Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 500: Ice Dragon Soul Elixir

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The sixteen fairyland monks watched Song Ning curled up in the air and formed a mass, thinking that Song Ning had already given up resistance. Now Song Ning's state seems to them that they only need a single blow to die. Who hits the blow, and who will get the terrifying creation at the end of the Scarlet Pursuit!

Puff puff.

Sixteen attacks were issued almost simultaneously.

This time, no one would doubt the ending of Song Ning, a person who is curled up in the air and is the same as death. Could he still use the attack just like to fight against these sixteen immortals? Even if he can show it, these sixteen immortals are now 10% powerful, not 20% 30% before.

The air was shaking, and even the ground beneath the ground began to tremble at this moment. The sixteen magical techniques were the full blow of the sixteen wonderland monks. No one left the hand, so the power of this magical technique was stronger than before.

Sixteen wonderland monks besieged a spirit monk. This kind of thing is probably not happening in ancient and modern times. If they can survive in this situation, what kind of evil spirit will this spirit monk be?

Song Ning, curled up in the air, felt the surge of spiritual power around him, and felt that these attacks were about to fall on him, but at the moment he couldn't move, he felt like something was growing in his body. .

At this moment, Song Ning had no time to look inside, but if he could look inside, he would be shocked, because a soul appeared in his body. The soul was only one meter in size when it first appeared, but then, the soul started Absorb the flesh and blood in Song Ning's body, and in the blink of an eye, the soul is the same size as the soul of Song Ning.

Song Ning made a terrible scream. No one knew why Song Ning broke out. That sixteen immortal attacks hadn't waited on Song Ning, but Song Ning made such a sound. Isn't he wailing?

At this moment, the time around Song Ning seemed to be refined. Song Ning felt incomparably clear, and he immediately looked inside and looked at what was happening in his body, an ice-blue soul the size of his Yuanshen. Zheng Hu looked at his Yuanshen, this ice-blue soul ... turned out to be a dragon!

After staring for a long time, the dragon suddenly rushed to Song Ning's Yuanshen, as if to swallow Song Ning's Yuanshen directly, but just after its big mouth was opened, almost swallowing Yuanshen's entire head At that time, he suddenly saw that the Yuanshen villain in Song Ning's body suddenly opened his eyes!

This Yuanshen villain is what Song Ning looks like. Opening his eyes at the moment is like Song Ning.

Within Song Ning's body, Yuanshen Villain and Dragon Soul are fighting. It seems that Yuanshen Villain will have some kind of martial arts, constantly attacking Dragon Soul, while Dragon Soul is twisting and fighting with Yuanshen Villain. In a ball.


The Dragon Soul made a roar. The Yuanshen villain seemed to have been deterred. His body was dull for a moment. It seemed to be frozen. At this momentary pause, the Dragon Soul suddenly rushed to the Yuanshen villain and opened his mouth The Yuanshen villain was bitten by the waist.

Just when the Yuanshen villain was bitten, Song Ning's body shuddered violently. He felt the pain of being torn apart, as if his body was really bitten by a dragon, Song Ning There was a flash of wisdom in the brain, and a picture appeared at a glance. It was when he fell asleep at the top of Taihe Mountain that year and dreamed of Leng Yuexiao's scene.

Although the dragons are not the same, although the scenes are not the same, but they are all invincible with the dragon. When thinking of Leng Yuexiao, Song Ning's heart shivered suddenly.

What if Leng Yuexiao is dead here?

In Song Ning's body, the Yuanshen villain seemed to feel the master's will. He suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of fine mans flashed in his eyes. He opened his mouth and roared.

This sound is also Dragon Yin!

The dragon soul was shocked, and there was a jealous panic in his eyes. It seemed to have been greatly stimulated. The strength of his mouth also weakened, and he did not wait for the reaction. I saw that Yuanshen villain bit the dragon soul's head. on.


Yuanshen villain slammed the neck, the meat on the head of Dragon Soul seemed to be pulled off by Yuanshen villain, and Dragon Soul screamed screamingly, while Yuanshen villain chewed and opened his hands at Longshen.

The Dragon Soul ate pain, and at this moment he retreated again and again, but the speed was not as good as the Yuanshen villain. The Yuanshen villain grasped the Dragon Soul's body with both hands, and continued to tear it down. After tearing it, he stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Song Ning felt thrilled, but as the Yuanshen villain continued to eat, Song Ning also felt that his body was constantly recovering strength, and at the same time, Song Ning seemed to see something hidden in his body. Something like a lamp was fluttering.

Dragon Soul kept screaming, but after a while there was no more sound. The villain Yuan Yuan in Song Ning's body sat back to where Dan Tian was again. He hiccupped and looked at the side that was supposed to be a dragon. At the moment, there is not even one bone left in the position of the soul.

In Song Ning's mind, this is a long process, but in the outside world, it is only a flash.

When Song Ning suddenly opened her eyes, she saw the sixteen immortal attacks around her fall directly.

Now the strength of Song Ning's body has recovered, but even so, he still has no power to resist in the face of the sixteen magical techniques, but he feels that the floating lamp in his body is eager to try, as if he wants to come out of the body .

Song Ning, who was originally curled up in the air, suddenly stood up and suddenly got a spirit. This is too incredible. Everyone present at this moment can feel that Song Ning's body is once again full of power. This power is stronger than that. Just now his breath was even stronger.

"No matter what immortal medicine he just took, no matter what he is now, he will die under the attack of these sixteen immortals!" Sixteen people looked at Song Ning with cold eyes.

However, in their eyes, Song Ningfei didn't feel the slightest fear, but instead smiled: "I'm curious, you just killed those who attacked me, why are you ... alive?"

At the same time when Song Ning said this, the sixteen people's faces immediately changed, and everything happened too quickly, that is, the time of two consecutive attacks. For them, these two consecutive magical techniques were just nothing more In the blink of an eye, they just thought not to let those people kill Song Ning, and they shot when they were in crisis, but never thought about it. This ... is against the will of the **** chase order!

Whoever helped or died in the Scarlet Pursuit Order!


In mid-air, just as the sixteen immortals landed on Song Ning's body, there were also sixteen blood mist bursts.

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