Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 509: Break the ‘domain’ with a sword

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When Song Ning talked, Tian Tianjian was shocked, and the blood flashed to the white eyebrow Dao Xian.

The speed of this sky-burning sword is too fast and too powerful. A **** sword light as long as a hundred feet is like cutting off the air, and a **** phantom is brought up in the air.

Bai Meidao immortal brow tightened, he naturally did not expect Song Ning to say that he would fight, but the more anxious Song Ning is now, the more they are convinced that Song Ning's state of blood demon is about to end. The sword is really too strong. If they both die, they can kill Song Ning, but why should they go to die?

Bai Mei Dao Xian turned over and took a defensive magic weapon and threw it in the air.

The Sanyuan Dao Immortal is now in a retreating form, and apparently does not want to fight with Song Ning. This scene falls in the eyes of many people, many people are wondering, but these wondering are all spiritual realm monks, fairy realm monks naturally understand that these two immortal hearts are thinking What, although they wanted Song Ning to die, but now they see these two Daoxian even avoiding Wen Dao monks, they really feel a little disdainful.

When the disciples of Changsheng Mountain heard Song Ning's remarks, they were filled with indignation. If it were not for the two elders with very high status in the sect door that just said those words, they would certainly not give up.

As for the Lifengzi and Wuwu in the Changsheng Mountain, they started to smile at each other for a moment, but they did n’t understand it. At this moment, they naturally understood it. The smart people can figure it out with a little thought. If Lan Lan was about to enter Changsheng Mountain, but now he died for Song Ning, Changsheng Mountain has now made his position clear, but Song Ning has drawn a line directly with Changsheng Mountain.

"This son can be paid." Li Fengzi smiled and watched the two Daoxian who were chased by Song Ning, who felt amused.

At this time, let's not be away from the wind. The Daoxian who watched the battle felt amused and at the same time it was a bit embarrassing. In the demon domain, two Daoxian joined forces to encircle a human monk, but they were chased by the human monk. .

At this time, even the Taoist Immortals were fleeing. Those spiritual realm monks naturally had no attempt on Song Ning, but the spiritual realm monks were afraid, but the fairy realm monks did not. Baimei Dao Xian and Sanyuan Dao Xian fled like this, which naturally attracted many people's hearts. Some people can't help it anymore.

"Even if he is in a state of blood devil demon? I wait to fight with one!" When the words came out, a monk holding a double hammer stood proudly in the air. During the monk's speech, the double hammer hit the Song Ning. There was a rumbling voice, there was a wave of 'domain' around this monk.

Song Ning raised her eyebrows and quickly dodged her body. The two hammers hit the place where Song Ning disappeared. But as soon as they fell, the monk threw the two hammers out, and the two hammers spun in the air. Song Ning.

The space around Song Ning is changing. This is exactly the 'domain' exhibited by the monk. The monks will be greatly affected under the influence of the 'domain'. Song Ning can't perform the three types of imperial domain, and Wu Xiuwei has completely disappeared. Can only retreat again and again.

The monk who suddenly appeared laughed: "I heard that you Song Ning is a master of martial arts, but I didn't expect that even the three types of Yuyu can't be displayed now? Waste, even if you can take the eighth step of Xuantian. ? "

This monk has a stumpy figure and pinches his waist when speaking. This person has just stepped into the fairyland and fleshed into the fairyland with the strength of martial arts. Therefore, his strength is stronger than the ordinary virtual fairy, but it is still a bit away from Daoxian Distance, now standing with two Dao Xian encircling and suppressing Song Ning, is also his last decision.

To emerge, it is necessary to take advantage of the present, otherwise the Daoxian would not even look at him at all.

Although the two Daoxian of Sanyuan and Baimei heard the words of the chunky monk, they did not pause at all, but continued to flee, pulling away from Song Ning in the blink of an eye.


Static domain.

Life and death domain.

Three domains suddenly showed that this short and fat man deserved to be enthroned by force. Now he can display three kinds of 'domains' at the same time. At the same time, he moves forward and approaches Song Ning step by step.

Xuantian first step.

Xuantian's second step.


Xuantian's fifth step!

For him, Xuantian's five steps are already the limit, but even that is enough. Two hammers slammed into Song Ning. Under the blessing of the third form of Yuyu and Xuantian's fifth step, Song Ning Movements began to slacken, and some uncoordinated movements appeared in the body. From the perspective of this short fat man, Song Ning is now looking at two hammers that resist him. If someone hits at this moment ...

"Two seniors, at this time you can definitely ..."

It was not until this moment that the short fat man discovered that the two Dao Xian had disappeared long ago, but when he was horrified in his heart, he felt that he could fight against Song Ning with his current Wu Xiu Xiu, so he was ready to chase after victory.

However, when his eyes returned to Song Ning again, he found that his Yu Yu San Shi could not restrain Song Ning at all, and Song Ning's uncoordinated figure was not because of Yu Yu San Shi's restraint. What swordsmanship he is playing.

At this time, within a range of dozens of feet around this short and fat man, there were black and white heavens and earth. The static and dynamic domains caused pressure to Song Ning, while the ethereal domain blocked Song Ning's spiritual power.

Even so, although Song Ning's movements were affected, he did not stop. He held the Liuyun sword in his left hand and the Burning Sky Sword in his right hand. His hands began to dance at the same time. Mars burst out.

At the moment when Song Ning's swords were wielding, all the wonderland fairyland monks widened their eyes and wanted to see Song Ning's movements. They desperately wanted to remember Song Ning's trajectory and the position of the burst point at the moment. , Can be cultivated as a Taoist fairyland, except for this short fat man, there are few stupid hats, Song Ning now Wu Xiuxiu is a well-known thing, now Song Ning raised his sword to explode the void, naturally it is necessary to destroy the surrounding 'area'.

The way to break the 'domain' is too cherished for the fairyland monks. If they said that before they saw Song Ning chasing two Daoxian flying in the sky, it was the culmination of this battle, then now they see the sword broken void The essence of a battle.

Now even the two Sanyuan Dao Xian and Baimei Dao Xian who are flying in the sky stop to observe carefully and record Song Ning's movements one by one.

The chunky man was stepping towards Song Ning at this time, trying to fight Song Ning, but his body just moved, but he felt the space under his feet was unstable, and the ‘domain’ was suddenly broken in the blink of an eye.

The white and black colors above and below his head and feet had not even been fully formed, and they were broken directly, and the two hammers turned weakly in the air, looking like that, as if they were about to fall to the ground.

"Two thousand and three hundred and thirty-two swords, the tip of the sword exploded to break the" domain "." An immortal feels numb and numb. If he had not seen it with his own eyes, he absolutely did not believe that there would be such a thing ...

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