Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 591 Totem! ! !

Qi Yuan himself didn't expect that he would actually get six perfect corpses this time.

The Rhinoceros King and the Elephant King have long been part of his plan, so there are not many doubts.

What really surprised him was the powerful strength inside the ant colony. There were actually four perfect beings.

Taking this opportunity, Qi Yuan also checked the information on three different species of ants.

[Name: Golden Crow Fighting Ant (Perfect Level)

Introduction: The special black ants with part of the "Black Gold Heavy Scale Horse" bloodline have extremely thick armor, more powerful strength and defense.

Able to breed heavy black uniform ant species.

Specially cultivated by King Heijun, they are mainly used to protect the entire ant colony. They are the true bodyguards of the ant king. 】

[Name: Dry leaf poisonous ant (perfect grade)

Introduction: Special black ants possessing some of the bloodline of the "Dead Leaf Scorpions" are highly toxic and corrosive.

Able to breed poisonous acid black ants.

Specially cultivated by King Heijun, they are mainly used to protect the entire ant colony. They are the true bodyguards of the ant king. 】

[Name: Swift Wind Ant (Perfect Level)

Introduction: The special black ants possess part of the "Swift Wind Wolf" bloodline, possessing extremely agile speed, sharper aggression, and super endurance.

Ability to breed Black Gale Ants.

Specially cultivated by King Heijun, they are mainly used to protect the entire ant colony. They are the true bodyguards of the ant king. 】

"It turns out that this ant colony is called black ant!"

Now, Qi Yuan truly understands this ant species.

However, there are also some doubts in my mind: in fact, it can be clearly seen that the characteristics of these three types of ants are completely different, and they are not the same black ants.

Moreover, they seem to have the blood of other powerful beasts.

For this situation, Qi Yuan could only attribute it to the ability of the Ant King.

When the information about the Ant King was unfolded, Qi Yuan suddenly realized.

[Name: Black Jun Ant King (Perfect Level)

Introduction: The king of the black ants, rules the entire ant colony.

1. Able to accurately convey the information to each member of the ant colony through the dense pheromones of the ant colony.

2. Have improved wisdom and can control the development, invasion, defense, war and other behaviors of the entire ant colony.

3. When eating the flesh and blood of other powerful beasts, there is a certain chance to obtain the blood characteristics of other beasts, thereby cultivating black ants with corresponding characteristics.

4. The special bloodline black ants cultivated can give them the ability to reproduce, thereby creating new ant species.

5. The super reproductive ability can catalyze the production of a large number of black ants in a short period of time, reducing their lifespan to a certain extent, thus strengthening their strength. 】

There were five abilities in total, which made Qi Yuan speechless.

"We should really bring the Black Tiger Bee Queen here to see who the real king is!"

In comparison, the Black Tiger Bee Queen's abilities are simply too shabby, not on the same level at all.

A truly powerful ability must have extremely high potential and a certain degree of creativity!

Creation is truly the rarest thing.

Qi Yuan sighed, but he was also worried: "I wonder if the Ant King will still have these abilities after becoming a totem!"

With anxiety, Qi Yuan tried to open the totem pillar.

Without any further action, the totem pillar emits a dazzling light, covering the six corpses around it.

This time, Qi Yuan was not disappointed. The six corpses were well preserved and fully met the requirements of the totem pillar.

The primitive light was getting stronger and stronger, as dazzling as the sun, and seemed to be completely swallowing up the Level 6 corpse.

Standing under the totem pillar, Qi Yuan felt that he was completely enveloped in white light, and he also heard faint sounds surrounding him.

The completely dead body seems to have regained some spirituality and become vivid at this moment.

The subtle chirping of ants, the melodious and ancient roars of the rhinoceros king and the elephant king seem to come from a distant place, full of loneliness, oldness, and distance...

And vaguely, one can feel the powerful soul power, which seems to be awakening on the corpse and being slowly extracted.

All kinds of mysterious feelings made Qi Yuan's heartbeat suddenly accelerate, and he nervously felt the changes around him.

Soon, he knew that his hunch was correct.

As his eyes gradually adapted to the strong white light, he was able to see the surrounding scenes clearly.

The six corpses had undergone tremendous changes under the white light.

In each corpse, there seems to be an ancient soul sleeping peacefully with eyes closed.

But at this moment, he was forcibly awakened by the powerful attraction of white light, and separated from the corpse, just like waking up a sleeping baby.

"Are these... the souls of six perfect creatures?!"

Qi Yuan couldn't understand and could only rely on his shallow knowledge to describe the scene in front of him.

The six souls began to separate from the corpse, and continued to become real under the gestation of white light, and began to be filled with the colors of life.

The ant king is still a layer of protein-colored light, and the whole looks like a huge fat cocoon.

The body of the Golden Crow War Ant showed a black and gold luster.

There is a faint green light and some dark green spots on the body surface of the leaf poisonous acid ant.

The Swift Wind Ant also became glossy, wrapped in light blue light.

The same goes for the Rhinoceros King and the Elephant King. Their gray-white souls gradually took on the color and spirituality of their lifetimes.

And with the powerful ability of the totem pillar, the details of the body are getting clearer and clearer.

Skin, carapace, hair, wrinkles...all the details completely reproduce the appearance of shades, becoming more and more real and concrete.

Until ten minutes passed.

The six floating spirit bodies are no different from what they looked like in life.

And even the wounds on his body were all healed!

Seeing this mysterious and mysterious scene, Qi Yuan was so shaken that he could not calm down for a long time.

Staring at the six spirits in front of him, Qi Yuan was eagerly looking forward to it! Looking forward to the moment when they are truly resurrected.

Become the patron saint of the sanctuary! Become a true totem!

This moment did not keep him waiting long.

The first one to wake up was the Ant King, who had the strongest mental power and the most solid spiritual body.

Its eyes opened slowly, like a newborn baby, looking around in confusion, and it made a gentle and clear cry, like a baby's murmur after waking up.

Moreover, Qi Yuan seemed to be able to clearly hear the meaning contained in the Ant King's voice.

"Where is this? Where am I?"

It seems to have lost its past memory and is constantly trying to recall it. As its thoughts continue to surge, past memories emerge in its mind and become clearer.

Then, the ant king's vision became clear.

Then at this scene, Qi Yuan understood: Although they died once and now become totems in the form of spirit bodies, they have not lost their past memories.

Because their bodies are still their original souls!

"It turns out...it turns out...I'm already dead..."

The ant king quickly figured it out, but instead of the anger and hatred he imagined, he was very calm.

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