Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 156: Miss Lengjia

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning noticed that the ice caves of the people who sprayed the blood were all close to the vortex, that is to say, these people were all cold people.

The counterattack on Song Ning Ling's consciousness just now was not the children of the Leng family. Even the early monk of Leng Jia Yuanying who was guarding outside was trembling. The spiritual consciousness was that when Song Ning's spiritual consciousness collided, it did not take the slightest advantage. Was repelled.

"Who are you, dare to pretend to be in Binghun Caves!" The Yuanying early monk was furious and got up and rushed towards Song Ningfei.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were locked on Song Ning, watching the early Yuan Ying monk confronting Song Ning in midair.

At the beginning of the Yuanying period, the monk's hair was long and his face was big and his mouth was big. He stood coldly opposite Song Ning.

"How to enter this Ice Soul Cave." Song Ning said.

"Oh, what am I supposed to do, want to enter the Ice Soul Cave? Wanton to attack with spirit consciousness, but also want to enter the Ice Soul Cave? Do you have a dream!" The long-faced monk said coldly.

Song Ning raised her eyebrows: "Spiritual attacks? Interestingly, if it was not for those who were not educated to use the consciousness to detect me directly, I would not protect myself. If my protection of spiritual awareness could be regarded as an attack, then those who were attacked Is the cultivation base too weak? "


"Cultivation is so weak, use spirit knowledge to detect others?"

"you put……"

"I am arrogant? Interesting, if the lord feels that I am arrogant, then am I also going to scrutinize you and let you feel it?"

Song Ning's words blocked the long-faced monk's face flushed. At this moment, if he faced other early foundation monks, he would never endure, but now the early foundation monk is not ordinary in front of him. This early foundation monk Has a spiritual consciousness beyond him.

According to common sense, no matter how powerful the monks in the early period of foundation construction are, they ca n’t exceed the initial monk of Yuanying. However, the early monk foundation in front of him did it. In this way, basically There is only one possibility that this monk concealed his true practice.

Although he could only bear the anger, the long-faced monk knew that no matter who he was, he dared not start in this ice soul cave.

"Let's line up slowly behind. In front of you, there are 9,864 people waiting." The long-faced monk sneered, turned his head back to the entrance of the Ice Soul Cave and sat down.

At this moment, the monk who released the spiritual consciousness just now but was injured by Song Ning also came out of the Bing Soul Cave. He looked at Song Ning with a cold eye, and his eyes were fierce: "Dare you hurt me?"

Song Ning glanced at the man and ignored it directly.

It was at this moment that a cold light flew from far and near like a meteor in the distance. The people of Lengjia were overjoyed, and their expressions were uplifted, and even more, they kneeled directly on the ground with respect.

Even the long-faced monks in Yuanying's early years hurriedly bowed their luggage.

The young man who was just ignored by Song Ning also bowed, but at the same time, he sneered: "I will definitely make you pay the price of blood!"

Song Ning also felt someone flying behind him at this time, although this fluctuation was only completed in the late Jie Dan period, but Song Ning felt that even the Yuanying monk, I am afraid that it would be difficult to come here without the cultivation of Yuanying later. The man defeated.

The color silk with the base of ice blue fluttering in the air, and the toes of the people who came came lightly and fell on the ground.

At this moment, Mo Yao said it was the Leng family. Even the tens of thousands of monks outside were extremely respectful and even knelt.

The neglected youth bowed forward and stepped forward: "Miss, this person dared to slash in my ice soul cave just now, and he did not put Leng Jia in his eyes. Please ask the young master to give him a death!"

He said that, there was no sound for a long time, which was extremely embarrassing.

The long-faced monk who was guarding the Ice Soul Cave in the distance also very respectfully said: "Miss, this person is indeed a wilderness here, detrimental to my majesty!"

This 'Miss Lady' has been focused on Song Ning since just now. She has never left for half a minute. A faint smile hangs on the corner of her mouth. Every move is like a fairy that does not stain the earth.

"In the early days of foundation, it threatened millions of people, including the early infants, and young teachers, how long have we been away, you have such strength." "Miss" said, she is Leng Yuexiao!

Song Ning's mentality was slightly complicated, although he had hatred, but when he thought of Leng Ling's words before, he couldn't hate it.

"Sister Leng." Song Ning said.

Tang Yue looked a little dazed, especially when she heard the words "Little Brother", she recalled the scene where Song Ning wanted her to call "Little Brother" before.

It turned out ... I became a substitute.

Leng Yuexiao turned around and looked at the long-faced monk at the early stage of Yuan Ying: "Is this young teacher damaging the dignity of Leng Jia?"

"This ..." The long-faced monk didn't know how to deal with it for a moment.

"In the early period of Yuan Ying, he was crushed by the spiritual knowledge of the early foundation period. You, the guardian of the Ice Soul Cave, can be withdrawn and go to the front to kill the enemy." Leng Yuexiao's tone was very weak, his voice was not loud, but it was unquestionable Majesty.

The long-faced monk at the beginning of the Yuan Ying shook his body, showing bitterness in his eyes, but he could only bow down to thank the gift: "Thank you, Miss."

Leng Yuexiao then turned his head and looked at the young monk: "You are too weak, and even if you go to the battlefield to die, go to the reserve army to practice hard. In the future, you must not step into the ice soul cave."

The young monk heard the words and fell to his knees with a thud, and while he was resentful in his heart, he could only cry with tears.

Leng Yuexiao swept her spirits and saw two other Leng family children with blood on her lips. Her eyes were cold: "How did the Leng family teach you? The spirits detect people's inners, and you really have a good time. ! "

These people were so scared that they dared not speak.

"Fine, spare you this time." Leng Yuexiao said.

Those people quickly kowtowed: "Thank you, Miss, and thank you, Miss!"

Leng Yuexiao ignored them, but turned to look at Song Ning: "Little Brother, this one beside you is ..."

"After the Tianhe City broke down, I went to the Tianyuan School. In the Tianyuan School, this Tang Yue is my sister. Now that she wants to come to the Ice Soul Grotto, I will bring her." Song Ning introduced: " Sister Tang, this is my sister named Leng Yuexiao. "

Tang Yue was trembling at the moment, and Leng Yuexiao's name was not unheard of. She vaguely remembered that Song Ning had taken out a Lengjia token before, and there was a word 'Xiao' on it. Now I want to come, Song Ning said Lie, this token really was given to him by Leng Yuexiao.

"Have seen Miss Lengjia." Tang Yue leaned back.

"Song Ning is under your care. Since you want to go to the Ice Soul Cave, the vacant No. 226 Ice Cave is for you to practice. You go." Leng Yuexiao a little inside the Ice Soul Cave, that The 226th ice cave flashes.

Four ups and downs, number two hundred twenty-six? The first three hundred and thirty-three were not allowed to enter the non-cold family, but now this stranger was even directly arranged by the mistress Leng family to the 226th? What is their relationship with Miss Leng Jia? !

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