Extraordinary Sailing

Chapter 406 Embarrassment


When Aiwen saw the girl coming forward to touch the "magnetite", which was also the core treasure in the city, he immediately reached out and stopped her.

"Be careful! Miss Moonstone, this is not an ordinary crystal. It's a precious treasure I just obtained after finishing the Beacon Anchorage Raiders!"

Although "magnetite" looks like a very fragile substance such as crystal and glass, it has a completely different nature, even if it is harder than diamonds, it may not be inferior in the slightest.

Aiwen was not worried about being damaged by her, but since he noticed something was wrong, it was necessary to continue to test the other party's real situation.

This is not only for your own safety, but also for the sake of the other party.

To survive in the grotesque spiritual world, even if you are in a beacon anchorage that you think is safe, you must maintain the necessary vigilance.

Even if the companion seems to have no flaws from the outside, but his behavior is abnormal, he must not turn a blind eye.

Although wizards and a few supernatural beings of other professions, when they came to the spirit world, they showed their most "real" appearance.

All the manifestations of the appearance come from a certain characteristic of themselves, and the more obvious the characteristic is, the stronger it will be on the appearance.

But also limited by the observation ability of three-dimensional creatures, all creatures and substances existing in the spirit world are full of compression, displacement and symbols in the eyes of human beings.

What you see and feel may not be what the world really looks like, and it may even be just an insignificant corner of a huge iceberg floating on the water.

Eyes, ears, hearing, and all senses of smell may be the accomplices of this world to deceive you!

And Miss Moonstone, who has completed the exploration of the beacon anchorage, has started the exploration of strange areas in the spirit world long before Aiwen, and she may encounter any weirdness.

It is possible to be parasitized, possessed, mentally polluted, etc. Only by knowing the situation of the other party can it be possible to respond or provide assistance in a targeted manner.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the other party is still the companion himself!

Blocked by Aiwen's movement, the girl's slender white palm wearing a ruby ​​ring stopped in the air, then hesitated before slowly withdrawing it.

Although Aiwen couldn't see her eyes because of the soft halo, he could clearly feel that she was a little unhappy, and his pink lips curled slightly:

"It's really stingy, I can't even show it to others. I found a treasure in the forest outside, and I wanted to share it with you."

While talking, he graciously handed out a palm-sized wooden box to Ai Wen. The wood texture was clear as if it was directly carved out of logs in the forest.


Originally, Aiwen thought that if the other party had any abnormalities, he could use the "bait" he threw to mobilize them.

But seeing that she took the initiative to show off her treasures to him, he couldn't help but slightly waver in his guess.

But for the sake of caution, he still didn't reach out to pick it up.

Seeing Aiwen's hesitation, the girl was obviously even more annoyed, and reached out to open the box.


Presented in front of Ivan's eyes were two oval-shaped leaves glowing with subtle white light, rolled up naturally like two book pages, and lying side by side in the box.

"Is this a hyacinth blade?"

Seeing what it was, Ai Wen was a little stunned. He didn't expect that the other party really took out the treasure, and the value of this kind of thing was much stronger than the so-called large crystal.

A ten-year-old hyacinth has survived all the dangers of the spirit world without being trampled or eaten, and can grow two identical leaves at the top of the plant.

As long as you use a pointed hard object to write and draw on the leaves, it will show clear red characters or patterns under pressure as if using special medicine.

But the most special thing is that the marks left on one of the blades will also appear on the other blade, no matter how far the distance is, there will be no delay in the middle.

After ten minutes, the traces will slowly fade away, and it will return to its original clean appearance, allowing it to be written again.

And the greater value doesn't stop there.

Because of the particularity of the spiritual world.

Although matter cannot be brought in, the precious spiritual materials produced here can be brought out.

The form of spiritual material is similar to a combination of information, energy and rules, and only needs specific things in the material world as a support to achieve similar effects as in the spiritual world.

For Hyacinth, not only communication in the spirit world can be realized.

If it can be taken out and attached to the leaves of a tree called "Dagang tea", it can even realize instant communication between the material world and the spiritual world.

This is a more convenient communication tool than a messenger in the spirit world, and it can even be called a strategic resource!

"Am I really thinking too much?

Is Miss Moonstone just being weird because it happens to be one of those days of the month when she's uncomfortable?

Otherwise, why would someone with bad intentions still give gifts before doing something? "

However, even though the treasure was present, it still failed to make Aiwen completely let go of his guard. So he made a final test:

"Miss Moonstone, are these two hyacinths the surprise you told me yesterday?"

Hearing this, although the girl's movements froze slightly, her answer was impeccable.

In fact, he didn't answer his question directly at all, and said to himself:

"Such precious plants are rare even in the vast and boundless spirit world. Let me teach you how to use them."

Said that he had already walked to Aiwen's side, and leaned against him shoulder to shoulder. Aiwen didn't seem to be wary at the beginning, and he consciously squatted slightly to be level with the other party.

Then he rubbed his hands expectantly, and carefully took the roll of hyacinth leaves that the girl handed over and unfolded it gently.

"Well, it's the first time I use this kind of treasure, what should I write?"

The distressed voice just fell.


But he jerked his head back, avoiding like lightning a sharp cold light that hit his neck while he was "concentrating" on his thoughts!

The flower branch armor is not the knight's heavy armor for immediate combat. In order to move the head flexibly, there is no neck armor, which is also a rare defensive weak point on Aiwen's whole body.

And when he dodged, he had already made a counterattack at the same time, stretched out his right hand with lightning speed, and grabbed the neck of "Miss Moonstone" next to him.


She missed a blow and was about to retreat, but how could she avoid the attack of a third-order physical-side transcendent?

Well, it's more appropriate to call it "it" at this time.

There is no change in other places, it is still the beautiful girl, but there is a straw-like mouthpart like a cicada sticking out of that pink mouth.

Even though Ivan strangled his neck, the mouthpart was still twisting and biting his arm, but there was only a spark when it rubbed against the armor.

Aiwen has no doubt that if this mouthpart was inserted into his neck just now, his soul essence would be sucked clean by it, even if he had a third-order strength.

"Your answer just now was flawless.

Whether the real moonstone said or didn't say that yesterday, it can explain the past.

But the point is that I didn't come to the spirit world at all yesterday.

And you look so ugly! "

As Aiwen's iron hoop-like right hand continued to tighten, the "girl"'s limbs also began to struggle desperately, kicking and scratching on Aiwen's body.

If you don't look at the hideous mouthparts, it seems that you are really a helpless girl who has encountered a mob.

After the overall situation was settled, Aiwen had time to think about what this monster, which could never be Moonstone himself, was.

"Let me guess your identity.

Those gleaming soul weapons on his body didn't react at all after being attacked, obviously they were all fake.

Then it should not be parasites such as brain worms and dead soul worms. The real Miss Moonstone should be fine.

Then you should be a monster who is good at imitating appearance, but at most can only read the superficial memory of others.

I just don't know if it's my memory or the moonstone that has gone out.

Are you a faceless man? Ghostface leech? Mimic? "

However, when I guessed here.

Aiwen suddenly realized that he might be able to see Miss Moonstone's real appearance through this spirit monster that transformed into Miss Moonstone!


Strangely, he reached out his hand, and took off the sapphire flower on the opponent's head that emitted a soft halo and blocked his face.


"Tch, bad review!"

Seeing the empty face with nothing on it, Ai Wen realized that no matter how he deformed, the other party might not have seen the real appearance of the Moonstone.

Lost every last bit of value.


The next moment, Ai Wen suddenly exerted force in his palm, and directly crushed the head of this monster, which was almost the same as a moonstone except for a ferocious mouthpart.


The headless body of the "girl" was thrown on the ground like tatters, slowly turning into a puddle of translucent gelatinous body, and then evaporated little by little.

Shaking off the sticky slurry on his hand, Ai Wen suddenly seemed to feel something, and turned around suddenly, but saw the scene he least wanted to see at this time.

At the place where the spirit world monster first appeared, another Miss Moonstone happened to be standing there, and I don't know how long I have been looking at it.

Witnessing a person who is exactly the same as myself, being directly crushed by an acquaintance, obviously has some impact

Seeing Aiwen who turned around, the girl said in a cold and indifferent tone:

"The mimic demon, a rare master of disguise in the spirit world, is not strong in combat, but extremely deceptive.

Specializes in launching attacks by masquerading as someone close to the victim.

What's even more powerful is its evolved body, the Shaping Demon, which can completely take away other people's bodies, turning people or animals into a mass of shapeless objects that are still alive.

This one was obviously a mimic baby with little experience, and it showed too many flaws in its actions. "

Although Miss Moonstone had no expression on her face when she said these words, she couldn't see much joy or anger, but Ivan still handed over the spoils he had just harvested with great desire to survive:

"Haha, then what, those who see it have a share, how about these two pieces of hyacinths not as good as one of us?"

There is no need to try again, the unique temperament of Miss Moonstone this time has already convinced Ivan that this is undoubtedly her.

As long as I am not embarrassed, embarrassment will not catch up with me.

Hearing that Miss Moonstone hesitated for a while, she finally accepted one of the blades of grass.

It was just that he raised his white chin slightly at the end, and commented on Aiwen's performance:

"Although I don't know what you've been through the past few days, but for a newbie in the spirit world, you've done a pretty good job!"

After making an appointment with Miss Moonstone to go out and explore together next time, the two parted again.

Aiwen carried the crystal pillar to the sixth highest floor of the city alone, and placed this powerful "magnetic stone" next to the "tree of life".

Then, I saw the "Tree of Life" slowly absorbing it into the trunk, wrapping it layer by layer.


Drinking water usually begins to absorb the energy of "magnetite" to start growth and development again.


Shaking like an earthquake.

The trunk rose to tens of meters, and the already huge canopy continued to extend like a green cloud, covering the entire sixth floor in a short time.

Among the branches, among the four leaves that originally looked like a combination of banyan tree, ash wood, and fir tree, one of the four leaves turned into a crystal, turning into a crystal-like leaf.

The power of absorbing the energy of the sun in the spiritual world has also been improved thousands of times.

"Hua Hua" swayed and dissipated the spiritual power that was constantly absorbed, creating a large independent small world under the canopy.

Although it covered the entire city, when Aiwen raised his head, he could feel the warm golden sunlight that seemed to come from the material world, which made the soul feel extraordinarily intimate and comfortable.

At the same time, under the huge green dome-like canopy, countless small grasses and shrubs also began to spread rapidly, adding a bit of vitality to this desolate city.

At this time, this beacon anchorage really belongs to me, and it becomes the most solid bridgehead for my spiritual world exploration!

And Aiwen knew that the larger the coverage of this unique space, the stronger his control over the city.

In the end, it was even possible to completely separate this space from the spirit world, forming a small world of its own!

It is also one of the prerequisites for realizing the embodiment of the fourth-order truth.

For Aiwen, this goal has a long way to go!

Thanks for the thousand rewards from book friend Fengqiao's Last Dream! Thank you book friends for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!

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