Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 546 Marine Protection Center

Because the number of teleportation arrays was insufficient, Qi Yuan had to temporarily arrange a secondary shelter to allow Qin Zhenjun and others to teleport over easily.

The chain of star islands is now the base camp of human survivors on the ocean. Both in terms of significance and value, it is terrifyingly high.

Therefore, combat power must be deployed here to guard safety.

However, Qi Yuan does not plan to arrange combat power this time, but plans to use two spiritual patterns to cover the entire island.

Among the perfect level spiritual patterns, there is a range of defensive spiritual patterns called "air-defying spiritual patterns" that cover an area of ​​500 meters.

As for the strength of defense, it is related to the spiritual energy used, and can reach the highest level of perfection.

If the "Giant Evolution Spirit Pattern" is used to evolve, the defense area can reach a radius of 5km, enough to cover a circle of the "8".

As long as there are two spiritual patterns, this island can be completely covered.

However, if you want to maintain it for a long time, you need a lot of spiritual energy to maintain it.

"We have to find a way to rebuild a few spiritual veins here!"

Qi Yuan thought and considered the future development of this place.

At this moment, the "Mist Survival Manual" in his hand suddenly rang.

It was a message from Zhang Zhongyue.

"Qi Yuan, have you done this? Come to the central island as soon as possible and let's discuss the use of the other islands."

Qi Yuan replied briefly, then immediately flapped his rattan wings and rushed to the largest island in the center.

Twenty minutes later.

When he rushed to the island, he found that Mr. Zhang Zhongyue and others had not arrived yet.

After waiting for another ten minutes, I saw several ships coming from a distance.

As soon as we landed, we heard Tim complaining: "This chain of star islands is really big. It takes twenty or thirty minutes to get there by boat. It's really inconvenient."

"It's a good thing that the place is big. It should be used by all human survivors."

Zhang Zhongyue on the side spoke in a calm voice. Although he was very tired, he was obviously in a good mood.

When he raised his head and saw Qi Yuan in front of him, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"If there are enough Qiyuan teleportation arrays, we can arrange a few more teleportation arrays, which will be much more convenient in the future."

When Qi Yuan heard this, his face suddenly darkened.

To make a teleportation array, you must have perfect space crystals, which are very rare and precious.

A pair of teleportation arrays only costs 2 yuan!

Just in the past few days, Qi Yuan didn't know how many teleportation arrays he had taken out!

And up to now, I still owe the old village chief two seats!

He had just considered that he had to let others provide some benefits, otherwise he would not want to do this kind of wasted work.

Qi Yuan looked at the three of them and said, "Don't expect the teleportation array. Where are Campos and the others? Why haven't they come here yet?"

Zhang Zhongyue relaxed his muscles and sighed: "Maybe it took a little time, they are further away from here!"

As he finished speaking, four people suddenly walked up behind him.

It's the four Krampus!

Bal Qi said unceremoniously: "Why are you here? We have been waiting at the teleportation array for a long time."

Zhang Zhongyue was stunned. It only took him three seconds to realize how stupid he was.

If Bal Qi and the others came through the teleportation array, there was only one possibility.

They first teleported back to the super gathering place, and then teleported directly to the island through the teleportation array in the super gathering place.

In comparison, their behavior of sailing over was simply stupid.

Seeing that Bal Qi was about to taunt him, Zhang Zhongyue immediately interrupted him and said quickly: "Since everyone is here, let's finalize the matter as soon as possible."

Seeing Zhang Zhongyue's serious look, the others immediately restrained themselves and ignored the child Bal Qi.

Tim was the first to speak and said: "There are still eight islands. What do you think?"

"You guys wait a minute."

Qi Yuan took the initiative to interrupt, looked at the others and said, "I recently took out two teleportation arrays, and I still owe the old village chief two more. How do I calculate the cost?"

The others looked at each other.

Although they have all thought about this issue, they have not taken the initiative to raise it.

After all, the value of a perfect space teleportation item is not low. It really hurts to have them pay the price.

But now that Qi Yuan has taken the initiative, it's hard to pretend he didn't hear it.

Zhang Zhongyue said: "Indeed, the value of the teleportation array is very high, and it is impossible for you to take it out for nothing. But since you took the initiative, you might as well tell me your request."

After saying that, everyone looked at Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan thought about it and said: "First of all, I want 20% of the tax on the eight public islands in the Star Island Chain."

Everyone thought for a while and nodded silently.

Logically speaking, the tax amount is not small, each person can account for about 10%, and the remaining 20% ​​will be used for the daily operation of the public island.

If Qi Yuan wants 20%, others can only cut back slightly.

Although the amount is not small, they can bear the price and it will not break their bones.

"Secondly, it is still a rare-level original bloodline, two copies per person."

Tim couldn't help but frown and asked: "The demand is so high? What on earth do you use it for?"

Qi Yuan glanced and said calmly: "This is confidential. If everyone agrees, then the matter will be settled."

After thinking for a while, he finally nodded.

Although these two conditions are difficult, they are not particularly precious, and they will not affect their own development.

Qi Yuan also nodded.

Origin bloodline is actually a kind of gambling.

If the bet is right, he is a genius who may be as good as Zhang Weihuo.

If the bet is wrong, it doesn't really matter, it doesn't cost anything anyway.

Teleportation arrays are very precious to others, but to him, as long as the Space Tree Realm is around, he can obtain them continuously.

The only thing needed is time!

After this was decided, the eight people began to discuss the role of the remaining islands.

Zhang Zhongyue said: "This largest main island should be used as a core commercial island to facilitate economic development."

No one disputes this.

The island they are currently on is the largest in area and is also the location of the teleportation array. It is definitely the easiest place to develop.

As a core business district, it is definitely the most suitable.

"Then let's just name this island Central Island."

"Then what will the other seven islands be developed for?"

Qi Yuan suggested: "Since it is the ocean, how about opening a marine protection center?"

The rest of the people looked at Qi Yuan speechlessly with expressions like they were looking at fools.

But only Campos and Zhang Zhongyue suddenly had a look of thought in their eyes.

"Ocean Conservation Center...Ocean Conservation Center...This is a great proposal!"

Zhang Zhongyue suddenly raised his voice, seeming to agree.

Daniel said strangely: "Mr. Zhang, why are you so stupid?"

On the side, Campos glanced at him and said calmly: "Who do you think would claim to be the protector of the ocean?"

Zhang Zhongyue added: "This is actually the maker of the rules. We have the final say whether it harms the ocean or not."

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