Escape the Library

Chapter 240: chemical reaction 15

【Chemical Reaction-15】

Xin Yan's remarks opened up a whole new way of thinking for everyone.

In fact, linking the murderer with the "Zhou Canan fire death case" 20 years ago is all their subjective inference, because only this murder case has occurred in the chemical plant in the past 25 years, and Zhou Canan's relatives came to take revenge , killing people related to Zhou Jianan's death one after another, which is a reasonable guess.

But what if the murderer has nothing to do with the Zhou Jianan case? Then, Zhou Qiqi (Zhou Jianan's daughter) and Yu Chenming (possibly Zhou Jianan's husband), who were suspected by everyone before, will be less suspicious.

On the contrary, Xiao Wenhui, who did not come to work in the factory all day under the pretext of "accompanying her daughter to see a doctor", became suspicious.

Yue Xingwen sorted out his thoughts and said: "I think this serial murder case was committed by the same murderer, and the modus operandi was exactly the same. They used 'resignation' to confuse the public and prevent other colleagues from tracking down these people. Falling, then using hydrofluoric acid to corrode the human body, throwing the body in the waste pool, and shredding the body to vent the hatred in the heart.”

"So, as long as we find the murderer who killed Chen Xiumei, we will also find the murderer who killed the other three 'resigned employees'." He looked back at Xu Yishen and asked, "Senior brother, at around 11 o'clock this morning, are you sure you saw it with your own eyes? Chen Xiumei left the chemical plant, right?"

Xu Yishen was very sure: "Yes, I wanted to stop her at the time, but she ran fast with her suitcase in hand, and my mitotic skills cooled down again, so I couldn't stop her."

Yue Xingwen said: "Then we can be sure that she was killed after 11 o'clock today, outside the chemical plant."

Jiang Pingce agreed and said: "All employees who are not in the chemical plant after 11 o'clock must be re-examined. Except for Xiao Wenhui and Yu Chenming who are definitely not in the factory, on the personnel side, are there any other people who have asked for leave today?"

Lin Manluo and Lan Yarong looked at each other and said, "We haven't received any leave requests here."

Ke Shaobin said: "The attendance of this chemical plant is not very strict. When I checked the information, I found that every month, each department directly submits the attendance sheet, and there is no electronic attendance system such as punching in and swiping the face. That is to say, attendance can be operated privately, and there are bound to be people who skip work.”

Xiao Wenhui was escaping from work today, without writing a fake note, and even called Yue Xingwen to let them cooperate with the acting.

Yue Xingwen raised his head and glanced at the roof, frowned and said, "Unfortunately, the fire outside has not been extinguished, and it is not easy for us to investigate until the number of casualties is counted... I don't know when the fire trucks will arrive."

They stayed underground, and there was fresh air created by Sister Manluo in the airtight space.

But outside, it has now become a sea of ​​fire, and there are constantly heart-rending screams. Yue Xingwen can't bear it, but he can't do anything to help those workers.

When a chemical plant is on fire, there are too many dangerous gases in the air. You cannot use water directly to put out the fire. You must wait for a professional fire truck. However, if the fire exit to the door of the chemical plant is blocked, you can only resign yourself to fate.

Everyone fell silent.

Soon, everyone felt that the temperature in the house was rising. Although they were located underground, the fire on the ground was getting bigger and bigger, which would cause heat conduction. They were like being in a closed oven, although there was enough fresh air, but once the temperature of the air exceeds the human body's tolerance limit, they will also be roasted alive.

Yue Xingwen made a decisive decision: "Xiao Nian, come out in a separate room and leave a door."

Zhang Xiaonian nodded and immediately raised his hand to separate a room of about 10 square meters with the anti-vibration wall of the School of Architecture.

Yue Xingwen opened the dictionary of idioms and directly used the skill "Water Floods Jinshan", the flood flooded into the room instantly, he followed Qin Lu and said, "Let the cold current!"

Qin Lu understood and quickly raised his right hand: "Siberia cold current!"

As the cold air in Qin Lu's hands blew through, the water that Yue Xingwen poured into the room instantly froze into ice, and the slightest chill came from the air, and everyone who was about to be cooked suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ke Shaobin said with emotion: "Sure enough, knowledge is power, and the three of you actually built an ice cellar!"

Yue Xingwen smiled helplessly and said, "There is no way. We can't stay here and be roasted alive. With such a large volume of ice cubes, at least we can guarantee that we will last until the fire in the chemical plant is extinguished."

Everyone came to the next room and leaned near the ice cubes. Xin Yan also put some ice cubes in a bottle and handed them to cool down.

Lin Manluo's green tree air purification can be used once an hour. With the physical cooling of ice cubes, it is not a problem to survive, but everyone is still a little anxious. After all, the screams outside are getting louder and louder. Obviously, the fire has already raged. Totally out of control.

I don't know how long it took, and the harsh sound of the fire truck's whistle came from outside.

Ke Shaobin stood up excitedly: "The fire has finally arrived!"

Xin Yan said calmly: "However, even if a professional fire brigade arrives, it will take a long time to put out a fire like a chemical factory. Even if many people in this factory are rescued, they will have burns all over their bodies... die."

Liu Zhaoqing recalled the patients he saw when he was an intern in the burn department of the hospital, and his face suddenly became ugly: "The burns caused by such fires are usually severe burns, not only the skin tissue is completely burned, but the deep internal organs will also be inhaled. Sexual burns, severe damage to limbs, and amputation."

He paused, frowned and said in a low voice, "Even if the patient survives the rescue, the patient will still face the torment of infection, postoperative skin grafting, etc. The recovery period will take several years to say the least. Seriously, it may last in this life. To lie in bed."

When everyone listened to Senior Brother Liu's words, they really had lingering fears.

If they didn't run in time just now, they might have been burned into charcoal at this time. The course in the library is getting more and more perverted. The murderer of the chemical plant is the most terrifying demon they have ever encountered so far. !

Fire rescue efforts lasted all night.

The fire was finally put out when it was almost dawn.

The sound of the ambulance roared away, and Yue Xingwen and his group did not dare to suddenly run out to attract suspicion. They waited patiently for several hours before Ke Shaobin released a small picture to secretly investigate the surroundings.

The small picture transmitted the scanned scene to Ke Shaobin's computer. Everyone came to take a look, and couldn't help gasping for air—the entire chemical factory had been burned to ruins, and there were ruins everywhere. Less charred corpses, which firefighters are carrying on stretchers outside the door.

Heartbreaking cries came from outside the chemical plant, apparently family members rushed to the scene.

Yue Xingwen couldn't bear to look any more, and turned his head away.

Jiang Pingce gently put his hand on his shoulder and said nothing.

It was not until noon that the body was transported.

Since the firefighters found several strange broken corpses, they could not determine whether these corpses were burned to death by the fire or died of other reasons. They called the police again and asked professional criminal police to judge.

After the police car arrived at the scene, the forensic doctor identified the bodies and believed that these people did not die from the fire, and their bones showed signs of being cut off by sharp objects. In addition to the serious casualties in the chemical plant explosion, and the discovery of strange bodies, the police did not release the news of the four broken bodies for the time being to prevent the public opinion from getting out of control. Instead, they launched a secret investigation.

Around 4:00 p.m., the chemical plant was sealed off. The firefighting, criminal police, and medical rescue teams were all evacuated. The family members were also relocated. The bustling chemical plant was instantly turned into ruins.

The familiar mechanical voice came from everyone's ears: "In the second stage of the test, the restrictions on the test room are lifted. Now, you can leave the chemical factory."

Before everyone had time to be happy, the mechanical voice followed and said: "Attention, you are all employees of a chemical plant, but you were unharmed in the fire. If you appear in the public eye, arouse the suspicion of the police, and are detained for investigation, then Failed the exam; in addition, using powers in front of the public was considered to be pulled by monsters to study, and the exam also failed."

"Please pay attention to where you are, so you can do it yourself."

Everyone: "..."

Can it be any more pitiful?

Yue Xingwen reluctantly said: "This means that we have to sneakily not be discovered by the police, and we have to avoid the crowd when using skills. The subsequent investigation will be like being a thief?"

Liu Zhaoqing couldn't help but scolded: "Fuck, from the image Xiaotu's investigation just now, the fire department pulled out more than 60 corpses, and the ambulance sent dozens of people to the hospital for rescue. How can this number be wrong? The total number of employees in the chemical plant must be recorded, but there are 12 of us missing, how can we explain it!”

Zhuo Feng said helplessly: "So, we can't show our faces. Otherwise, the police will mistakenly think that we are the murderers. We detonated the chemical factory and arrested us."

Lan Yarong spread out her hands helplessly: "So next, we are hiding from the police and investigating the real murderer of the chemical factory serial murder case... Really think we are Spider-Man, can we fly away?"

Ke Shaobin adjusted his glasses, and said with tears and laughter, "This course is about solving puzzles and escaping. Now we will start the part of finding out the truth while hiding and hiding. My suggestion is... Let's go out during the day and night, and act at night!"

Yue Xingwen agreed: "That's the only way. During the day, there are too many people on the street, so we can't use our skills. In the middle of the night, we will try to sneak into the police station and retrieve their case records."

Jiang Pingce said: "By the way, check where Xiao Wenhui lives, and whether his family has ever been injured."

Ke Shaobin quickly turned on the computer: "Fortunately, my small picture can crack the nearby wireless network. We stay in the basement during the day and can also find some information on the Internet. I will check the news report about this matter first!"

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