At the quiet dining table, a stern female voice interrupted my thoughts that radiated to the horizon and pulled me back to reality.

Four people were sitting on one side of the square dining table. Bei Yan was opposite me, frowning at the only broccoli left in the bowl.

He didn't like to eat vegetables since he was a child. He used to save vegetables for the end and pretended to eat them in front of his parents. In fact, he just put them in his mouth and spit them out the window after returning to the room.

This was a seamless plan, but my house lives on the first floor, and outside his window is the green belt of the community. During that time, my mother always felt that there were many flies in the summer. After looking around, she completely dismantled his tricks.

Mother was bào angry because of his deceit, and after cleaning the green belt with a cold face, she only gave him vegetarian food for a long time. Originally, he wanted to correct his picky eating problem, but if he didn't like it, he didn't like it. No matter how old he was, his dislike for vegetables was still etched in his bones.

Oh. Bei Yan put the broccoli into his mouth, chewing it hard.

I saw that he was really suffering from eating, so I deliberately spoke for him: if you don't like it, forget it, don't bother him to eat it. "

My father didn't speak, probably because of his work in the government department. On weekdays, he always seemed very serious, he didn't talk much, and he didn't talk much at home. From a long time ago, he was accustomed to being in charge of everything at home by his mother. As for educating children, he would not intervene if he could not intervene.

He has always believed that there can only be one voice between husband and wife, and once both of them speak, conflicts will break out.

No, how can the body be healthy if the nutrition is not balanced? must eat. "Mother is as stubborn as ever, and there is no room for concessions.

She hasn't been fat for decades. When she was young, she still had flesh on her face, so she didn't get too thin. When she got older, her skin slackened and her fat subsided, and people looked thinner and thinner, and her eyes looked extra big. , makes people feel anxious.

Bei Yan was frightened by her and swallowed the broccoli that was not chewed in his mouth whole. Then he stayed there, his eyes wide open, his hands covering his neck, but his mouth was open but he couldn't make any sound.

Immediately something went wrong in my heart.

His movements were really scary, and his parents suddenly lost their calm.

Beiyan's face turned purple from suffocation, and he looked like he was almost out of breath, apparently choked by broccoli.

Xiaoyan, don't scare mom. "The mother's voice was crying, and the whole person panicked.

Go, I'll drive, go to the hospital. "My father got up and went to look for the car keys.

I was relatively calm among several people. I remember reading it in the first aid manual before. This kind of person who choked on the food and got stuck in the trachea should use the Heimlich maneuver, which may cause permanent damage to the brain if it is too late.

Wait, let's get the foreign body out of his esophagus first..."

No one listened to me at all, my mother kept slapping Beiyan's back, her eyes were full of tears, and she repeated the same sentence in her mouth: You must not be in trouble, you must not be in trouble..."

Father lost his head and looked for the keys, but the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't find them. He took out his mobile phone and called an ambulance.

Seeing that it would be too late, I pressed my mother away with pursed lips, pulled Beiyan over and let him sit on my lap facing forward, then made a fist with one hand and pressed my thumb against his upper abdomen, Grab your wrist with your hand and squeeze up quickly and firmly.

Using the air left in the lungs to form airflow, Beiyan spit it out with a wow after just two blows. The food scraps fell to my hands and body along his clothes, the broccoli that almost killed him. Also in it.

No longer stuck in the trachea by the foreign object, he took a deep breath and fell down softly. He was firmly caught by his mother, who hugged him into his arms and kept kissing.

How about it? How's it going? "Father hurriedly ran over with his mobile phone in hand, his face was no better than Beiyan's.

I took out the tissue on the table and wiped my hands. Seeing Beiyan crying so hard, I said, "It shouldn't be a big problem. If you're worried, you can go to the hospital again." "

Father was stunned for a moment, covered his heart and breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained the situation to the operator on the other end of the phone, asking them not to call for an ambulance.

After eating like this, no one is in the mood to continue. Father was busy changing Beiyan's clothes and taking a bath, while mother picked up the scraps on the table.

I wiped the stain off my pants with a paper towel and washed my hands in front of the sink, but the sticky feeling lingered and made me nauseous.

Just thanks to you. "My mother put a stack of tableware and chopsticks into the sink, and she has completely recovered to the way she used to be. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I didn't know she would have lost control like that.

He is my brother, can I watch him die? "I said softly, wiped the water off my hands, threw the tissue in the trash can, and decided to leave after seeing Beiyan.

Your pants..." My mother suddenly stopped me and glanced at a watermark on my knee. Do you want to ask your father to change it for you?"

Fingertips contracted slightly, I shook my head and declined her kindness.

She didn't insist any longer, turned on the faucet, turned her back on me and started washing the dishes. Everything we can say is over.

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