Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 205 Exchange Spiritual Coins

Qin Zhenjun nodded and said: "If you are an individual survivor, naturally you don't need to think anything about it, just go to the best grade."

"But we are different. The five of us are together and can completely enter the first gear and the second gear at the same time."

Zhao Cheng listened and nodded in realization: "Indeed, no matter where good things appear, you won't miss them."

Yang Zhenghe also said: "I will also arrange for people to enter other low-end auctions, and I will pay attention to them then."

"No matter where high-quality items appear, everyone can compete for them based on their strength."

"Well, there isn't much to discuss. The next step is to collect as many spiritual coins as possible." Qin Zhenjun said in summary after listening.

When it comes to collecting spirit coins, everyone's eyes are turned to Qi Yuan.

Qin Zhenjun couldn't help but smile and said: "Qi Yuan, you might make a lot of money today!"

Qi Yuan smiled and replied: "You can give me the supplies, and I will help you convert the spiritual coins, and I can get 20% more."

In this auction, all survivors will collect spiritual coins to increase the amount of cash as much as possible.

And he owns the Spirit Marsh Pond, which can be said to have a natural advantage, and he can also make a lot of money from it!

However, among the five people present, Qi Yuan would definitely not charge everyone a handling fee. After all, they were all his own, and it was still a critical time like this.

Everyone chatted for a few more words and then went back to prepare for the upcoming auction in the evening.

Not long after I returned, several messages appeared, all about exchanging spirit coins.

In addition to the five people in the alliance, there is also Mr. Zhang Zhongyue, who is Qi Yuan's biggest customer!

These days, Mr. Zhang Zhongyue's business is booming, at least Qi Yuan has earned tens of thousands of spiritual coins.

Now that the auction is coming, the transaction amount will naturally not be small, or even more.

Zhang Zhongyue sent a message: "Xiao Qi, it seems that I am going to make you a big profit again today!"

"Hahaha!" Qi Yuan responded and said, "Are we all mutually beneficial? Grandpa Zhang, how many spiritual coins are you going to exchange this time?"

"The quantity is quite large, I don't know if you can eat it!"

Qi Yuan raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Mr. Zhang to be so confident: "Tell me what you say and I'll try my best!"

"Exchange 100,000 first, and there may be more later!"

Qi Yuan was stunned: Well, he can't eat one bite!

After accumulating these days, he currently only has 30,000 spirit coins on him.

After the two people negotiated, they divided it into three times and exchanged all the resources of the 10 spirit coins.

The spiritual marsh pond in the yard also started to get busy.

With just this amount, Qi Yuan can earn 10,000 spirit stones for nothing, which can be said to be a bloody profit!

However, judging from the amount exchanged by Mr. Zhang, we can also see that the assets of other survivors are definitely very rich.

Although it is not as good as Zhang Zhongyue who can produce 100,000 spirit coins in one go, it is certainly not bad.

Zhang Zhongyue's 100,000 yuan was most likely not just his own, but must have been collected from other survivors' resources.

After all, Qi Yuan is very aware of Zhang Zhongyue's strength!

As an official shelter organization, the number of people is definitely not small, and the total assets are definitely much larger than the average person.

After receiving this batch of goods, Qi Yuan decided to help his allies first and exchanged all his own resources.

Qin Zhenjun's goods were a large amount of beast materials, ore materials, and wood materials, with a total value of more than 30,000 spiritual coins.

"It seems that Brother Qin has emptied his family's fortune!"

Qi Yuan sighed and sent more than 36,000 spiritual coins to Qin Zhenjun.

As for Yang Zhenghe, he had more resources to exchange spirit coins, with more than 40,000 spirit coins. Qi Yuan stared at him.

Almost all of these resources are ore and soil resources, and the varieties are very single.

Among them was a kind of black rock, which amounted to more than 20 tons. I don’t know where Yang Zhenghe got it from.

In the end, there were a total of 48,000 spirit coins, which made Qi Yuan drool.

Finally, Yang Zhenghe said thoughtfully: "These are my resources. What I will exchange later will be the resources of other friends, and you can start making money."

With the relationship between the five people, they are all best friends in their respective relationship circles, so there are advantages and they all move towards the five-person alliance first.

"Okay, wait until you make me a big profit!"

Qi Yuan also answered readily.

After that, Zhao Cheng also sent 35,000 spirit coins of resources, all of which were ice attribute resources. Most of them were good quality, with a few excellent ones.

Qi Yuan picked and selected, leaving some excellent ice crystals and making the rest into spiritual liquid as usual.

Finally, there was Zhong Maiyun. She spent a long time before sending the resources.

And the next moment, Qi Yuan's jaw dropped: after all her hard work, she only had 5,000 spirit coins.

Qi Yuan was speechless: "Where are you just asking for food? Why do you only have so much?"

Unexpectedly, Zhong Maiyun had an extremely bad attitude and responded directly.

"You care about me? Go and redeem it."

The cold rain hit my face.

Qi Yuan was indignant. This old lady didn't even have the consciousness to ask for help. She actually dared to verbally abuse her. It was too much.

But it seems that she is quite pitiful, to be so poor.

There are not many resources near her shelter, and she only grows some plants, all of which are underground plants.

As for the production of spirit arrows, most of them are stored as common property of the alliance.

This makes it seem like she is indeed poor!

Qi Yuan suddenly thought, doesn’t she still have a miracle? How could it be possible with just these few resources?

Qi Yuan immediately sent a message: "Where are the resources you collected in the wonders? Why don't you use them to exchange them and keep them to wipe your butt?"

"Go away." Zhong Maiyun said angrily: "Didn't you say that you want to use it to build high-density houses and go out for exploration? I'll keep it for you."

After hearing this, Qi Yuan was inexplicably moved, but after thinking about it, he immediately replied: "Are you a tiger? The resources of wonders are endless, what are you saving by leaving it here? Bring it quickly and exchange it for you. "

Zhong Maiyun was choked, and for a moment she didn't know how to refute, and without saying a word, she angrily sent the "Quicksand Essence" over.

These days, a large amount of quicksand essence soil has been collected, and all of them are of excellent quality.

However, Qi Yuan glanced and found five or six rare-level resources in this pile of "quicksand essence".

Qi Yuan's forehead veins jumped, these old ladies are so stupid! Are the rare levels also exchanged? !

After having no choice but to pick them out, I just put the rest of the excellent resources into the spiritual marsh pool.

In the end, all the quicksand essence was exchanged for a total of 26,000 spiritual coins, all of which were sent to Zhong Maiyun.

In this way, after the resources of your own people are exchanged, you can start making money if you have business later.

The first person to come to do business was Yang Zhenghe.

He knows many survivors, and many of them also have alliances.

Although the strength of the weak alliances has been greatly reduced after these disasters, there are still strong ones that survive.

Moreover, as soon as Yang Zhenghe came up, he immediately threw a big move.

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