Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 111 Shelter Matters

At the same time, Chu Wenxi and Zhou Yue can also start eating more good-grade food to improve their physical fitness.

These days, they are doing their best, responsible for transporting ice and making charcoal to earn resources.

In the transaction with Zhao Cheng and Yang Zhenghe, Qi Yuan obtained a large amount of white pine sand, ice crystals, and high-grade charcoal.

Most of the white pine sand has been put into the pond to provide living space for fish and shrimp.

Ice crystals are used to build basement ice cellars.

The total amount of good-grade wood has reached more than 25,000, which is equivalent to 2,500 spiritual coins.

Now, more than 40,000 ordinary-grade wood in the shelter has been made into charcoal and sold, and replaced with high-grade materials.

However, the business in the charcoal industry has almost stopped.

As the weather picks up quickly, survivors’ need for charcoal decreases. Nowadays, even without using charcoal, it’s not too cold at night.

So in the next period of time, the two of them can temporarily stop their work of making charcoal. Start doing other work.

Most of Qi Yuan's next thoughts will be on various matters at the shelter.

For example, their help is needed in the spirit coin business, preparation before high temperatures, shelter defense, planting, and breeding, etc.

After lunch and exercise.

Qi originally took out four bottles of healing potions, sent them to Zhong Maiyun, and put them in the store for sale.

At the same time, it was discovered that there were still 3 bottles of healing potions left in the warehouse.

It seems that no good-level beasts have been near the foggy area of ​​the sanctuary in the past few days, so there are no new beast corpses to be added.

If you want to maintain the healing potion business, you must collect good-level beast carcasses as soon as possible.

Even go out hunting to obtain more sources of flesh and blood essence.

This matter can be left to the Black Tiger Queen after she recovers.

After that, Qi Yuan came to the basement again.

The establishment of ice cellars is still a matter of great concern to him.

As soon as you enter the basement, you can clearly feel that the temperature inside is very low.

A large number of transparent ice cubes are piled up in the basement.

Qi originally planned to build five 20-square-meter igloos in the entire basement.

Now, the locations of five igloos have been roughly separated in the basement.

Build 2 igloos on the left and 3 igloos on the right, with an aisle of about one meter in the middle.

Although the general outline of the five igloos has been built, the interior is not completely filled with ice.

Moreover, some of the ice cubes began to melt.

The main reason is that the number of ice crystals is too small, which can only prevent part of the ice from melting.

However, this problem is not difficult to solve.

Qi Yuan took out 500 ice crystals, which were given by Zhao Cheng.

Including the original ice crystals, the total number is nearly 1,250.

Approximately 1,250 ice crystals were evenly distributed into my 5 igloos. Almost every igloo has more than 250 ice crystals embedded in its walls.

The junction of the two igloos shares a wall, so some ice crystals can be saved.

Qi Yuan looked up and found that all five igloos had been capped.

So, all the excess ice crystals were embedded into the ice cubes on the top of the ice roof.

Ice crystals can continuously release cold air, and ice cubes can lock the cold air, greatly slowing down the passage of cold air.

To a large extent, the basement ice cellar can be kept at a low temperature for a long time.

However, there is another very important issue in hot weather.

That's the water source.

Qi Yuan planned to fill three of the five igloos with ice. As the main source of fresh water in hot weather.

However, Qi Yuan was still a little worried.

Three igloos of ice would be enough, if only for drinking fresh water.

But if you want to meet the demand for domestic water, there is a high probability that it will be insufficient.

Therefore, we must find another way to store a batch of fresh water while the water source is still sufficient.

The best way is to build an underground water tank.

But it is easier said than done.

Building even a small reservoir would be difficult for just one person.

Moreover, there are many issues to consider.

Such as excavation, water leakage, landslides, transportation, manpower... and many other problems.

Just thinking about the complicated process, Qi Yuan felt that he was unable to do anything.

"It seems that we need to think of other ways... I just don't know if there is an underground river under the shelter."

Qi Yuan silently thought about the fresh water problem, but he didn't think of a good solution, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

For now, let’s continue preparing the basement ice cellar.

In order to obtain ice cubes more quickly, Qi Yuan decided to take action himself.

Because whether it is a storage box or a dimensional backpack, it can quickly transport a large amount of ice.

Returning to the warehouse, I found that there were only 3 storage boxes.

It should be Chu Wenxi and Zhou Yue, who are also using storage boxes to transport ice cubes.

A storage box with an internal space of 5 cubic meters.

A dimensional backpack with an internal space of 8 cubic meters.

Added up, the total is 33 cubic meters.

With just one delivery, you can transport an entire room's worth of ice.

However, Qi Yuan tried, but could not put the storage box into the dimensional backpack again.

Both are space props and cannot be superimposed, so they can only be used separately.

Although I am sorry, it is not a big problem.

Calling Chu Wenxi and Zhou Yue back, Qi Yuan began to rearrange tasks.

The two of them only need to find ice and snow, make them into ice cubes, and then stuff the ice cubes into the storage box.

As for the task of transporting the storage box, you can directly leave it to the Guardian Thorn.

What surprised Qi Yuan was that the two of them were obviously not very smart.

He actually kept running around transporting storage boxes, with no intention of asking Guardian Thorn for help.

I ran again and again, but the result was not very efficient.

This made Qi Yuan a little tired.

For a moment, I didn't know whether to doubt their work attitude or their IQ.

Even riding that bicycle is faster than running with two legs.

In the past, there were no roads in the virgin forest, so bicycles were not easy to use.

But now in the foggy area, all the trees, weeds and rocks have been cleared away, making it easy to ride a bicycle.

But fortunately, now we just let them make ice cubes, so there shouldn't be any big problems.

During the process of making ice cubes these days, Qi Yuan also discovered something.

Although there is a lot of ice on the river surface and it is very convenient to collect it, there is a big problem.


Space in the basement is limited and ice must be stored as efficiently as possible.

Irregular ice cubes greatly affect space utilization.

Therefore, Qi Yuan finally decided to mainly use snow to make ice bricks.

Although the process is slower, the quality is higher.

After arranging for the two of them to make ice cubes, Qi Yuan returned to the yard to check on the situation of the black tiger bee swarm.

After returning from the battle, Qi Yuan released them from the dimensional backpack and allowed them to return to the hive to recuperate.

Therefore, he did not yet have a detailed understanding of the specific situation of the bee swarm.

Arriving at the hive, the black tiger queen bee is working hard to contribute to the growth of the colony.

It seems that the black tiger queen bee does have the will to change her mind and become a bee again.

Performance these days has changed a lot from what it once was.

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