Extraordinary Sailing

Chapter 283 It's on the verge of firing!

"Look! The tide is low, so many fish!"

Someone in the crowd by the beach suddenly yelled, which instantly interrupted the young man's thoughts.

Looking up, the tide receded quickly, and the beach instantly became extremely vast. Countless sea fish, starfish, seashells, and crabs were stranded on the beach because of the ebb tide, and they were all alive and kicking.


"Come on! Grab it!"

The tourists who were still playing at the beach rolled up their sleeves and scrambled to the beach.

Even many gentlemen in high-end formal attire who are obviously well-off also joined in. The fish may not be worth much, but just like fishing, what they enjoy is the process of catching and the joy of a good harvest.

"Quick! Kirk, there's another one behind you."

"Mary, look what I caught? A big lobster, it's great! Let's make baked lobster with cheese at noon."


The beach instantly turned into a sea of ​​celebration, and everyone was enjoying the "feast" generously presented by the sea.

They didn't even notice that the seabirds who were wandering in the nearby sky suddenly became a mess, and then flew inland with a sudden flap of their wings.

Animals raised by human beings in the city also let out frantic calls and broke free from their restraints and ran out.

"The low tide seems to be much earlier today, doesn't it?"

On the shore, a middle-aged captain of the city guard who was on duty today took out a brass pocket watch from his pocket and looked at the time suspiciously.

Today's low tide is at least an hour earlier than yesterday, and the range is unprecedentedly large, even the rocky base of the lighthouse is completely exposed.


After living in Nisk for so long, this was the first time the captain had seen such a situation.


A legend he heard from a retired old sailor popped into his mind, and all the strange omens in front of him were completely consistent with that legend.

While looking far away, hoping that his guess was wrong, he couldn't help but speak out in fear, even his voice almost changed: "Don't go! Come back soon! It's the tsunami coming!"

However, his reminder came too late, a snow-white line of water appeared in the distance, like thousands of galloping white horses, whizzing towards them in the blink of an eye.

Except for a small number of experienced sailors on the shore who have begun to retreat early, most of the tourists are immersed in the joy of the harvest, and they have already gone deep into the exposed sandy beach, not realizing that the devastating disaster is close at hand.


It wasn't until the huge roar that couldn't be ignored rang in their ears, and they lowered their heads to pick up the seafood that they suddenly realized that the huge shadow cast by the water wall that blocked the sun had completely enveloped them.

Without giving them any time to react, the water wall slammed down heavily.


The dreams and futures of the rich, the poor, parents, children, brothers, sisters, and everyone else were smashed to pieces in an instant!

In addition, in addition to the fast speed of the tsunami, the second characteristic is that its energy will hardly be lost during the transmission process.

In the open sea, the wave height may be only a few meters. When it reaches the shallow water area of ​​the coast, the wavelength is shortened and the wave height increases sharply, which can reach tens of meters, forming a "water wall" containing huge energy.

At this time, even if the "tsunami" created collectively by hundreds of sea monsters is not comparable to the real natural disasters in nature, when they reach the shore, they will grow from the initial 1 meter to a terrifying 30 meters!

Accompanied by a loud thunderous sound.

The 30-meter-high waves smashed against the shore and swallowed everything on the beach, including the commercial port not far away.


Then without stopping, they crossed the coastline, entered the water city of Nisk, and quickly attacked the entire city. Bridges collapsed, houses collapsed, and the residents only had time to scream before disappearing completely in the huge waves.

You know, as a city that is almost half built above the water, even the tallest building in the city is not thirty meters high!

However, it is not without exception.

The only place close to the coast that was able to survive the tsunami was the "St. Mark's Church", a sanctuary favored by the "Goddess of Kingship and Navigation". Disaster.

Among them are the former "Harpoon" whaling mate Fisher and the bad gambler Peeps who have nowhere to go and have been renting here for free for a long time.

"God! Is this God's punishment?"

The young first officer with a face full of vicissitudes looked at the huge waves roaring past, and his empty heart, which had been destroyed by the great white whale, seemed to be filled with another thing.

When others threw themselves under the statue of the goddess to thank God, he muttered to himself: "If people have such power, will they not suffer anymore?"

at the same time.

In the face of such overwhelming natural disasters, the military port built on Cape Mountain was of course not immune. The two cruise ships anchored in the port collided head-on with the raging water wall. Then, including all the facilities and buildings on the port, they were completely swept away under the looting of the raging waves.

If it happened to be the turn of the "Storm Horn" today or arrived at Hong Kong half a day earlier, it would definitely not escape such a tragic ending!

However, although the port was destroyed, the bastion built on the slope persisted tenaciously in the tsunami.

The more than a thousand garrisons stationed in it should thank the craftsmen for not cutting corners when building the bastion.

The stone bastion with a total height of more than 36 meters has withstood the baptism of the tsunami, especially the slope structure of the solid fort with a height of 20 meters on the first floor, which greatly alleviated the impact of the tsunami.

clang! clang! clang!

Amidst the continuous sound of alarm bells, the figure of Major General Coverdale is not tall, but it looks like a reef that has been blown by wind and rain by the sea, but still stands for thousands of years.

He stood on top of the bastion, his cloak flapping in the gale that accompanied the tsunami.

The three successive waves of attack had ended, and the seawater had slowly receded from both sides of the bastion, but the major general's steel-like heart, which had weathered the wind and rain, couldn't help trembling now.

The great knight's keen eyesight allowed him to have a panoramic view of the devastation of "Nisk" after the tsunami. The low terrain and vertical and horizontal waterways provided excellent conditions for the tsunami to exert its power.

After the three huge waves hit, 60% of the entire water city has become an underwater city.

The casualties among them are countless.

Corpses litter the field, horrific

But the disaster at the mouth of the "Leyton River" has only just begun.



The deafening roar of the giant beast made the survivors fall into despair again. Those are the five large species that Huggins deliberately left behind to seize the estuary to ensure retreat!

In fact, when the first wave of tsunami came, the mouth of the "Leyton River" between the north and south capes was the center of the disaster.

Admiral Coverdale watched with his own eyes hundreds of huge sea monsters rushing inland from here on raging waves, and upstream along the wide Layton River.

Even the distinctive pirate throne ship swaggered into the inland river following behind the sea monster and taking advantage of the soaring water level in the river!

But just as Aiwen expected, even if the major general is a third-tier knight, even if there are more than a thousand defenders stationed in the bastion, what can be used to stop a tsunami?

Major General Coverdale finally understood like Ivan, why the Pirate King didn't care about the location of the operation being exposed in advance.

Because he has absolute "potential"!

In this case, as long as the fourth level does not come out, the tsunami will be full of chickens and dogs.

He could only send out a warning signal at the first time, informing the city along the rear of Huggins of the attack.

In particular, "Golden Lion City" and "Brandenburg" not only sent out warning signals, but also used terns to transmit key information.


Watch the messenger tern soar into the sky.

He only hoped that the meandering waterway of the "Leyton River" could gradually offset the surging potential energy of the tsunami, and when the water receded, these sea monsters, who seemed to be launching a "suicide" charge, would be trapped on the shallow river bed by themselves.

It is true that they are the "masters" of the sea, but the land has never been their hunting ground! This attack method will inevitably make the army of sea monsters pay a heavy price!

However, the major general didn't know if things would develop as he expected.

He only knew that for the sake of those citizens who died in the tsunami, he had to defend the bastion and completely block the entrance to the sea, so that the sea monsters who might come back here would never return to that crazy pirate king!

"Send the Horn of the Storm and the Royal Guard to return immediately!"

According to the cruise plan, if there is no accident, the "Storm Horn" should be approaching the port at this time, and the "Royal Guardian" has just set off on another route, and it should not be too far from the military port.

As for the other warships, it is useless even if they come back.

He didn't notice.


Before the garrison released the terns, two black shadows shot into the sky from the high ground near the mouth of the sea, flying towards the upper reaches of the valley.

Obviously, what the tsunami invasion brought is not only a warning signal, but also a signal of action from unknown forces

However, even if Major General Coverdale noticed, he no longer had the energy to meddle in his own business, because the battle belonging to the "bastion" was imminent!

clack clatter

hiss! hiss!

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