Shang Muxiao's voice has a slight smokey voice, which is not obvious when he speaks everyday, but can be heard clearly when he sings.

"Little Star", which he adapted beyond recognition, is melancholy not like an innocent nursery rhyme at all, but more like a sad love song for adults.

twinkle, twinkle, little a diaond in the sky..."

The female singer added the harmony at the right time, not overbearing, and perfectly matched Shang Muxiao's voice.

The customers on the terrace stopped to chat one after another, looked curiously at the singer in the center due to the familiar and unfamiliar tune, and never looked away again.

then the traveller in the dark, thanks you for your tiny spark..."

Many people took pictures of Shang Muxiao's video, but he was not affected at all, just focused on the keys in his palm.

The song "Little Star" is not long at all, and it is only three minutes long before and after it is adapted into blues. When Shang Muxiao hit the last note to end singing, the female singer also slowly dropped the final note.

At this moment, the discordant sound of glass shattering suddenly sounded, and a table of lovers near the stage quarreled.

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? I don't want to break up, you don't leave..." The girl struggled to keep her, but the man just left her indifferently.

Stop bothering me, we're done. "He vibrated his suit, shoved the two banknotes into the arms of the waiter who rushed over, and left without looking back.

The girl covered her face and burst into tears, ignoring the whispers of those around her.

The waiter stepped forward to ask her if she needed help. The girl sobbed and shook her head. Looking in the direction the man was leaving, she picked up her bag and ran after him.

After Shang Muxiao finished singing, he returned to his seat with a heavy expression on his face.

This should be his home court, but was stole the limelight.

I'm tired of these crying and crying, it's better to find another one, there's nothing to give up. Xu Shi sang a little loudly. He drank his glass of whiskey in one gulp, raised his hand to call the waiter again.

Maybe it's because...they're in a relationship, not a one-night stand. "Although I hope that everyone should put reason first, I know that this ideal state does not exist. Human beings are emotional creatures after all, and they are easily influenced by emotions.

Shang Muxiao didn't understand: Does every love have to run for a lifetime? "

What are you running for? "

Of course, it's good to be happy, but if you're not happy, then you will quit. When the lotus is broken, it will cause pain when it is broken. "

I opened my mouth, and found that I rarely agreed with his point of view.

The waiter came soon, Shang Muxiao was about to speak, I grabbed before him and said, "I'll have a glass of orange juice." "

Shang Muxiao raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and the waiter was a little hesitant.

Deadlock for a moment, I still insist: orange juice. "

I don't know how many glasses he had drank before I came, but the whisky has a high degree of stamina and is always suitable for fine tasting. It is not normal to drink glass after glass.

Shang Muxiao returned the whiskey glass to the waiter, and finally compromised.

Forget it, orange juice is orange juice. "Light a new cigarette, and he slowly exhaled white mist. I clearly told you to come out for a drink. In the end, you only drink tea, and you forced me to order some juice. What's the point of us coming to the bar?"

do not know.

It doesn't make sense.

I feel so weird.

Seeing that the ashtray was full of cigarette butts, I couldn't help but say: You are only twenty, smoking less is bad for your lungs. "

He looked at me, and suddenly pressed out the long smoke.

You don't like me smoking? I thought you liked it. Every time I smoke, you see me more often. "

I coughed unnaturally and closed my eyes.

your illusion. "

After the juice came up, Shang Muxiao took a sip and disliked it for being too sour, so he didn't touch it again.

No cigarettes, no alcohol, he seemed uninterested and started trying to make fun of me.

Teacher, have you ever been in love? "

I took the teacup with my hand involuntarily, then took it as if nothing had happened: I'm thirty-two years old, and I'm not a monk, so of course I can fall in love. "

In the early years, I actually had no shortage of suitors.

Those people, without exception, were confused by my appearance, ignored my disabled status, and pursued passionately. However, after just a few dates, they suddenly wake up to who I am, apologize to me embarrassingly, and leave my world one by one.

They just want to try, try something new that they haven't tried. Once they realize that this thing is just an appearance, not only is it not fun at all, it requires a lot of care, and it is very troublesome to take care of, all kinds of inconveniences will quickly make them tired of the relationship.

When I was in my twenties, I still had the energy to give each other a chance and give myself a chance.

I just want to be quiet for the rest of my life.

So, if you count these brief dates, yes, of course I've been in a relationship.

Male or female? "Shang Muxiao asked again.

I stopped answering, but he didn't stop there.

How far has it developed? "

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