Standing at Gongjiāo Station for five minutes in this weather is terrible, not to mention her clothes are still wet. I saw that her hand holding the umbrella was frozen red, and I guessed that she must be very cold.

Come on up, hurry up. "I unconsciously took on the sternness of class, and the girl shivered, and she got into the car obediently.

Her family lives on the other side of the school, and my family is completely two directions.

Two people in a car, it's a little strange not to talk, but the girl is introverted, and I'm not a talkative person. I just said a few words at the beginning, and then there was no interaction.

Teacher, what is death like? "When approaching the destination, the girl spoke without warning.

I opened my mouth, not knowing how to answer.

"Dealing with Death" is a perpetual theme of philosophy, but it is difficult to characterize it.

Some philosophers believe that the demise of the body is not the real death, the real death is the annihilation of the will. When a person dies physically, but his will lives on, he lives forever in the world. Although a person is alive, but his will is long gone, and he lives like a walking corpse, then this person is dead when he lives. "

The girl was silent for a moment, and then said: Grandpa Huáng's will... Is it still there? "

Have you watched "Dream Travel"? "

Ah..." The girl was stunned before she said, I've seen it."

In fact, I haven't seen it, but Yu Xixi watched it and came to school the next day and retold the whole plot to me. When it comes to the emotional part, he even cried, thinking that this film is unsurpassed.

As long as we remember him, he will be there. "I said, you can think so."

When the girl got out of the car, she thanked me again, but she still didn't dare to look at me, but her words were much smoother, as if she had simulated it many times in her mind.

Thank you. I will take the college entrance examination next year. I hope to be admitted to the Department of Philosophy of Qingwan University and become your real student. "She opened the door to hold the umbrella, and suddenly turned back, can call me Tian'er."

The first time I participated in a group activity, each member introduced herself. I remember her surname Yu.

Um. Be careful with slippery. "

I said goodbye to her and set up navigation to go home.

There was silence in the car, and while driving, I unconsciously remembered Mr. Huáng's letter. No wonder Tian'er was suddenly sentimental. After hearing such a farewell letter, no one could remain indifferent to death.

Dear friends, when you read this letter, I should be dead. Although I, Huáng Yinguo, have known each of you for a short time, we are still very close to each other. In the last moments of my life, I would like to give you a tip for the unhappy.

Live every day as if it were your last. Since you are going to die tomorrow, why can't you indulge yourself? Since tomorrow is going to die, why not cherish today? Since you are going to die tomorrow, leave your troubles to tomorrow.

In the past, I also felt that I had lived enough. At seventy-six years old, I saw the changes in society, the world is prosperous, the children and grandchildren are full, and the family is harmonious. What regrets are there? But when he was about to die, he realized that he had a lot of reluctance. No long talk, the last sentence - you are still young, you have to live well. "

live well...

It sounds simple and has few words, but it is unexpectedly difficult to actually do.

Park the car, press the elevator floor, after more than ten seconds, the elevator stops, and with a ding, the doors slowly open to both sides.

As soon as I got out of the elevator door, I saw a giant paralyzed in front of my house."

He was leaning against the door, soaked all over, not sure if he was freezing, his face was very white, and his lips were bloodless.

I really want this son of a bitch to listen to Mr. Huáng's letter.

He closed his eyes slightly, wondering if he fell asleep.

Business herdsman. "I came to him and called him softly.

He moved when he heard the sound, and opened his eyes little by little. I don't know if it was because the other colors on his face had faded, which made his eyes appear particularly deep and dark.

You're finally back..." He rubbed his forehead, trying to wake himself up.

How did you get here? "As soon as I saw him, my hand didn't consciously hurt.

He raised his head and pressed the back of his head against the door, his voice full of exhaustion.

I walked over, but it rained halfway. My sister is not at home, so I should go to the man again. I have nowhere to go, you take me in. "His hair is still dripping with water, and there is not a single spot on his body. It can be said that he is extremely depressed. At most, he and I only know each other, but his tone is natural as if we have been friends for many years.

I should drive him away, there is nothing good about meeting him, but he will never listen to me, and I can't get in the house if he blocks the door.

After all, he is Yang Haiyang's girlfriend's younger brother, and I am also considered a teacher-student relationship. He is not in the right state now, so it is not an exaggeration to take him in...

Let's go to the house. "

Shang Muxiao stood up and gave way to the side.

I opened the door and entered the house, and was about to turn on the lights, when a flash of lightning suddenly fell outside the window, followed by the rumbling of thunder.

my mother

Mom, died on such a rainy day. "Shang Muxiao walked to the window and quietly watched the rain outside. She took everyone away and threw me into the rain. I desperately slammed on the door trying to get in, but I never got any response from her. It's raining so hard, I'm so cold, I don't understand why she doesn't like me all the time. Later, when my sister came back from school, the driver knocked on the door, and they found her in the studio. She was wearing a white dress and slept peacefully, yes She's the most calm and gentle look I've ever seen..."

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