I suddenly stopped breathing. There are no street lights here, and it is pitch-black under the viewing platform. Although I can't see anything clearly at the moment, according to common sense, most of them are cliffs. He just stood on it dangerously, and the wind could blow him down.

You, a pessimist, can say such a thing. Professor Bei, I'm a little curious, how many gems have you had in your life? What is your favorite one? "He was walking on a tightrope, with his arms outstretched, trying to maintain his balance, and walking wobbly.

In the acrobatic troupe, there are still safety ropes to walk a tightrope. Shang Muxiao has nothing, and if he falls, he is half-crippled. And even if he fights to the death," how can I save him by looking like this?

Just dying.

Shang Muxiao, come down. "I ordered him in a deep voice, completely ignoring what his problem was.

Are you worried about me? "He's still smiling and smug.

I tried to suppress my anger and stretched out my hand to him.

Come down, you are too dangerous. "

He stopped walking around in a cold sweat, turned his back to the cliff, and stood facing me, his lowered eyes first falling on my hands and then on his face.


I enticed him carefully, he looked down at me condescendingly, spread his arms, and showed a very bright smile.

you are worried about me. "He looked smug, and gestured to fall backwards.

Shang Mu Xiao! ! "My eyes were wide open, I roared to reach him, the next second my body lost my balance, and I fell to the ground before Shang Muxiao.

The palm was torn by the rough stone, and it was burning hot. His legs were tangled together in an unnatural position, limp and feeble.

I gasped and anxiously went to look for Shang Muxiao's position, but when I looked up, I saw that the other party nimbly jumped off the low wall.

Why are you so careless. "He came to help me, with a relaxed smile on his face, as if the thrill just now was no more than my hallucination. You screamed so loudly just now, are you afraid that I will really jump?"

He wasn't really about to jump, he was just testing my reflexes.

My reaction made him curious and delighted.

Only now did I really agree with Yang Haiyang's evaluation of him-neuropathy. He is neurotic.

I closed my eyes, trying to calm down the wildly fluctuating emotions.

Professor North? Arabidopsis? "Seeing that I didn't respond, Shang Muxiao kept calling my name.

If he had the vision, I should have quieted myself for a while.

I gritted my back molars, but the fire couldn't go back. I haven't been this angry in maybe years.

I shoved him away violently, I refused to jiāo flow, and I also forbade touching.

Unprepared, he sat down on the ground, his eyebrows furrowed, and when he looked at me again, his eyes became extremely ruthless. Like a cub who finally stopped wagging his tail and returned to his true nature.

Yes, how could láng be obedient? It was my whims.

I stared straight at him, not showing any signs of loss on the surface, but inside I was thinking quickly what to do when a fight broke out.

I don't have the skills of Yang Haiyang, so I guess I can only take two bites to let out my breath.

When I was in my twenties, I never had such a fight, and I really went back as I lived.

Just kidding with you, why are you so angry? "Following for a moment, when he spoke again, Shang Mu Xiaoye's eyes had mostly subsided.

He clapped his hands and stood up from the ground, stepped back, leaned against the low wall of the observation deck, and stopped trying to help me.

I was able to get back into the wheelchair even with a little effort, but it didn't look good. All struggles, embarrassment, and embarrassment will be presented in front of Shang Muxiao's eyes without reservation.

Being disabled is one thing, not wanting to act disabled in front of others" is another.

Everything seemed to stand still, I didn't move, and Shang Muxiao didn't move either. We are at a stalemate, and there is a great chance that the other side will be victorious.

The temperature in the mountains became more and more cold and biting as the night fell, and the wind was blowing, and the thin coat could not stop the cold wind from attacking at all.

I shivered uncontrollably, and I couldn't hold back my throat and cough.

Shang Muxiao suddenly clicked his tongue heavily, sounding very impatient.

The palms of my hands hurt for a while, I gritted my teeth, and planned to sit like this until the end of the day.

It suddenly became dark in front of my eyes, and something with body temperature fell from the sky, covering my head and face.

I tore it off and saw that it was a jacket.

After stepping on the grass, Shang Muxiao walked past me and went to the back of the car.

I'm going to smoke a cigarette. "

Judging by the fact that he chose to avoid it, it seemed like I had won the battle. But I can't feel happy at all, I think I'm too naive. Whether it was a one-month gambling game, or the fact that he would rather sit to death than climb into a wheelchair in front of Shang Muxiao, it was so naive it was unbelievable.

The faint smell of smoke from the back of the car dragged me back from my self-loathing for a while.

After a cigarette, Shang Muxiao walked back, and I returned to my wheelchair.

You are bleeding. "He stared at my legs.

I wore a pair of white trousers today, and I just rubbed them on the ground and got a lot of stains. The most obvious is the knee position, the fabric is torn and exposed

The wound on the soil, a mass of black and red, looks very miserable.

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