep your eyes open.

Taking a deep breath, he shifted to the side step by step.

The barrage in the live broadcast room stopped for an instant, and there was a blank period at the moment he jumped. It was not until he walked up the slope carefully and down-to-earth again that the barrage on the screen suddenly flew up like a torrent.

Sitting on the edge of the cliff to take a rest, dangling his legs, he untied the lid of the kettle and took a sip of water. He smiled at the camera and said, "It was quite thrilling just now, so I didn't scare everyone."

"Of course, there are also many people who will question why those rock climbing, gliding, and skydiving enthusiasts are willing to risk their lives to play. Is the meaning of playing in this way greater than the value of life itself?"

"I can't help you solve this kind of problem, and I don't agree with everyone trying. What is the value of life itself? It is nothing more than feeling and thinking."

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