Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 416 Beast Riot

In the endless desert.

It seemed that there was an invisible force that rolled up a giant sandstorm thousands of feet high out of thin air.

This kind of destructive power beyond human imagination swept across the forbidden area of ​​​​humanity, setting off a disaster that wiped out all living things!

Deep in unknown territory.

In the endless virgin forest, sudden strong winds and torrential rain poured into the forest like sea water.

The residences of countless creatures were flooded, and countless precious plants were destroyed.

No matter how rare the materials are, no matter how powerful the creatures are, they all look insignificant under the power of nature!

Somewhere, on an ice sheet that humans have never set foot on.

A biting cold wind blew again, the temperature dropped sharply, and fist-sized snowflakes fell, making this land already frozen, making it even colder.

In the depths of the ocean that survivors have never seen!

The dark and turbulent deep ocean, the dangerous undercurrents as mysterious as snakes, set off huge waves in the mysterious and unpredictable ocean.

Countless islands are submerged and countless lives are dying!

The whole world of mist.

Whether it is an area where survivors live or an unknown world that humans have never set foot on.

There are strange spiritual energy fluctuations!

The cold place is even colder, the thrilling place is more unpredictable, and the chaotic spiritual energy is even more violent and dangerous.

This change, at first, was only in unknown areas far away from human habitation.

However, as the impact expanded, it gradually spread to the living areas of the survivors.

The first thing to come was the sudden change in weather.

Many survivors suddenly discovered that the weather, which was not good to begin with, became more erratic.

Super low temperatures, sudden scorching heat, continuous heavy rains, dozens of strong winds, heavy snowstorms that hit overnight...

This moment seemed to remind everyone of the days when they first came to the misty world!

Only this time, there were no expectations.

Even the super gathering area suddenly started to snow heavily.

Thousands of snowflakes fell on the ground, and in just one night, the sky and the earth were covered with snow.

Moreover, this kind of heavy snow lasted for ten days at a time, with no sign of stopping.

All people living in super gathering areas were caught off guard by the cold.

But fortunately, everyone has experienced a lot of disasters. Faced with this situation, they have already had ways to deal with it, so as to avoid widespread casualties.

Travel and life have been greatly affected.

But at this perfect opportunity, An Changlin did not take the opportunity to sell warm items, nor did he develop this business.

He was keenly aware that this strange world seemed to be undergoing unforeseen changes.

So, he only did one thing!

Quickly consolidate the development trend, no longer blindly expand, but acquire a large amount of living resources, and be prepared to face disasters.

Because Qi Yuan is still in seclusion, concentrating on studying the cultivation of formations. Therefore, An Changlin was unable to contact him in time and could only control the development of District 7 alone.

And the island of refuge.

It was already cold winter, but as the weather changed, the temperature became even lower, reaching minus 15 degrees Celsius.

Training in the training area cannot proceed normally.

In the prop manufacturing area, employee efficiency was greatly reduced due to the cold weather.

Due to snowfall on the fishing island, fishing was not possible and work was temporarily suspended.

In the breeding island, due to the cold weather, many animals were killed or injured, and an indoor breeding farm has been set up urgently.

On fertile farmland, mature bugs are harvested urgently, while immature bugs can only be parted with pain.

As for the natural dangerous island... I don't know whether it is dead or alive.

Only the Space Tree World, as an independent small world, was not affected at all.

A corner of the misty world.

In that unknown ancient village, the old village chief sat in a wooden house and looked at the heavy rain outside the window, with a sadness in his eyes.

He murmured to himself: "The sky has changed, the sky has changed! It's like this again... I didn't expect that I could experience it personally before I die..."

A young man burst into the window and hurriedly rushed to Lao Shen: "Village Chief, the heavy rain has been raining for ten days in a row. It is no longer possible to go out for hunting and gathering. What should we do? Will the flood flood our village? ?”

Facing the young man's continuous questions, the village chief smiled and patted his head and comforted him: "Don't worry, the village is high enough and won't be flooded."

"It's raining too much. Please tell your uncles not to go out hunting and stay in the village for the time being."

"The house will leak. Let's move to a cave in the back mountain. We have saved enough food to last for a while."

"There are also herbs. Let your mother-in-law harvest them as soon as possible. It is inevitable that you will catch a cold. Everyone can drink two bowls..."

The old man's voice was old, and he gave instructions smoothly and forcefully, arranging all the affairs in an orderly manner.

It seems that today has been expected.

Finally, the old village chief looked at the child and gave the last instruction: "Go take out the feces of the dragon-scaled beast and sprinkle it around the cave to prevent wild beasts from attacking."

Then he murmured to himself and said something inaudibly: "There are natural disasters and man-made disasters, and the beasts are in chaos first..."

Perhaps, this is the valuable experience of the elders!

After the natural disaster occurred, it was late at night on the 15th day.

A large number of wild beasts left the unknown area and began to swarm into the survival range of the survivors.

Originally, in most areas where human survivors lived, there were only a small number of good-level beasts, and occasionally excellent-level beasts appeared.

And the density is very low, relatively safe.

But now, an extremely large number of beasts came in almost overnight.

The huge misty world and the boundless unknown areas are constantly eroding and assimilating the areas where humans live until they completely become part of this world.

This night, a large number of Level 5 shelters were attacked.

Under the double blow of natural and man-made disasters, few shelters can hold on.

Forum tonight!

Completely occupied with information about beast attacks!

There are a huge number of excellent beasts, as well as horrifying rare beasts, and most ordinary survivors are unable to resist them.

But thankfully, although the shelters were decimated, the number of survivors who deserved death was not high.

On the one hand, this is because although many survivors have shelters, they themselves live in super gathering areas.

So when the sanctuary was breached, they themselves were not harmed.

On the other hand, when wild beasts attacked the shelter in large numbers, the super teleportation array and large gathering place opened the passage almost immediately.

If the survivors in the shelter are unable to resist the attacks of wild beasts, they can be directly transported to the "Super Gathering Area" and "Large Gathering Area".

However, it is these two gathering places that are besieged by the most beasts!

As the two largest gathering places with the largest area and the largest number of people, they naturally receive the most attention.

Countless beasts spread from all directions, their scarlet eyes staring greedily at the gathering place.

There are more than 30 rare beasts visible to the naked eye!

Everyone, stand ready...

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