Escape the Library

Chapter 195: Urban Planning 04

【Urban Planning-04】

The current urban sand table looks good as a whole, but the details are not perfect.

The first is the problem of the sidewalk. Of course, it will not work if you go out and walk directly on the main road. Yue Xingwen said: "Xiao Nian and Ke Shaobin were in charge of paving the road just now. You guys should redo all the roads in the urban area and lay sidewalks on both sides of the road."

Ke Shaobin rummaged through the building blocks for a while, and soon found a small red brick model: "This should be used for paving sidewalks! By the way, in most cities, there will be green belts between roads and sidewalks. Plant some trees to enjoy the shade, there is also an isolated green belt in the middle of the road, and plant neat ornamental green plants.”

Lin Manluo said, "That's right, I'll come with you. You guys are responsible for paving the sidewalk and leaving some space for me to plant trees!"

Zhang Xiaonian added: "The sidewalks at the intersection have not been drawn. We have to draw some white zebra crossings."

The three immediately turned around and went to work. Since Ke Shaobin and Zhang Xiaonian had already paved the road just now, they were very familiar with the path of the city, and the speed of paving sidewalks on both sides of the road was obviously faster than before. Lin Manluo followed them, and every time the two paved a few meters of sidewalks, she quickly planted trees, so that the whole city became completely new.

With the embellishment of green plants, their urban sand table is a little more vibrant.

The planning of sidewalks and traffic lights makes the whole traffic appear more orderly.

Zhuo Feng took the initiative to take over the hydropower work. He said: "The planning of the urban power grid is very complicated, and we also need to design high-voltage power, substations, etc. We can't do everything, maybe it's almost enough?"

Yue Xingwen nodded: "Well, it's okay to have a decent rating, and we can't pull wires from every house. Pull wires and network cables to every cell. It's enough to build a cell phone signal base station in an area."

Zhuo Feng turned around and went to work. They were working on a macro-scale urban sand table. There was no need to worry about the interior of the building. Therefore, it was enough to pull the power grid to each community.

The problem of roadside shops was handed over to Xin Yan. He hung a large number of signs representing shops on the first and second floors facing the street in many residential areas. In this way, the whole city became more lively.

Xin Yan asked, "Do these shops along the road need to be named?"

Yue Xing Wen said: "After the meeting is completed, we will write the names of all residential areas and shops."

Write "Guilin Rice Noodles", "Lanzhou Beef Noodles", "Chuanchuanxiang", "Hot Pot", "Barbecue" on the sign...

In terms of greening, there is currently a wetland park. The road greening and community greening have also been completed with the cooperation of the four girls. From a distance, the whole city looks full of flowers and trees. The greening level can reach the "National Civilized City". It's standard, especially the flower beds on several squares, which are guarded by Sister Manluo, and the design is quite beautiful.

In terms of clothing and food, there are several shopping malls and food courts in the city. There are large department stores and supermarkets within a few minutes' walk of residential areas, plus roadside snack bars and shops, which are enough to meet the daily needs of residents.

In terms of housing and transportation, judging from the number of residential areas built by everyone, it is not a problem for the city to accommodate a population of about 3 million, which is in line with the scale of a third-tier city. The transportation is convenient. The roads in the urban area extend in all directions, and there is a high-speed around the city for a long distance. If you want to go out of the city, you can choose the railway station, the airport and the intercity passenger station.

Yue Xing Wen said: "Clothing, food, housing, and transportation are almost the same. Think about it again, what else is there to ignore?"

Qin Lu looked down at the sand table and analyzed: "Education and medical care are enough. My sister built dozens of elementary and junior high schools, and children from all regions can go to school nearby. Most of the high schools are boarding schools. I remember our hometown. There are more than 20 high schools in the whole city, and 25 are built here, which should be enough.”

Qin Miao said suddenly, "We neglected the elderly and children."

Qin Lu looked back at her, and suddenly patted her forehead: "Yes! What about kindergartens and nursing homes?!"

Everyone: "..."

Just now, I only focused on building elementary and junior high schools, but I forgot about the kindergarten. Where do kids under seven go across the city? You can't play at home, or keep it stocked, right? There are also elderly people living alone whose children are in other places, or whose children die unexpectedly, and the pension problem must also be solved. If there is no nursing home, would the lonely old people in the whole city have to go all the way to old age in other places?

Xu Yishen said helplessly: "I forgot to respect the old and love the young, and only care about primary and secondary schools and university towns!"

Yue Xingwen rubbed his temples: "Kindergarten and nursing home, hurry up to build it! There are only a lot more kindergartens than primary schools. As for nursing homes, building a larger scale should be enough?"

Xu Yishen took the initiative to raise his hand: "I will be in charge of the nursing home. The environment for the elderly to live in needs to be beautiful. I choose a suburb with a backing mountain, and there are a variety of flowers and plants. The house doesn't need to be too high. It has five floors and an elevator." Yue Xingwen looked again. Looking at the city sand table: "Do you think there is anything else missing?"

Ke Shaobin said: "The high-tech industrial park in the high-tech zone, the entrepreneurial incubation park for college students, etc. Since the north side of the city is a high-tech zone, there are too many residential buildings. Let's demolish two communities and convert them into office buildings and an incubation park!"

Yue Xingwen nodded: "Well, Master Ke, you are responsible for this part after paving the road."

Lan Yarong rubbed her chin thoughtfully. After a while, she suddenly said, "Have you noticed that there is no place to sell cars in the whole city? Not a single 4S store."

Xu Yishen quickly noticed the problem: "That's right! In most cities, there will be areas where 4S stores are concentrated. There are usually wide roads and low buildings."

When Zhuo Feng heard this, he immediately echoed: "There is a driving school and a driving test center nearby! When I took my driver's license test, there were a lot of car shops around."

Jiang Pingce, who had been thinking about it just now, also added: "The logistics distribution center, which centrally manages the transportation of goods from various express and logistics companies, is generally built in the suburbs, and it can be built near the 4S store."

He pointed to a large residential area on the west side of the city and said: "Remove this residential building and make the whole area into a 4S shop, a driving test center, a vehicle management office, and a logistics center. These buildings are very short, and the visual style will be more unified. ."

The DMV is located near the 4S store, which is really convenient for residents who buy cars to settle down and license their new cars.

Zhuo Feng suggested: "Should there be a few driving schools on the nearby Xishan? I remember when I was learning to drive, the driving school was on the top of the mountain, and I had to go up the mountain to practice driving every day."

Jiang Pingce nodded: "Yes. The flat land on the top of the mountain is also used to build several roads up and down the mountain, and build several driving schools on the flat land to facilitate citizens to learn to drive and get their driver's license."

Yue Xingwen said with a smile: "In this way, the DMV, 4S shops and driving schools are all concentrated in this area, which is really convenient!" He paused and said, "In addition, I think there is still one city missing. The convention and exhibition center is used for business meetings, or various large-scale events such as auto shows and comic exhibitions."

Qin Lu said excitedly: "Yes, we can't lack the convention and exhibition centers that most cities have! After all, if we hold an auto show on May 1st and National Day, and a comic exhibition at the Animation Festival, everyone's life will be richer!"

Ke Shaobin suggested, "Let's build it near the university town in the north of the city. There is still a little vacant land here."

Yue Xingwen continued: "In order to enrich the lives of citizens, we will also build some municipal libraries, art galleries, museums, gymnasiums, grand theatres, science and technology museums, and playgrounds."

Ke Shaobin listened with emotion: "I have never been to the Grand Theater."

Lan Yarong said: "I went to New Year's concerts when I was a child. There were often stage tours, youth film festivals, etc. The grand theater in our hometown was built with government investment."

Jiang Pingce said: "Science and technology museums are generally used for popular science teaching for young people, and they can be built next to the Grand Theater."

Yue Xingwen nodded, and then said: "Gymnasium, Science and Technology Museum, Grand Theater, these three large buildings are built in the same area with a triangular distribution pattern. Libraries, museums, and art galleries are urban humanistic buildings. , can be placed near the city hall; playgrounds are built in the suburbs for children to play on weekends.”

The teammates all gave their thumbs up.

Everyone brainstormed, and more and more things came to mind.

After the second round of renovation, their urban sand table has become more and more perfect, not only solving the daily problems of residents' clothing, food, housing and transportation, but also providing residents with a wealth of entertainment activities, sports, cultural centers, There is also the City Convention and Exhibition Center.

When all these buildings are completed, there will be only 2 hours left until the end of the exam.

Yue Xingwen said: "Everyone, read it again from the beginning to the end, think about it carefully, what else is missing?"

Everyone circled the 7,000-square-meter sand table and carefully checked it from beginning to end.

Ke Shaobin suddenly said: "I'll go through the building blocks to see which parts are not used, maybe I can find clues!"

The building blocks given to them by the library must contain all kinds of parts needed for urban planning. What they can't think of, the library has long thought of. Therefore, by analyzing building block parts to find urban buildings that have not yet been perfected, this "reverse analysis" is also a good way.

Hearing Ke Shaobin's suggestion, other students also joined the large team looking for parts.

After a while, Yue Xingwen picked up a small black round part and asked, "What is this?"

At the same time, Jiang Pingce also picked up a model of a small car and said, "This kind of car is not used either. It is not a bus, nor is it an ambulance. From the outside... does it look like a fire truck?"

The two looked at each other, and a thought suddenly flashed in Yue Xingwen's mind: "Have you not done the firefighting and drainage yet?"

Jiang Pingce nodded: "Well, in the event of a fire, the fire department must arrive in time. Therefore, in addition to the public security and traffic police, each area must have a fire department. In addition, the city must also have armed police and the army stationed."

The existence of armed police and military regions can provide urban residents with a great sense of security. When there is a riot in the city, these troops who are not usually dispatched can also act quickly to control the situation.

Yue Xingwen said: "This black thing should be a manhole cover? I always feel that our road is not right, it looks too neat. In normal cities, there are manhole covers on the roads, and drainage pipes are also reserved for rain. drain pipes."

If there are no drainage pipes, once the summer rainstorms, the entire city will be flooded with rainwater in an instant. Without fire exits and fire brigade, in case of fire, the consequences will be disastrous.

They didn't solve the problem of water and fire either!

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