Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 332 Method To Break Through The Rare Level

"Brother Tim, you said you would cooperate with me before, but I don't think there is any danger here!"

Previously, Tim used a piece of rare psychic sunken wood to get Qi Yuan to agree to cooperate.

But now, because of Aaron, this spiritual place was exposed in advance, ruining Tim's original plan.

Qi Yuan also wanted to see what Tim would say next.

Hearing Qi Yuan's words, Tim showed his trademark gentle smile and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qi Yuan, I deceived you before. In fact, what I really want to cooperate with you is another spiritual place!"

"Oh? Mr. Tim, did you discover two spiritual places?"

Qi Yuan pretended to be surprised, deliberately ignored Tim's apology, and showed that he didn't care.

Tim looked like he knew everything and said, "Yes, but that spiritual place is very different from this place."

"What's the difference?" Qi Yuan looked curious and asked in a low voice. Become a qualified admonisher.

Tim also lowered his voice and said: "Trees like psychic driftwood are only useful to survivors and are not of much value to wild beasts.

"So, this place is not garrisoned by powerful beasts, and the environment is very beautiful. We didn't spend too much energy and just occupied it."

Qi Yuan nodded in agreement and agreed.

"However, the other spiritual land is different!"

"The concentration of spiritual energy in that spiritual land has reached the rare level, and there is also a ferocious beast in the late rare level, as well as a large number of excellent beasts stationed there. It is very powerful and cannot be solved by me alone."

"However, although I have not entered it, I can be sure that there must be very precious resources inside, and it is even very likely... that it is more valuable than the psychic sunken wood!"

"So, I want to find a few partners to explore that spiritual land together. But I don't know what precious resources there are in that woodland, so I can only use the psychic sunken wood to attract everyone."

"So that's it." Qi Yuan said understandingly: "Actually, you can just say it, and everyone will understand. After all, this is the first exploration, so it can't be smooth sailing."

Tim had a smile on his face and hurriedly expressed his apology. He really didn't expect that Qi Yuan, the leader of District 7, would be so arrogant.

I inevitably had some doubts in my heart, but I didn't think about it in detail.

At this time, Qi Yuan suddenly asked: "Mr. Tim, what are your follow-up plans? Are there any activities in the near future? If nothing happens, I plan to continue to go deeper to the east in the near future."

Tim looked like he was thinking, and after thinking twice, he replied: "To be honest, I have made most of the preparations and can start taking action in the next few days."

"I wonder if there is a specific time?"

After thinking for a moment, Tim said: "The day after tomorrow, with our current strength, we are enough to explore that spiritual land. But please Mr. Qi Yuan, please keep this operation a secret!"

"Keep it secret? Can't even tell us in District 7?"

Tim smiled and waved his hand: "I mean, don't tell other powerful forces."

"After all, no one knows how many precious resources there are in this spiritual land. If there are too many people, our harvest will be greatly reduced."

Qi Yuan nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, I will keep this operation a secret."

"That's good, I also believe in Mr. Qi Yuan, then we will contact you tomorrow."

After the conversation ended and the two separated, the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared, and they all returned to indifferent faces.

Tim called Mia and two outstanding subordinates to gather together to discuss.

Tim looked calm: "Qi Yuan is not simple. You can't believe what he said. And... he has probably noticed the abnormality. We must act as soon as possible."

Mia's cold voice sounded: "Are you too sensitive? Qi Yuan doesn't know any information, so what can he calculate?"

Tim shook his head firmly and said firmly: "I trust my judgment. Qi Yuan is not a simple person. You do as I ask."

"What's the specific plan?"

Tim lowered his eyes, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "I will contact the others, and the three of you will go to the spiritual place to arrange it in advance. Remember...understand?"

Then, he seemed a little worried and added: "This operation is very important, you must keep it secret! Especially you, Aunt Mia!"

Mia raised her proud head and vowed: "Don't worry, I guarantee with my noble personality that I will never leak anything!"

On the other side, in the thorn cane shelter created by Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan, Qin Zhenjun, Yang Zhenghe, and Zhang Zhongyue were sitting around a table. There was a communication spirit pattern on the table, and Mia's voice came from it.

"...I guarantee with my noble personality that I will never leak even a single bit!"

Zhang Zhongyue twitched his lips and took Qi Yuan's arm: "My dear grandson, grandpa also wants this kind of address book!"

Qi Yuan was stunned and looked at the old man speechlessly.

However, he did not agree easily, but curled his lips and said: "Although this kind of communication spirit pattern is not particularly precious, it is not free. I wonder what Grandpa Zhang plans to exchange for it?"

"What do you want?" Zhang Zhongyue waved his hand and said without hesitation.

Qi Yuan's eyes narrowed and he lowered his voice and said: "How to break through the rare level!"

Zhang Zhongyue frowned and asked in confusion: "How to break through the rare level? How could I know?"

"Ha!" Qi Yuan sneered and looked at Zhang Zhongyue with burning eyes, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

On the side, Qin Zhenjun sighed helplessly and said something for Zhang Zhongyue: "Qi Yuan, please stop scaring Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang, don't pretend to be innocent either!"

Zhang Zhongyue still refused to admit it: "I didn't..."

On the side, Yang Zhenghe rolled his eyes and said directly: "Mr. Zhang, please don't hide it. That brother named Ye Zhongming should have broken through the rare level, right?"

"..." Zhang Zhongyue was speechless, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch: "How...how did you know?"

Yang Zhenghe poured a cup of tea for Mr. Zhang and said, "Qi Yuan has rare combat power. When he got close to that person, he felt it."

Zhang Zhongyue: "...I'll ride on the horse!"

Qi Yuan stopped his joking tone and asked seriously: "Mr. Zhang is telling you the truth. The three of us have reached the peak of the excellent level and are only half a step away from the rare level. Unfortunately, we have never been able to break through."

"If you really have a way, I hope you can give me some advice. No matter whether it is successful or not, I will take out 10 communication spirit patterns as a thank you!"

Seeing that Qi Yuan was rarely serious, Zhang Zhongyue showed a troubled expression, his expression became struggling, and he seemed to be very hesitant.

After thinking for dozens of minutes, he let out a long sigh and said with relief: "Forget it, let's just tell you this secret! But... I want 20 communication spirit patterns!"

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