Extraordinary Sailing

Chapter 336: One Against Two

Voodoo, also known as "voodoo", is the biggest difference from the Orthodox Church in the Old World or the animistic original shamanism in the New World. This belief is based on fear!

Originating in Benin in the southern continent, the primitive religion evolved and developed from the Anuma slaves who were trafficked to the New World, and then spread further.

The base camp is on Santo Domingo Island in the "Golden Sea". With the prosperity of the slave trade, various races in the central and southern parts of the New World have had a huge influence.

The central idea of ​​"voodoo" is that all life is interconnected, matter also has its spirit form, and people can go back and forth between the material and spiritual worlds.

And everything in the existing world is just an appearance, behind which there is a more important soul force active. The leader of that soul world is a deity named Ligeba, who is also called the "Lord" by believers.

There are other gods in charge of death, fertility, love, jealousy and revenge, etc., but those gods are just a certain appearance of the "Lord", and all gods and everything belong to the Lord, and the wizard is the relationship between man and god. medium of communication.

Believe in "voodoo" and follow the wizard's instructions to avoid the harm of "spirits"!

The most representative spells in voodoo are revenants, mysterious spirits and voodoo dolls.

Among them, there are many kinds of "voodoo dolls", just like the various amulets that are very popular in the Old World.

In the most basic color classification, black is used for cursing; green for money, luck, and luck; pink for love; red for success, charm, and happiness; white for detoxification and healing; yellow for exorcism Evil and pray for strength.

And the most powerful of all "voodoo dolls", or the "true voodoo dolls" with extraordinary power.

It is to cut off the head of a powerful "evil" living person, and then put it on an iron altar, and the wizard casts a spell to imprison the victim's soul in his head.

Finally, the "head shrinking technique" is used to shrink the head into a real voodoo doll with arms and legs, which can be used for fighting, killing, casting spells, and cursing.

This kind of doll looks no different from those made of paper, wax, cloth, straw and other materials, but only wizards know how terrible they are.

While this kind of voodoo doll can provide the host with powerful power, it will even retain the strongest ability of the original owner, allowing the host to easily obtain the skills that others have been honing for a lifetime.


The "evil spirit" imprisoned in the voodoo doll will go to hell if there is no life sacrifice. ".

"Ghoul" Moprati is a firm believer in Voodoo, and he is also a warrior subordinate to Ogun, the "God of Fire and Iron Politics and War".

At this time, the core ability of [Psychic Warrior] has been used, and the "spiritual seance" launched with the help of "voodoo doll" as the medium!

Next to him, "The Butcher" Mallory has also changed a lot. Apart from anything else, he has already activated his strongest [Sisi Scimitar Art · Secret Legend · Crying Blood! 】

His eyes were bloodshot, and the bullet holes all over his body were torn apart again, and a red mist with a strong smell of blood had enveloped his body.


With the effect of alcohol, his breathing was heavy, his head was slightly lowered and his arms drooped, like a drunk gibbon.

Even the posture of jumping into the boat is extremely awkward.




After two loud bangs in succession.

Two "monster" guys have already floated on the sea and flew out all the way.

The captain's cloak fell lightly on the deck.

Like lightning, a black shadow smashed through the sea and chased after it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Dragging a bright cold front, the slender and fit figure turned into a crossbow bolt flying across the sea, the strong wind swayed the hair on his forehead, and also caused a large cloud of water mist to rise from the sea behind him for a long time Difficult to bridge.

If they can break into the battleship while occupying an absolute advantage, wouldn't it seem that Aiwen is too incompetent?

Even where the battlefield is chosen is up to him to decide!

As for the weakest "Trout" captain "Greedy" Jobbury, he was the only "lucky guy" among the three Transcendents who successfully boarded the battleship.


When he saw Gary in heavy armor holding a huge wheel axe, Boris who pulled out his command saber, and Milan who finally met an evenly matched opponent and danced a sword flower excitedly, the three jumped up and down. formal knight.


The machete fell to the ground.

Kneeling on the ground with a "plop", he gave up resistance and shouted:

"Don't kill me! I surrender, I have important information to report!"


At this time, there was a huge splash of water crackling in the distance.

With one against two, Aiwen has already fought with these two "monsters".

"Data Vision" presents the information of both.

Name: Mallory (nicknamed "The Butcher")

Class: Veteran Knight

Attributes: Constitution 3.6, Strength 3.5, Dexterity 3.3

Skill: Sisi Scimitar (Proficient)

Status: insane

Except that the mental state was a bit wrong, the physical data did not exceed Ivan's expectations.

On the contrary, the unknown occupation of the Anuma pirate made him slightly wary. At least when he was in the old continent for the past two years, not to mention that Anuma superhumans were ordinary slaves.

Although I have heard of the more powerful Transcendent professions among them, it is not easy to recognize them at a glance.

Name: Moprati (nicknamed "The Ghoul")

Class: Unknown second-order official transcendent

Attributes: Constitution 3.8, Strength 3.4, Dexterity 4.0, Spirit less than 1

Skills: unknown

clang! clang! clang!

The three of them galloped swiftly across the sea, either with their strong physiques or with their supreme esoteric skills.

The sea water burst under his feet, creating waves several meters high.

Every time the weapons collided, there was a deafening thunder.

"The Butcher" Mallory used the scimitar commonly used by pirates. Even though he had reached the level of proficiency, Ivan still handled it with ease.

His current abilities in all aspects are no longer what they were when he dealt with "Blood Anchor" Zack, or "Iron Bone" William.

Especially relying on his familiarity with the "Sisi Scimitar Technique" and predicting in advance, even in a melee, he can be sent flying far away with just three or two blows.

Then, concentrate on dealing with the strange-looking natives of the Southern Continent with unknown abilities.


The gust of wind blew across Aiwen's head like a razor. This indigenous pirate named Moprati, who was called by the pirates, looked big and rough, but he was actually a superhuman with agility and specialties just like himself.

The fighting concept is also different from the usual form of the old continent, which includes a lot of somersaults, side kicks, roundabout kicks and other movements, which is very different from the old continent's swordsmanship concept of keeping one's feet on the ground unless it is absolutely necessary.

His kicks are extremely sharp, as if he could break a steel column with one kick, and his weird moves are hard to guard against.

[Evil Spirit Ability Capoeira Battle Dance! 】

"Capoeira War Dance" is a fighting master among the slaves of the Anuma, a karate martial art created by combining self-defense and dance.

It seemed to be an exaggerated dance, but it added a lot of powerful kicks, and was even banned by Cyrus for a time.

It is only circulated among a few specific groups of Anuma.

Apparently, this ability of "Evil Spirit" means that he was once a fellow of Moprati. It's just that I don't know what mistake I made, and the soul was imprisoned by the wizard to make a voodoo doll.

Then Moprati was bestowed.


At the same time, in conjunction with the strangely shaped "Baya Sword" in his hand, his movements are erratic, tossing and turning, as if flying on the water.

"Baya Sword" is a strange weapon, like a sword, like a knife, and like a sickle, with a curved tip added to the tip of the blade that is thick at the top and thin at the bottom.

There are various ways of stabbing, chopping, cutting and paring.

However, the more strange the weapon is, the more demanding it is for the user. At least this native pirate didn't practice it well enough, he couldn't even use the "esoteric art", which was far from enough for Aiwen.

Ai Wen, who had played with him two more times because of novelty, after getting a general understanding of his abilities, stopped holding back his hands, and directly crushed him with his physical fitness and swordsmanship level far beyond him.

The moment Moprati soared into the air again, his stature was short.

The swift sword in his hand turned into a pure white sword light, which flashed past his waist without hindrance.

cut in half!


However, the touch from his hand made Ai Wen keenly feel that something was wrong. It was obviously a flesh and blood body, but it gave people a sense of illusory feeling like cutting on an evil spirit.

Instantly withdraw and fly back.

Sure enough, the vicious blade fell from the sky as if it was not affected at all, but it only shattered the afterimages left by Ivan.


Landing on the water deftly, the dark Moprati paused with both feet, and rushed towards Aiwen again.

Seeing the astonishment on his face, the corners of the "psychic warrior"'s mouth cracked, revealing a row of white teeth with shredded flesh:

"Quack! Damn Nimmansters, feel the power of Ogun! Give your heart!"

The weird yellow voodoo doll inlaid on his chest also opened its mouth at the same time, salivating at the flesh and blood on Ivan's body.

The "Spiritual Warrior" carried out a séance through a voodoo doll, and acquired some of the "spiritual" qualities. After the body is blurred, being able to hit others, but others can't hit you, is the core ability of this extraordinary profession!

It is also the confidence for them to dare to use this "Capoeira war dance" to vacate frequently.


The premise is that the opponent is just an ordinary knight who can swing a sword.

His face remained unchanged.

Aiwen held the sword in his right hand, and a green extraordinary aura flashed across the blade in his left hand.


Hearing the sound of incantations sounded sharply like needle pricks in his ears.

On the slender and bright cold front, there is already a layer of light blue lightning dancing and shining.

[Official witchcraft and magic weapons! 】

This is another achievement after Aiwen was promoted to a wizard, and it is also a general witchcraft in the "School of Alchemy".

Whether it is in the inheritance of the Alchemy School (Aiwen has already obtained the authority of an official wizard in the "Eye of Violet"), or in "The Sacrifice of Flesh and Flesh", there are only new and old versions.

It can be used temporarily to enchant weapons, and can also be used to create unique alchemy tools, such as the "flame enchanted ring" that Anthony once used.

It also made Aiwen finally no longer need the church's holy water to help out when facing the spirit body.

[Profound Truth Jumping Waves! 】

As soon as the body turned into three, at the same time as the opponent rushed over, the three skyrocketing dark blue sword lights had already gone straight to Moprati's vital point.

In the state of being possessed by the "evil spirit", the senses of the "psychic warrior" were exceptionally sharp, and the huge sense of crisis made him realize that this attack was unusual.

Instantly switch the state, and use the special form of existence of the spirit body to counteract the momentum of the forward rush and dodge in a hurry.



The biting wind blew past, and when Moprati reappeared ten meters away, it was as if he had been bleached, his whole body was pale.

Although the waist was not severed, a whole thigh was lost, although the head was not severed, an entire arm was lost, and although the chest was not severed, a row of ribs were almost neatly cut off.

What's more deadly is that the face of the "voodoo doll" on his chest, which looked cute at first, also opened a big ferocious mouth and screamed continuously, struggling to get into Momo completely. Pilates in the chest.

This "Psychic Warrior" who was still invincible just now had cold sweat on his forehead, and the function of "Spiritual Sorrow" was like using mushroom bombs to generate electricity. If there was a slight accident, he would suffer the strongest backlash.

The voodoo doll wants to get into its body not for anything else, but to use its own internal organs to fill its hungry stomach due to injury!


When lightning rolls and thunder roars;

Make me calm and give me courage;

When lightning flashes and thunder rolls;

Light from vespers comforts me;


There is no flesh and blood of the same kind here to satisfy the appetite of the "voodoo doll". Moprati can only pant heavily, chanting the spell taught by the wizard in an attempt to appease it.

Then delay your own death!

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