Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 177 Strange Things In The Deep Underground

The next day, Qi Yuan got up early.

There wasn't much going on today. I was still staying in the shelter, studying the engraving of spiritual patterns.

At the same time, it was already late at night in the ultra-deep underground shelter.

Because of the artificial sun, the day and night here are reversed from the outside world.

After Zhong Maiyun sent the artificial sun back to the "underground shelter" through the secondary shelter, she returned to the "super deep underground shelter" to sleep.

Although last time, she gave her "Secondary Shelter Scroll" to Qi Yuan.

But later, she bought another one to make it easier to go back and forth between the two shelters.

As night falls, there is almost no light in the ultra-deep underground shelter more than 70 meters below.

Only Zhong Maiyun's residence still has the light from the luminous stone.

Zhong Maiyun's house is in the central area of ​​the shelter.

Outside the house, there are a large number of crops grown, as well as some chickens and rabbits.

In the dark night, they all slowly crawled in their nests.

On the southernmost side of the shelter, there is a relatively neat earth wall, which is the boundary of the entire shelter.

Zhong Maiyun arranged for 50 workers to live here.

And around this living area is a very dense area of ​​protective thorns.

Needless to say, these are all borrowed from Qi Yuan.

Zhong Maiyun's personal strength is not strong, and the shelter guard has almost no strength.

Not to mention rare and excellent level beasts, there are not even many good level beasts.

If these 50 people really wanted to do something while she was sleeping in the middle of the night, she would be hard-pressed to guard against them.

So for her safety, Qi Yuan gave her a batch of guardian thorns. There were more than 50 good-level thorns, and more than 500 ordinary-level thorns.

However, because the guardian thorns cannot leave the mother vine for a long time, they need to be transported back and replaced with new ones every once in a while.

With the protection of the guardian thorns, Zhong Maiyun can easily control these fifty people.

As for other dangers, there is no need to think too much.

After all, this place is 70 meters deep, and almost no wild animals will survive, and it will not be affected by the external environment.

However, even in such a safe shelter, unknown things are happening.

At midnight.

Super deep underground shelter.

Southern worker dormitory area, dormitory No. 3.

A middle-aged man in his 30s suddenly had a "gurgling" sound in his stomach, a stab of pain in his abdomen, and his buttocks couldn't help but tighten.

The next moment, he suddenly woke up from his sleep, holding his stomach and getting up from the ground.

The movement woke up the roommate nearby, who couldn't help but frown and asked: "Big head, what are you doing? Are you up so late at night?"

"Ouch, Brother Wang, the food here is so good. If you eat too much, I'll have diarrhea..."

The man named Da Tou rushed out of the house without looking back, clutching his stomach.

"Lazy people pee a lot." Brother Wang didn't say anything more, wrapped up the quilt, turned over and continued to sleep.

It is too deep from the ground, so the temperature is relatively low, and you still need a quilt to sleep at night.

After Datou left the dormitory, he ran all the way to the toilet in the back.

The toilet area is a large hand-dug pit against the earthen wall that borders the shelter.

Da Tou suppressed his blush and rushed over. As soon as he took off his pants, he heard a "crackling" sound.


He closed his eyes and enjoyed it, couldn't help but exhale, and his body gradually relaxed.

"It's comfortable. Fortunately, I ran in time, otherwise I would have had my pants pockets..."

Datou murmured to himself, feeling somewhat thankful.

Then, he didn't notice...

Behind him, on the dark earth wall, tiny dust particles fell...

Three minutes later.

After releasing the big head, he straightened his waist comfortably and was about to stand up. He looked into his trouser pocket and said, "Made, fool! I was in such a hurry that I forgot to bring the paper!"

For a moment, Datou was caught in a dilemma. With his butt sticking out, he didn't know whether he should put down or stand up.

Then, he no longer needs to make a decision...

Behind him, a powerful force suddenly sucked him in.

Before he could react at all, his butt had been completely sucked into the wall.

Just as he was about to call for help, an even stronger suction force completely sucked him into the earth wall.

He tried to struggle frantically, but it was of no use and couldn't break free at all.

The panic, fear, fear, and fright of the unknown all broke out in the dark night.

He wanted to release all the fear by shouting for help, but...the mud filled his mouth and blocked his breathing tube...

The next morning.

As soon as Zhong Maiyun arrived at the dormitory area, she found that the atmosphere was very wrong.

In the entire dormitory area, more than fifty people gathered in groups. Looking panicked and whispering.

Zhong Maiyun frowned, afraid of clapping her hands and said, "What are you doing? Why don't you get up and work quickly?"

Everyone saw her coming and stood up obediently, but the whispers didn't stop.

At this time, a young woman in her 20s ran out of the crowd and came to Zhong Maiyun.

Her name is Huang Jie, and she is the manager of Zhong Maiyun's arrangement. It also uses a control scroll, which is responsible for arranging the life and work of 50 people.

Huang Jie ran over in a panic, looking hesitant as if he wanted to say something.

Zhong Maiyun frowned and asked, "If you have something to say, just tell me. What's the ink mark?"

Huang Jie pursed her lips, took a deep breath, and said, "Sister Zhong, an accident happened last night. A person... suddenly disappeared."

Zhong Maiyun's pupils shrank and she said, "I'm gone. What do you mean?"

Huang Jie continued: "He was fine last night, but when he woke up early this morning, his roommate discovered that he had mysteriously disappeared."

"At first, everyone didn't think anything, thinking he just went to the toilet. But until the gathering, they didn't see him coming back.

"Just now, I had people search the entire dormitory area, but there was still no trace of him."

Hearing this answer, Zhong Maiyun looked a little uneasy and asked nervously.

"The mysterious disappearance... Are you sure you have searched for it? The entire dormitory area has not been spared?"


After getting the affirmative answer, she was already breaking out in a cold sweat.

Missing people is no small matter!

If someone really can escape from the dormitory area in the middle of the night, it means there is a loophole in the dormitory area!

Someone can leave this area surrounded by guardian thorns through special channels!

This would be a very big threat to her own safety.

Zhong Maiyun did not dare to be careless and immediately called the roommate of the missing person and asked, "When did you find out that he was missing?"

The visitor's name was Wang Wenzhong. He walked over tremblingly and said, "Boss Zhong, I found out early this morning that he was not in the dormitory."

"Did he have any abnormalities before?"

The middle-aged Wang Xing was stunned for a moment and shook his head: "No, he has been..."

Just as he was talking about it, his eyes lit up and he seemed to remember something, and he said, "Oh, by the way, he had diarrhea at midnight last night. I was woken up by his movements and saw him going to the toilet outside."

"But I didn't pay too much attention. I fell asleep directly afterwards, and I don't know if he came back later."

After hearing this man's answer, Zhong Maiyun immediately sent someone to the toilet to check, but nothing abnormal was found at all.

Zhong Maiyun felt uneasy, and instead of arranging everyone's work, she asked everyone to start searching for traces of the missing persons in all aspects.

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