Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 403 Cat-Eared Beast King

Qi Yuan glanced at Feng Feng and others who were busy at work, and said with a smile: "Should each of you take the corner, or should I remove the back first?"

Campos' eyebrows twitched, he glanced at Qi Yuan, and calmly stretched out his hand: "Please."

Qi Yuan was naturally not polite and led people directly to the other side and began to clean the fleshy tissue at the base of the plate corner.

This process is not troublesome. What is really troublesome is how to remove this huge plate angle.

The root alone is about 3 meters in diameter.

As for the length, compared to the size of the Panjiao Yinji Jiao itself, it is actually not that big, but it is still about 15 meters.

While his team was working, Qi Yuan and Campos stood on the highest point of the Panjiao Yinji Jiao's head, calmly staring into the distance.

Suddenly, Qi Yuan said: "Can you treat the Beast King's injury?"

Campos turned his eyes and looked at Qi Yuan with some confusion, as if it was strange that he would ask such a question.

However, after thinking for a while, he still replied.

"Save your life."

Qi Yuan asked: "Can't the limbs be restored?"

Seeing that Qi Yuan asked sincerely and indeed looked concerned, Campos also explained: "The bones of the limbs are broken, and ordinary treatment drugs cannot repair them. The most important thing is..."

At this point, Campos' tone became serious.


Campos' eyes trembled and he said, "The spine is injured."

Hearing this, Qi Yuan was also shocked and understood the seriousness of the injury.

He knew very well that the so-called spinal injury did not mean a scrape or a cut, but a truly fatal injury.

Most likely, it's a disability.

Seeing Qi Yuan deep in thought, Campos chuckled and asked: "Why did Lord Qi suddenly ask this? Is it possible that there is a cure?"

Qi Yuan didn't speak, just shook his head.

If the guardian giant tree was allowed to breed a perfect healing fruit, it would probably be able to cure the Beast King.

But the price was too high, Qi Yuan would not do such a stupid thing for a beast king.

However, after thinking for a long time, he came up with an idea: "If there is really no way to cure it, I have a way, but the success rate is not high and it is still in the experimental stage."

"Oh? What can I do?" Campos looked over in surprise.

Qi Yuan organized some words in his mind and then said: "Do you know about a prop called blood potion?"

Campos frowned and thought for a while, then said: "I don't know, I haven't gotten it before, it should be relatively rare, right?"

Qi Yuan nodded: "Rare quality, the probability of getting it from the resource box is relatively small, but the value is quite high."

“This blood potion can heal the Beast King’s injuries.

"No." Qi Yuan shook his head and then explained: "This potion is extracted from the blood of rare beasts. After being eaten by low-level beasts, there is a certain chance of obtaining their rare blood. However, the success rate is very low. Low."

Campos asked in confusion: "Listening to what you said, this does not seem to be a medicine for treatment. Does it have any deep effect?"

Qi Yuan looked at him calmly and said: "I am doing another kind of research, trying to extract the blood of high-quality beasts to create similar blood potions, but only for human use."

"Used by humans?" Campos suddenly raised his voice and asked, "Biochemical experiments?!"


"You're quite honest. Are you admitting it now?"

Qi Yuan glanced at him strangely: "What can't be admitted? Brand-new technological research is the path that must be taken. This is the progress of mankind."

"Technological innovation, exploring new paths?" Campos murmured, his eyes were a little distracted, but he quickly recovered and asked: "So, has there been any substantial progress in this kind of research?"

Qi Yuan smiled bitterly: "The bloodline of the ferocious beast is too strong, and the human body cannot withstand the transformation. Anyone who takes it internally will definitely die."

"So, we can only find another way and use other methods to obtain the power in the blood."

Speaking of these contents, Campos also looked over curiously and asked: "What method?"

"I use another method to activate the spirituality in the blood and make the energy in the blood more vital, so as not to completely destroy the body system."

"After that, gentle methods such as long-term fumigation, soaking, and bathing will be used to absorb the energy in the blood more gently."

"This method can increase the success rate to a certain extent. At the same time, it can prevent animal nature from corroding our thoughts and prevent the blood of vicious beasts from becoming the main body."

"If it succeeds, the survivor's physical fitness can be greatly improved, and even some of the characteristics of the beast can be obtained."

The actual operation process will actually be more complicated, so when Qi Yuan introduces it, he tries to use easy-to-understand language.

Krampus has a very high IQ and easily understands the truth.

I only asked a few questions: "What is the success rate? What is the mutation rate? What is the failure survival rate?"

Qi Yuan answered truthfully: "First, it has never been successful."

"Second, the mutation rate will not be high. At most, it will be taller, stronger, and grow some scales."

"Third, the failure survival rate is 0."

Campos twitched the corner of his mouth and asked with a dark look on his face: "You are so honest. You have never succeeded. The mortality rate is so high, and it is possible to turn into an orc! Do you dare to propose this method?"

Qi Yuan spread his hands and said helplessly: "I said it was just a suggestion. If there is really no other way, you can give it a try."

Then, he glanced sideways at Campos and asked tentatively: "Have you ever thought about letting your beast king grow cat ears?"

"I'll ride on the horse...you..." Campos, who was originally calm, suddenly had his eyelids twitching and his fists turning tightly.

If he wasn't worried about provoking a fight, he would have punched him.

In the end, veins popped up on his forehead, and he only uttered one word: "Get out!"

Qi Yuan smiled and said seriously: "You're kidding. You can use lions, tigers, or apes, and it's not 100% dead."

"Didn't you just say that the mortality rate is 100%?"

Qi Yuan explained: "If it is a medicated bath, the method is relatively mild and can be stopped midway. It will not cause much harm to the body."

"But if you want to make deep changes, the risk is greater. It depends on personal choice."

Campos did not answer immediately, but thought for a long time before asking: "What materials are needed?"

"The blood of rare beasts, a large amount of spiritual liquid, plants and medicines for strengthening the bones, powerful healing materials, and bath towels."

Qi Yuan listed them one by one, and finally added: "Actually, I have all the materials here, but in terms of blood... I only have rare snake blood. I don't know if the Beast King likes it."

A chill ran down Krampus's back. He didn't want his right-hand man to turn into a snake man.

"I can prepare rare blood, and other materials are fine too. But I need to ask the Beast King for his opinion."

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