It's a pity that with Xin Yu there, Qiao Xun couldn't devour the flesh and blood of polluted creatures.

In his eyes, Xin Yu's dissolving the frogman's corpse was a waste of food.

After finishing the polluting creatures here, they set off again and rushed to the pollution point at the highest level.

On the way, I also encountered a few polluting creatures, but they were all easily solved by Xin Yu. Qiao Xun found that she didn't even have any talent, and she solved it only with her fighting skills, just like she had cleared the mobs in the dungeon.

According to her, these are low-level aberrations that have just been distorted, and they are the bottom-most existences of the food chain in the polluting organisms.

Xin Yu is a very responsible person, saying that he should teach Qiao Xun well, he is not ambiguous at all.

On the way, every time she solves an aberration, she will tell about the characteristics of the aberration and the precautions for combat.

Although these are all available in the "Tower Network" database, they are almost the difference between self-study and teacher's practice.

Benefit a lot.

After they arrived on the sixteenth floor, the three-person team sent a message that they had solved the first pollution point and were heading to the second pollution point, and said that the first pollution point was not a super aberration.

Joe asked:

"What are super aberrations?"

Xin Yu replied:

"It is equivalent to a genius out of a hundred in a hundred. It is highly integrated with the virus, and its evolution speed, strength, and physical strength far exceed those of its peers. It may even awaken second-class talents other than the main advanced talents."

The stench on the sixteenth floor is stronger, and the temperature is obviously lower than other floors.

He looked at his watch, and it showed that the surrounding environmental pollution value reached 198.

Generally speaking, the pollution value of common distortion species is around 150.

Xin Yu's expression was much more serious than before, she whispered:

"Be careful."


Qiao Xun concentrated. When he went out, he didn't expect to be directly involved in the control work, so he didn't bring a compound bow.

He had never seen a super mutant before, so he couldn't guarantee whether he could confront it head-on.

They walked slowly into the corridor from the entrance of the stairs.

The garbage storage point in the corridor is a mess, and all kinds of domestic garbage are scattered, giving off a rotten smell.

Compared with other floors with distortion species, the sixteenth floor is much cleaner, at least there is no blood in the corridor.

However, black is still black.

It was very quiet, Qiao Xun could hear his own heartbeat, and even Xin Yu's heartbeat.

They got closer to the depths of the corridor little by little, and the light became dimmer as they went inside. Xin Yu didn't have the night vision ability of Qiao Xun, and used a small flashlight to illuminate the road ahead.

Around the corner, they saw a pool of rotten meat.

From the organizational point of view, it is a salamander who has been devoured. To be able to gnaw salamanders like this, there is no other possibility except for stronger aberrations.





Heavy footsteps sounded.

Judging from the sound, the opponent is a heavyweight.

Xin Yu took two steps back, blocking Qiao Xun behind him.

Her body was stained with the smell of blood, and at the same time there was a scent of... herbs. Qiao Xun recalled that she had said before that she had been receiving treatment for time disorder.

"Come close to me, don't move."

Xin Yu's voice was low and charming.

Qiao Xun frowned slightly. He didn't like strangers being too close to him, but fortunately Xin Yu didn't make him feel excluded. Probably the purpose of the other party's departure was to protect him.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and a very vague and shallow elongated shadow appeared in front of him. Judging from the shadow, the visitor was directly opposite the ventilation window.

As the distance approached, Qiao Xun heard heavy and slow breathing.

The respiratory rate of polluting organisms is generally very low, which is a characteristic.

Xin Yu turned on the flashlight to the maximum and pointed it forward.

In the circle of light, slowly walked into a huge monster.

It has the shell of a crab man, the limbs of a frogman, the mouth of a salamander man, and the eyes of a fish man.

In short, a stitch monster.

Xin Yu's pupils shrank, and he said gloomily:

"Super Aberrations."

Is this a super aberration?

The sense of oppression is indeed quite different, and its eyes don't look dull. While other tainted creatures are more like walking corpses that attack on instinct, this Stitcher is more of a calm beast.

Xin Yu immediately notified the three-person team that a super aberration species was found at the pollution point on the 16th floor.

But the three-man team also seemed to have encountered a difficult guy on the tenth floor, so they couldn't come to support quickly.

Xin Yu asked in a low voice:

"You said before that you have a hand in saving your life, is that true?"


"Then you remember to check the situation. If the situation is not right, run away at any time."

"Will it be bad?"


"All right."

Just after the whispering between them ended, the suture monster stretched out his hand and slammed it at the corner of the wall, and suddenly broke off a large piece of solid mixed with brick and concrete, and threw it violently at the two of them.

The greater the throwing power, the faster the throwing speed.

However, the two of them reacted quickly and quickly avoided.

The mixed solid smashed directly on the floor of the corridor, smashing the tile into a depression, making a huge noise.

After that, the Stitching Monster squatted down, made a frog pose, and jumped sharply.

Although it is large, its strength is strong enough that even if there is a narrow corridor blocking it, it can almost break through the corridor and jump.


Xin Yu roared loudly, turned around and dragged Qiao Xun to run down the corridor.

The Stitcher threw the wall blocks and spit out the corrosive liquid of the salamander.

The solid-liquid cross-attack left very little space for the two to escape.

Xin Yu was very calm and quickly judged the current situation. As she ran, she said:

"I'll hold on to the super-distorted species later, and you can quickly leave this unit building by taking the elevator."

"And you?"

"I'm going to stay and hold it, and wait for the three of them to come up and fight against the control."

Qiao Xun is still playing the role of an ordinary person, so he can only honestly agree.

The stitching monster is approaching. After the two ran around a corner, they came to the elevator entrance on the sixteenth floor.

Luckily, the closest one of the four elevators is parked on the thirteenth floor not far away.

The super distorted species hit the corner of the corridor and faced the two of them.

Xin Yu's eyes were taken aback, and he activated his talent "Forbidden Words".

"Forbidden words" is the talent of the auxiliary department, and those who are recruited will temporarily lose their innate abilities.

Qiao Xun suddenly felt a rhythm gushing out from Xin Yu's body, quickly covering the seam monster in front of him.

Before being enveloped, the Stitcher smashed a piece of the wall and threw it over, then immediately froze and didn't move.

A large amount of wall debris flew over. No matter how fast the reaction and speed of the two of them, they couldn't avoid it, and they would inevitably be hit by some debris.

The back of Qiao Xun's hand was hit, a bloodstain appeared, and the blood seeped out.

ding dong—

The elevator arrives.

"Come in quickly."

Without ink, Qiao Xun walked directly into the elevator, pressed the button on the first floor, and closed the elevator door.

In the corridor, Qiao Xun was safely sent away. Before Xin Yu could breathe a sigh of relief, he immediately saw the gong-sized pupils of the Suture Monster shrink violently.


Its eyes are full of excitement!

But, what is it excited about?

The suture monster became extremely hot and restless. It wasn't much, but the consciousness of existence told it that the man's blood was very fragrant.

After eating him, if you eat him, you will definitely become much stronger!

The suture monster was suppressed by "prohibited words", and he asked for Qiao Xun's flesh and blood, and began to fight fiercely.

Xin Yu couldn't understand, shouldn't "prohibited words" be suppressed together with its physical instincts? Why does it look so irritable now.

The nerves were continuously attracted by the flesh and blood of Qiao Xun, as if they had been injected with a powerful stimulant.

It went berserk, chirped frantically, and broke free from the suppression of "prohibited words".

Xin Yu was in a bad mood. Although she couldn't understand why the Stitching Monster could break free from the "prohibited word" that ordinary believer-level polluted creatures couldn't break free, she didn't stand still and quickly avoided it.

However, she immediately found that the berserk Stitching Monster didn't attack her, but quickly smashed the wall where the elevator was, and squeezed into the elevator shaft irritably.

With a thud,

The wire rope that hung the elevator was torn off, and the elevator fell directly.

Xin Yu's mind instantly went blank.

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