Eternal Life Begins with Bug-Refining

Chapter 299: Three cents to one dragon

Ye Chen, covered in blood, stood up with his sword again and drew the sword firmly.

 He does not pursue the ultimate in swordsmanship as the world thinks. He actually just wants to live at the moment.

If he loses, he will only die.

This is his path, and there is no possibility of turning back.

 His swordsmanship is so unreasonable.

Soon, he knocked Jiang Yuhu away with a sword.

 But I couldn’t help but think that my life had long been integrated with the way of the sword.

In this way, seeking life is also practicing swordsmanship.

With the nine hundredth sword coming out, Ye Chen went from a draw with Jiang Yuhu to being able to defeat Jiang Yuhu with just one sword.

 The last hundred swords became extremely long in his eyes. He was covered in wounds and blood was flowing continuously.

If other Gu insects can be used, no, I shouldn't have these thoughts at this time.

 Concentrate all your energy on your sword.

Time began to become long, and each sword drained the last remaining energy from his body, but his sword power became stronger and stronger.

 Finally, after a cup of tea, he finally used the thousandth sword!

 Lang Qiandie, completed!

Ye Chen swung his sword again, and each sword set off a monstrous sword force. Under this terrifying sword force, Jiang Yuhu finally began to lose.


 Broken foot!

 Hand off!

 The six boxes fell, and Ye Chen sealed Jiang Yuhu one by one.

 After sealing Jiang Yuhu’s head, he let out a sigh of relief, “Finally we won.”

 He released Jiang Yuhu, sat down cross-legged, and held the sword across his knees.

He could feel that his sword was getting hotter and hotter. Suddenly a sword sound sounded. Jiang Yuhu's giant sword fell next to Hu Che, and Hu Che took away all the essence of kendo.

In Quantai City, hundreds of sharp swords flew through the air and flew towards Hute.

Li Shang said: "It's done!"

 "Kuche is absorbing the swordsman Gu of this life and becoming a king's sword!"

  King Qi stood up and said, "Let's go, prepare to deal with the aftermath."

Li Shang hurriedly said: "Okay, I'll go right away. I've prepared numerous swordsmanship worms and sword scriptures to make up for the loss of swordsmanship caused by the sword cultivators challenged by Ye Chen!"

On the third day of August this year, Ye Chen succeeded in challenging the world with his sword and became the best swordsman in his lifetime.

It was night, King Qi, Li Shang, and two disciples of King Wen were walking in the realm of death, giving the compensation they had prepared long ago to the opponents that Ye Chen had defeated.

 In this move, I have to say that the disciples of King Wen acted quite kindly.

 In September, King Qi announced that he would leave the realm of death and return to the human world.

On the fifth day of September, King Qi broke through to the Xuanguan realm. In the eyes of the world, the last person in the world of death who possessed king Gu officially left the world of death.

The world of death once again became an era without kings. The only ones who suppressed the world of death were Chen Qing's two disciples, Li Shang Yechen and the remaining 150 undead dragon Xiangjun.

On September 15th, a large number of evil cultivators began to appear in the realm of death. They did not respect King Wen's orders and entered the realm of death without authorization.

On September 18th, according to the information obtained by the spies sent by Quantai City, there were approximately 6,000 evil cultivators in the Death Realm.

At this moment, the total number of practitioners of many great religions in the world of death is only 4,800.

On the second day of October, the evil cultivators occupied the city in the wilderness of the dead realm and raised a rebellion. They claimed to have an army of 12,000 ghost-faced realms. They read out Chen Qing's charges, monopolized the cultivation path of the people in the world, cut off the cultivation path, and reopened the cultivation path for the sake of the world. Road, the war was directed towards Quantai City, and the attack started from the south.

 On the third day of the tenth month, King Ye of the Kingdom of Ye and King Li of the Kingdom of Li went to the Kingdom of Qi. They asked King Qi for help and asked to see King Wen to discuss the rebellion of the evil cultivators in the dead realm.

 The situation in the Death Realm, with the army of evil cultivators pressing down on the realm, is showing signs of overthrowing King Wen's rule in the Death Realm.

 Chen Qing's rule over the Death Realm, only twenty-four years old, has already begun to waver.

Everyone said that Chen Qing left the realm of death too early and was eager to take over the Kingdom of Water, so he hurriedly transferred King Qi.

If King Qi was still in the realm of death, evil cultivators would definitely not dare to be so rampant.

Some people say that Chen Qing was too arrogant. He personally suppressed the Death Realm for more than 20 years before leaving the Death Realm without laying a solid foundation for himself.

If Chen Qing suppresses the evil cultivators in the Death Realm for a hundred years and leaves them without a mirror for a hundred years, their strength will be greatly damaged, and even if there is another turmoil, they will not be able to cause any trouble.

Hearing these rumors, the most outstanding grandsons of King Li and King Ye were still supporting the situation in the death realm, and the two of them became slightly anxious.

Chen Qing had just finished approving a memorial when he saw King Qi walking straight into the palace. There was no one else in the palace at this moment. King Qi cupped his hands and said: "Master, King Li Wangye has arrived. Please arrange a meeting with him." Master’s gathering, I hope to discuss the matter of the realm of death with you face to face.”

Chen Qing shook his head and said: "I won't see you for a while, so you can entertain me first."

King Qi asked: "Master, I want to see which of the kings of Nanli are on our side?"

Chen Qingdao: "You are quite smart, and you have finally made some progress."

 On the eighth day of October, the evil cultivators captured three cities and their power increased greatly.

Some disciples of Dragon Palace began to listen to the instructions rather than the announcement, watching the fire from the other side, and no longer respected Li Shang's orders.

 Chen Qing summoned Tingyun, who explained: "Those are all vassals of pure-blooded true dragons and have nothing to do with our heterogeneous true dragons."

“Although Dragon Palace was completely conquered by the king, it is still a bit old-fashioned and thinks very highly of itself. It feels that the king is weak and can be bullied only in the Xuanguan realm, so it issued such a stupid order.”

 Chen Qing sneered, "The seven of my disciples don't have mounts yet. Ordinary mounts are not worthy of their status."

Tingyun heard the implication of Chen Qing's words, "I'm afraid it won't be so easy for the Dragon Palace to get seven pure-blooded true dragons."

“Even after the defeat in the last battle, the tribute paid to Dayi, Xianting and Tianshi Mansion did not come out so much.”

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Dragon Palace is causing chaos. Here is an order. Except for your lineage of alien true dragons and the vassal demon, other Dragon Palace disciples are not allowed to enter the realm of death for five hundred years."

“Those who trespass will be killed without mercy!”

"Five hundred years from now, only the South Sea dragons in the world can be promoted to the Profound Pass Realm, and not even a single North Sea dragon!"

“Tingyun, you build the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea, build another Dragon Palace, and completely separate it from the Dragon Palace in the North Sea.”

 “With you as the leader, you are called the Dragon Lord and rule the Dragon Clan in the South China Sea!”

Tingyun cupped his hands and exited the palace gate.

Walking on the avenue leading from the palace to the royal city, Ting Yun thought to himself. He could hear strong confidence in Chen Qing's words, and he was not worried about the situation in the death realm at all.

Although building another Dragon Palace would make the current Dragon Palace angry, in the end, after careful consideration, he decided to side with Chen Qing.

"Your Majesty, you are too confident. I really don't dare to take a gamble." "Such an overlord is so confident. No matter how many evil cultivators there are in the realm of death, they will not be able to cause any trouble."

 In November, King Wen's army in the Death Realm was defeated three times and lost three more cities.

In order to keep the Death Realm safe, there seemed to be no other way. The leader of the Death Realm, Li Shang, offered sacrifices to King Wen and invited King Wen's appearance to temporarily block the offensive of the evil cultivators.

But the strange thing is that neither the Great Palace, the Tianshi Mansion, nor the Immortal Court have the slightest intention of disobeying Li Shang's orders. Instead, they are actively defending.

It seems that in the eyes of Dayi, Tianshi Mansion, and Immortal Court, this small disturbance does not threaten Chen Qing's rule at all.

 Chen Qing listened to the news brought by King Qi, stretched out his hand and patted the table, "Li Chonghuan and Feng Yi are indeed not ordinary people. They seem to have seen my plan."

"This is not possible. They are not rebelling. How can these evil cultivators increase their efforts and send more evil cultivators into the death realm? How can they let beings with king Gu enter the death realm?"

“Secretly go to Xianyiyi, Li Chonghuan, and Princess Jin’an, and ask them to make the disciples in the Death Realm rebel and disobey orders!”

Three days later, on a beautiful hill in Tianshi Mansion, Feng Yi and Li Chonghuan were sitting on a high platform, watching the many beauties dancing in front of them.

The waist is snow-white, the legs are heavy, the hands are soft, and the eyebrows are silky.

However, the two of them seemed not to be thinking about these beauties at all. Feng Yi picked up the tea cup and said, "Li Chonghuan, you are very familiar with Chen Qing. In your opinion, what are his preparations for this arrangement?"

Li Chonghuan laughed, "As long as you and I don't cooperate with him and let the disciples in the death realm continue to listen to his orders, he won't be able to succeed. Why are you anxious? It's him who should be anxious!"

At this moment, someone suddenly came to report from outside. Yan Xingchen took out a secret letter and sent it over. Feng Yi opened it and laughed, "Sure enough, as you expected, he is anxious."

Li Chonghuan closed his secret letter and asked, "What did Chen Qing promise you in the letter?"

Feng Yi said: "Ten pill Gus for me to take for fun."

Li Chonghuan smiled and said: "Elixir Gu is a secret that is not passed down in the Wen Kingdom. It has never been passed on to outsiders. The censorship is extremely strict, so I gave you ten of them."

Feng Yi said: "If I remember correctly, the Yin-Yang Sect now has a daughter who is pregnant with the Yin-Yang Heavenly Mother King Gu. She is the foundation of Dzogchen. Previously, because of Chen Qing's suppression of the Death Realm, she has been unable to advance to the Profound Pass Realm."

Li Chonghuan's eyes flashed, "No wonder there is such a big battle, this guy wants to hunt the king!"

Feng Yi said: "What should we do?"

Li Chonghuan said: "Today, the person in charge of the low-level practitioners in Dayun is Princess Jin'an. I have never been sure of Princess Jin'an's lineage. There seems to be a mysterious existence behind her."

“I speculate that Princess Jin’an will fall in love with Chen Qing.”

Feng Yi rubbed the tea cup in his hand, "It seems like he will definitely succeed. It will not require our help. We are just the icing on the cake."

Li Chonghuan said: "You won't get much benefit from this."

Feng Yi glanced sideways at the little Pixiu who was serving him, and said, "Then let's make this game bigger. Doesn't he want a South China Sea Dragon Palace?"

“I want an East China Sea Dragon Palace, Brother Li, what do you think?”

Li Chonghuan laughed loudly, "That's great. Make this game bigger so that we can have room to share the spoils."

Feng Yi said: "Then write to Princess Jin'an and ask her to arrange a meeting at the border of Ye Kingdom."

Li Chonghuan stood up and said, "This song and dance is really not interesting. He is hunting the king, and we are hunting the dragon. Let's go to Nanli and see the scenery of Nanli!"

 November 18th.

King Li and King Ye met King Qi again. King Ye said: "The situation in the Death Realm is too critical now. King Qi, please take us to see your master quickly. If things don't work out, the Death Realm will be out of control."

King Li also said: "If this is the case, he can no longer be King Wen. Why doesn't he see us?"

King Qi said with a smile: "Master said that the important matter has not been completely decided yet, so there is no need to rush."

“Since you two are so urgent and need the King of Industry to arrange a meeting, then you two should go there too.”

King Ye asked curiously: "Why am I the one to arrange the party?"

King Qi said: "Because those participating in this gathering will be the little Celestial Master Fengyi of the Celestial Master's Mansion, Li Chonghuan, the divine son of the Immortal Court, Princess Jin'an of Dali who is now in charge of the power of Dali Temple, and my master, King Wen, the Lord of the Death Realm!" "

 Wang Li immediately felt the pressure. These few people were definitely plotting something big together!

  King Ye’s heart was lifted up again just after he had put it down. Who among these people is not an unparalleled hero?

They are meeting in secret, they must be discussing some big event, plotting to seize the great fortune!

 On the eighth day of December, the situation in the Death Realm deteriorated again. The Ghost Face Realm in Dayongfang began to disobey orders, and the number of troops under Li Shang dropped sharply by 800!

 Put Lishang, who already had few troops, into a dangerous situation again.

On this day, Chen Qing also came to the shores of Qianshan Lake in Yeguo.

There are many strange rocks on the shores of Qianshan Lake. When boating on the lake, you can see the jagged and strange rocks protruding from the lake surface. Thousand-year-old pine trees like coiled dragons grow on them. The scenery is unique.

 Coupled with the strong Confucian atmosphere of the country, there are also poems left by many poets on these strange stones, which makes it even more ancient.

 Ye Wang and Ji Ru were the first to arrive. They were the intermediaries for this meeting and were also the ones hosting the gathering.

After some intense arrangements, King Ye took out the best building ship in the country. It was made of laurel sacred wood. It was an out-and-out divine ship.

Ji Ru took out the spirit wine fairy fruit from Dayu and was responsible for entertaining everyone.

After a while, Ji Ru heard Chen Qing's heroic voice, "Brother Feng is really charming!"

Feng Yi smiled slightly and said: "It can't compare to the splendor of King Wen in the Death Realm, overwhelming all the heroes, and the magnificent fight for the king. It's my fault that I was born too early and missed such a wonderful world!"

 Chen Qing stretched out his hand and said, "Brother Li, come quickly. It's been a long time since you and I have seen each other."

“Now that we meet, we must not come back without getting drunk!”

When everyone boarded the boat, King Ye introduced: "This place is called Qianshan Lake. It is a unique place in our country of Wen. The scenery is beautiful and it is perfect for gatherings."

 King Li said nothing. Although he and King Ye are the oldest here, in terms of status, compared to Chen Qing, Ji Ru, Feng Yi, and Li Chonghuan, they are still far behind.

 Which of these four people can represent the will of a great religion?

Who is not an extraordinary person who is influencing the fate of the world?

King Li felt that it was enough for him to be able to participate in this gathering and to know the secrets.

What he has in his heart now is just curiosity, and he is curious about what the four most brilliant heroes are plotting.

After everyone got on the boat and sat down one by one in front of the six tables gathered in a circle, Chen Qing immediately said: "I can't hide this from you, so I won't hide it either. The situation in the death world is completely under my control. As long as I am here, the situation in the realm of death cannot be changed."

“As for how to do it, that’s not your concern.”

Feng Yi received Chen Qing's affirmative answer and said, "Since King Wen has opened the sky and spoken openly, I won't hide it anymore."

“I made a prediction last night, and the fortune of the Dragon Palace will be over.”

 “It should be within the next few years.”

With these words, King Li and King Ye looked at each other and were shocked. These four guys were planning to seize the Dragon Palace's hundreds of thousands of years of inheritance!

Li Chonghuan picked up a piece of fairy fruit and said: "As far as I know, there are no gods in Dragon Palace now, and there are no gods-like existences. There are only three true kings."

Chen Qing heard the news and said that he had learned some incredible news during this gathering. "Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin were all powerful clans when the world was first created. Now the Phoenix clan has no descendants, and Qilin has also become a monk at Qilin Temple." Learn the Great Way."

“Only the Dragon Clan still occupies the position of great religion, but they are naturally promiscuous, and their virtues are far inferior to those of the Phoenix and Qilin Clan. There is no strong person in the clan. Their virtue is not matched, and their strength is not matched. It is really strange!”

“Since you two also have this idea, why don’t we do a good deed and take the position of the great leader of the Dragon Clan!”

Hearing Chen Qing's words, King Li and King Ye's hands shook slightly, and three drops of wine spilled from the cups.

It is really the gathering of heroes on Qianshan Lake, and Longluo Shoal is in disaster! (End of chapter)

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