Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 103 Restoring Mentality

"Deliberately plotting against Yang Zhenghe and Zhao Cheng? Do you really think that your plan can go smoothly?"

"Do you really think that Yang Zhenghe can't see your little plan? Will you really let you provoke excellent beasts in their territory and put them in danger?"

"Even if they didn't think of it before, after experiencing the golden eel, they more or less understood it."

"You want to tear a piece of flesh from them, don't they want to consume your strength?"

"When besieging the golden giant eel, Yang Zhenghe didn't even need to play any tricks. It was obvious that he didn't take action. What can you do?"

"That's what he's telling you!"

"He took the benefit."

"But he can't take the risk."

"And this time, will the plan you envisioned really be effective? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

"With two good-level items, you just want to play with multiple excellent-level beasts?"

"I can tell you clearly that the success rate is almost zero! However, you have to bear the risk of being attacked by multiple excellent beasts."

"You think that by letting them mate, your strength will be greatly weakened? You are thinking nonsense, you will only kill me and you!"

Every word, every sentence was like a lightning strike, hitting Qi Yuan's heart so hard that he couldn't breathe.

Qi Yuan's mind was buzzing, and he lost his mind for a moment.

Qin Zhenjun has never spoken like this since the two met. He has always been supportive and helpful.

But this time, the words were unexpectedly harsh.

In Qi Yuan's mind, the scenes of these days were all echoing in his mind.

Deliberately trying to transfer the risk of hunting wild beasts to other survivors through the gimmick of making allies.

The method seems to be effective, but in fact it makes no progress.

Apart from cheating Zhong Maiyun, he didn't get much other benefits.

But similarly, Yang Zhenghe and Zhao Cheng didn't pay anything, and they also reaped a lot of benefits.

Suddenly, Qi Yuan seemed to be looking at what he had done in the past few days from God's perspective, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

There were too many decisions made that went horribly wrong.

Including using "Animal Lure Powder" and "Aphrodisiac Powder" to trap and kill excellent beasts, this is theoretically possible, but in practice it is completely ineffective.

"Brother Qin...I..."

Seeing Qi Yuan's appearance, Qin Zhenjun's face became a little gentler: "What are you doing? Go back and think about it carefully. What use are the machinations of a three-legged cat like you?"

"Develop the shelter well, eat more high-quality food to enhance your physical fitness, and carefully explore the surroundings of the shelter... to truly improve your own strength and development."

"Don't worry about this or that all day long. If the sky is going to fall, it will fall long ago. How can you survive until now?"

Qi Yuan was speechless, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Although I really want to refute it, it seems that Brother Qin is indeed right.

Qin Zhenjun calmed down and said with some comfort: "With steady improvement, our strength is also very strong. Don't always think about cheating Yang Zhenghe and Zhao Cheng. Cooperate with those who can cooperate, win over those who can, and let it settle for a while. "


Taking a long breath, Qi Yuan forced a smile on his face: "Okay, I understand, because of the giant python, I am indeed too impetuous."

"Being afraid means you are a normal person." Qin Zhenjun smiled and patted Qi Yuan and said in a cheerful voice.

Suddenly, for a moment, Qi Yuan suddenly felt that a huge stone in his heart had been removed.

The previous depression, the fear of the unknown and terrifying beasts, the confusion about future survival, and the haze of being trapped in conspiracies... all dissipated at this moment.

"Let's go back."

After packing his things, Qi Yuan said in a relaxed tone.

"It is true that the development of shelters still needs to be the main focus..."

Qi Yuan returned to the shelter after bringing back some honey and rock salt produced by Qin Zhenjun.

These days, I have been slacking off on the development of the sanctuary because I have been thinking about giant beasts.

Qi Yuan did not pay attention to the growth conditions of winter wheat, crystal rice, tomatoes, grape vines, and watermelons.

The corpses of high-level beasts hunted by Zhao Cheng and Zhong Maiyun were not disposed of immediately.

At the same time, many wild beasts have recently broken into the foggy area and been injured and captured by the guardian thorns.

The aquatic animals in the pond have not been managed for a long time. Most of the fish are dead, but some shrimps are still alive.

Qi Yuan needs to take care of many of these things, but he has been slacking off these days.

Only the possessed turtle has always had a better living condition.

Because Qi Yuan understood that the spirit-possessed turtle was extremely extraordinary, he paid more attention to it.

He intentionally feeds the spiritual liquid every day, so the possessed turtle has grown up a lot.

It wanders around the yard every day, very similar to the former black tiger queen bee.

Now, Qi Yuan doesn't plan to let him eat and drink around every day. I found it directly and arranged for it to help transport ice cubes.

Ice blocks from the river are cut and transported to the basement of the shelter.

The progress of storing ice cubes needs to be accelerated quickly to prepare for the coming hot weather.

This time, the system did not warn the survivors in advance, so most people were unaware of the high temperature.

But Qi Yuan is certain that there are a few other survivors who should also have obtained the prophecy scroll.

Therefore, the high temperature situation must have spread in a small area, but it has not spread to the entire group of survivors.

Qi Yuan estimated that in a few days, there should be posts about high temperatures.

And he still needs to continue to buy some ice crystals from Zhao Cheng.

Opened the "Mist Survival Manual" and found Zhao Cheng's private chat channel.

Qi Yuan: "Zhao Cheng, are there any more ice crystals? I'll buy another batch from you."

This time, Zhao Cheng did not agree immediately.

Instead, he asked: "Brother Qi Yuan, tell me honestly, why did you buy so many ice crystals?"

Qi Yuan lowered his head and thought for a while, knowing that he couldn't hide it, and Zhao Cheng must have guessed it.

So he no longer concealed it and said: "The next disaster will be high temperature."

At the same time, he sent a photo of the prophecy scroll.

On the prophecy scroll, the word "high temperature" is extremely prominent.

Zhao Cheng had already made a guess, so he wasn't too surprised after seeing the information.

He just smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Qi Yuan, we are already allies, why didn't you tell me such important information!"

Qi Yuan was speechless and didn't know how to reply for a moment.

After getting along with Zhao Cheng in real life, Qi Yuan's evaluation of him changed.

He didn't seem to be hiding his clumsiness, he seemed... to be really stupid.

Zhao Cheng's words made Qi Yuan a little confused. He originally wanted to plot against him, but he didn't expect that he sincerely wanted to form an alliance.

Of course, Qi Yuan still knew nothing about his harassment of Zhong Maiyun, otherwise he would have been even more impressed.

Qi Yuan: "Sorry, hurry up and collect the ice and snow before they melt. Ice crystals can slow down the melting of ice cubes to a certain extent. Collect as many ice cubes as possible and turn the basement into an ice cellar."

However, Zhao Cheng did not show an angry or angry reaction.

Instead, he showed an evil smile and said: "Hahahahaha, this alliance leader has already guessed it and has collected more than 3,000 ice crystals in advance!"


Qi Yuan was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, suddenly feeling that he was the retarded one.

And he is mentally retarded to others at a glance.

He just said, why did Zhao Cheng refuse to sell more every time? He thought it was because the ice crystals were too precious and difficult to collect.

Unexpectedly, although Zhao Cheng has an out-of-touch personality, his brain is not bad at all.

"Brother Qi Yuan, don't worry, I have collected a lot, and by then there will be other allies too!" Zhao Cheng said with some pride.

"No, no, don't call me boss, you are the boss, I don't deserve it." Qi Yuan held his forehead, dumbfounded.

Among the five people, perhaps this child is the only one who sincerely wants to form an alliance.

Qi Yuan also suddenly understood why, with his character, he could become the leader of an alliance.

There are always some people who, although they have experienced darkness and endured the deception and calculations of others, are still unwilling to join them, but are still eager for light as always.

Maybe Zhao Cheng is such a person.

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