Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 477: Bai Yu's appeal

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Chi Ruolan suffered in her heart, but she couldn't say it. The decision she made at this moment was also her deliberate thought. After all, she now understood her heart and Song Ning's heart. Many things were reluctant to come, so she Just make your loneliness more valuable.

"Grandpa, I ..." Chi Ruolan had to say something, but suddenly felt his body softened, and then lost his sanity.

Chi Changjian took Chi Ruolan into a hug after being stunned with fairy power. He put Chi Ruolan in the room, and then instructed Chi home and everyone: "Look at Miss Zhu, she is not allowed to leave the room for half Step, let her go out to find Bai Yu. "

After hearing this news, Chi family was a little surprised, but they did not dare to ask more at the moment.

Chi Changjian floated in the high altitude of Roland City, spreading the fairy power, and made a declaration with all Roland City monks: "I Chi Changjian is now going to fight against Baijia Baiyu. This battle certainly does not know, so everyone need not worry. Bai Family's revenge, but Bai Yu still gathers many monks with his own strength. If someone wants to leave Roland City to take refuge, I won't stop. If someone wants to take refuge in Bai Family, I won't stop, but if it is When someone fights in battle, then I will never be light! "

Chi Changjian guards here all the year round, he is friendly to people on weekdays, and Chi family has no arrogant and arrogant people, so at this moment, Chi Changjian is widely supported, everyone heard Chi Changjian's words, immediately shouted, the whole Roland The city was full of enthusiasm and threatened to swear allegiance to Chi Changjian.

"Vow to die and follow the lord!"

"Vow to die and follow the lord!"

Shouted loudly, Chi Changjian not only asked the monks in the city to express their views, but also wanted Bai Yu and others a few tens of miles away to hear. There are also hundreds of thousands of people in the city of Roland. These monks are like this at the moment. With enthusiasm so high, why did Bai Yu attack?

But half a day later, Chi Changjian also found that his thoughts were still too naive, because there are more and more monks assembled in the tens of yards outside the city at the moment, these monks are not only Bai family, but also some other surnames. Monks, most of those people are made by Baiyu in ordinary days. Baiyu, a young master of the fairy fairy family, will naturally have a lot of people who want to frustrate. Now Baiyu waved his flag and shouted, how could they not come?

But this is not what makes Chi Changjian the most angry. What makes Chi Changjian the most angry is that he actually saw the people around the city come to help Bai Yu!

When Chi Changjian saw the dense monks encircling the entire Roland City, he also had infinite sorrow in his heart. At this time, they were not standing and defeated. The monks in Roland City now have no war intentions, and Chi Changjian also felt that the large moat formation around the Roland City was useless.

It was not until Bai Ru came outside this Roland city that Chi Changjian was completely desperate, because Bai Ru brought a lot of people.

Chi Changjian sat weakly on the chair at home. The Chi family came in to report to Chi Changjian, but before he could even speak, Chi Changjian pushed his hand: "You go out."

The Chi family hesitated and said, "City Lord, Miss told me ... she wants to see you."

Chi Changjian was sad when he heard this, but in this situation, there are more than 100,000 monks outside, and the forces of the two sides are very different. In this demon domain, so many monks can gather in two days. It is really a difficult thing. Through this matter, Chi Changjian has also recognized Bai Yu's strength.

Bai Yu is not just a dude, he already has a lot of appeal now, and he also joined forces with Bai Ru's Bai Ru, this time Roland City was unable to stop it.

After Chi Changjian hesitated for a moment, he said: "I know, I will see her later."

The next man left, leaving Chi Changjian alone in the lobby. He looked at the ceiling weakly and sighed in his heart. At this moment, he hoped that Song Ning was there. If Song Ning was there, maybe the situation would be Is it different? At least Song Ning would never want Bai Yu to bow his head, or ... The death of Song Ning can make Bai Yu vent his anger.

But now ...

Chi Changjian got up and came out of Chi Ruolan ’s room. The reason why he came to see Chi Ruolan in person was that the reason was very simple. He knew that this matter is now that he lost his granddaughter. He came in person. , Can be regarded as a statement.

Chi Changjian was hesitant to knock on the door, but Chi Ruolan's door was already open.

Chi Changjian was stunned at the door, but Chi Ruolan said with a smile: "Grandpa, since he came, why didn't he come in?"

"Well, Grandpa wants to talk to you too." Chi Changjian walked into the room.

Chi Ruolan closed the door, and the room was cut off from the outside world. The guards outside could not hear the slightest sound in the room. The two sat down, and Chi Ruolan took the lead in speaking: "If I can get some benefits from Bai Yu, , I will definitely fight for Roland. "

As soon as this remark came out, Chi Changjian was in tears, and he grabbed Chi Ruolan's hand just to speak, but Chi Ruolan instinctively shrunk his hand back.

It was not Chi Ruolan's conflict, but Chi Ruolan was born with his body. If he was touched by the opposite sex, the conditioned reflex would generally retract, but only when Song Ning took the hand that day, she was a different feeling.

Chi Changjian saw his granddaughter like this, and slapped his teeth hard, slapping himself directly: "Grandpa has no skill, but Grandpa will never send you into the fire pit!"

Chi Changjian's eyes were very firm at the moment, he made up his mind, because his granddaughter simply could not allow others to touch her body, so if she went with Bai Yu, what treatment would she receive? He couldn't give up his granddaughter for the sake of the city, this ... he couldn't do it!

Chi Ruolan seemed to understand that she took the initiative to grab Chi Changjian's hand. With this catch, the firm moment in Chi Changjian's eyes became hesitant, and Chi Ruolan also smiled: "Ruo Lan is already done. Prepare, grandpa rest assured, it's okay. "

What Chi Changjian had to say, Chi Ruolan stepped out of the room with one foot: "Grandpa, you just sit in this room, take a rest, and soon, everything is over."

Chi Changjian wanted to rush out, but suddenly felt his body was paralyzed. Just now he seemed to smell something. Originally he thought it was a floral fragrance in his granddaughter's room. Specially deal with the herbal scent of the Xianxian monk. After the Xianxian smelt smells, the spiritual power in the body will be temporarily blocked and the body will become paralyzed.

Chi Changjian wanted to stop Chi Ruolan, but he couldn't even make a sound at the moment.

Chi Ruolan got up and took off. When he left, the whole monk of Roland City looked at her. The news that Chi Ruolan wanted to protect Roland City with his body had spread throughout Roland City. The only thing I did n’t know was Chi Changjian Only one person, the herb that can suppress the false fairy is also provided by the monks in Roland City. They are for Chi Ruolan to take the initiative to show up to save Roland City ...

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