Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 158: Coincide

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Several elders, I don't know which family person you recommended this time? How high is the cultivation base, how strong is the strength?" Leng Yuexiao walked into the meeting hall with displeasure between words.

Leng Qing Yang said: "I said this person, only building foundation and repairing behavior, but the strength is comparable to the pill."

Sitting on the main seat of Gaotang is Leng Yuexiao's father, the head of Leng Family, Leng Wuhen.

This cold and innocent brocade suit, a thick face, a brave face, he heard Leng Qing Yang's words, and the reaction was the same as the other elders present. Renjun couldn't help but say: "Qing Yang, can you say that this man is comparable to Wang Yi?"

"Yeah, Wang Yi is now in the later stage of the Great Dharma, and he can break through Yuanying at any time. Yuanying monk can't get any cheap in front of him. He has won a Yuanying late monk a few days ago." Cold parents said.

Between them talking, their eyes fell on Leng Yuexiao: "Miss, this Wang Yi is an outstanding person of the Wang family. If you two can go to that fairy ruin together, it is a fate. The family owner will arrange this for you. Things. "

When Leng Yuexiao heard this, she was even more disdainful: "When is my Leng Yuexiao, it's your turn to discuss things?"

The elder was stunned, and his face was a little ugly, but he could only shut his mouth with a smile, not daring to fight.

Leng Qingyang refused to give up, and continued: "I heard that Missy doesn't like Wang Yi, and even hates it. If two people who don't have a tacit understanding enter the Fairy Market, I'm afraid that it will be counterproductive. The people who got together, even if they are slightly weaker, do n’t hurt. "

When everyone heard this, they laughed again, but with no expression on their faces, and said, "Qing Yang, you continue."

Leng Qing Yang Qing cleared his throat: "The man has a sword in his hand. Under Yuan Ying, he will kill in one blow. The foundation is repaired in the early stage. Under Yuan Ying, he will kill in one blow. I think it is a reference object. The initial practice was to block the eyes, and when necessary, unexpectedly kill the enemy with one stroke. "

Leng Wuhen nodded, but did not make any evaluation. Although Wang Yi was extremely high and his strength was amazing, Leng Yuexiao hated him very much. If two people entered the Xian Ruin together, they might have no good effect.

More importantly, according to Leng Wuzhen, Wang Yi ’s coveted beauty of Leng Yuexiao is no longer a matter of two days a day. Fear of what went wrong after entering the Fairy Market, Wang Yi again had a dispute with Leng Yuexiao. Or something uncontrollable.

Several elders around just wanted to speak, Leng Yuexiao said: "Since someone recommends, then I also recommend one person, this person is now in my boudoir, he ..."

When Leng Yuexiao said the word "Boudoir", everyone was surprised.

Leng Yuexiao's boudoir?

That has never been a man, but now Leng Yuexiao has brought a man into the boudoir?

The words fell in Leng Wujian's ears, and Leng Wujian's expression also became more exciting: "Is it because my daughter is awakened, thinking about men and women?"

Although Leng Wuhen was joking, Leng Yuexiao looked immovable and did not explain. He continued: "I know this person, without background, and practice alone. Three months ago, the spirit root appeared in his body and set foot on the fairy On the way, a month and a half ago, he was in the Qi gathering period. Now, it is also the early stage of foundation construction. The second stage of the swordsmanship. Just now he came to the Leng family to find me. Outside the Ice Soul Cave, the spiritual knowledge crushed tens of thousands of people. Those who guarded the early stage of Yuanying in the Ice Soul Cave fell in his spiritual consciousness. "

Everyone present was speechless, and seemed to feel that Leng Yuexiao's words were similar to those of Huangkou's children.

They all know that a monk, even if he is low in virtue and high in strength, is understandable, but if he is low, but has a very strong spiritual knowledge, then this is not ordinary.

Spiritual consciousness is a person's inner self. On the way of cultivation, it can be said that spiritual consciousness can determine the future of a monk. The stronger the spiritual consciousness, the higher the spiritual practice.

A monk in the early period of foundation, spiritual knowledge can crush tens of thousands of people, and it also includes a monk of the cold family in the early period of Yuan Ying?

This is unbelievable.

When everyone was silent, Leng Wuhen slowly said: "Ice Soul Cave, there are many foundation-building monks, tens of thousands ..."

Everyone's eyes fell on Leng Yuexiao, feeling that what she was talking about at the moment was all fantasy.

"Elder Leng Qing Yang, I don't know what I said about this person, how does it compare to the person you said?" Leng Yuexiao asked.

Leng Qing Yang smiled: "When it comes to spiritual consciousness, the person in my mouth is no worse than what you said. It is well known that the spiritual consciousness of the monks of the foundation can spread to thirty miles, and the spiritual consciousness of the monk of the Dandan can spread to Ninety miles, and this early foundation monk I mentioned, the spiritual consciousness can be spread out to a hundred miles away! "

Leng Yuexiao was slightly startled, but she did not expect that the person Leng Qing Yang said was comparable to Song Ning.

Leng Wujian's eyes lit up. For their Leng family, any promising monk is the goal they are soliciting. Now when they hear what Leng Yang and Leng Yuexiao said, the people they know must be No one out there is a dragon and a phoenix.

"In this case, the two of you recommended, call them, and compare, and the winner will compare with Wang Yi, and then we will make a decision, how?" Leng Wuhen asked.

Cold and traceless, all the dozens of elders present on the scene recognized it.

Leng Yuexiao didn't object: "Alright, then I'll go back first, tell Song Ning about it, and let him prepare for it. When the time is set, let me know."

Leng Yuexiao was about to leave, and Leng Qing Yang suddenly called: "Miss, what did you say about that man ... what's his name?"

"Song Ning, why?" Leng Yuexiao looked as usual.

Leng Qing Yang laughed immediately: "Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, by coincidence, the person I said is also called Song Ning, and now I want to come, I am talking about the same person!"

People like Leng Wuhen felt that they were a little inexplicable.

Leng Qingyang immediately explained: "Everyone, although I said that I recommend Song Ning, but we were outside the enchantment gap at the time. Song Ning said that we would come to the extremely cold land and did not want to walk with us. I did n’t stay too much, but I did n’t expect that Song Ning even knew Missy. "

Leng Wuhen is also interested. The three elders and Leng Yuexiao who recommended at the same time without knowing it are also a little monk with such a strong spiritual knowledge, so what is he?

"Alright, I'll go back and tell Wang Yi and compare tomorrow." Leng Wuzhen said.

"No more!" Leng Wuqian's voice just fell, and a young man stepped forward, from far to near, and appeared outside the door of the deliberative hall: "Leng Master, the elders, just accidentally heard your conversation, although my king Yi does n’t like fighting with cats and dogs, but if Leng Jia tells me, I ’m not obliged. "

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