Fairy Tale

Happy New Year (asking for leave + random thoughts)

Just like the title, hahaha, today is New Year's Eve. I am cleaning at home, posting Spring Festival couplets, and taking care of my baby. I only coded 300 characters...

First of all, I would like to wish everyone a happy new year, good luck and prosperity.

Each of a certain Mian's book friends are suddenly rich, each one is good-looking and rich, each one is very lucky, each one is happy every day, all their wishes come true, everything goes well, they are in good health, and their families are happy...

Bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, Vine Immortal Notes is almost one and a half years old. During this period, Mou Mian has gained many book friends, and has also received great help from several authors whom I admire and like very much, as well as the operation officer.

In everyone's company, Mou Mian benefited a lot.

I have to say sorry to everyone here. There are some aspects of the plot in the book that are not done well, such as "the plot is long-winded and the psychological activities are too detailed". As the plot progresses, I have learned from experience and gradually strive to do the best. Make improvements.

"Teng Xian Ji" is the author's first book with more than one million words. Because the book is relatively long, the plot control may not be in place in the early stage. Thank you all book friends for your tolerance of "Teng Xian Ji" and "Mou Mian".

No matter good or bad book reviews, suggestions, every monthly ticket, recommendation vote, everything about Teng Xian Ji, I have seen it and cherished it. Moumian was happy with the praise, and humbly accepted suggestions and opinions.

Finally, thank you all dear friends again, thank you for being willing to tolerate the immaturity, unhappiness, or things that sometimes don’t do the job well. Thank you all for accompanying me all the way!

Love you guys!

(PS: I write very fast when I think about it... I delay in typing... Thank you dear friends for watching until the end, putting the lid on the pot and running away!)

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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